Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2001 Mazda Protege

Monday evening-
After work we headed out to Centerville to York Automotive and bought our beautiful car! Woot Woot! After purchasing our car we headed to In & Out for some dinner. Afterwards we drove out to Tooele and dropped of Thomas (Honda, Civic) to my parents. =[ I miss that car already, he was really a good car even when I got in a few accidents with him. He will be missed! We did a load of laundry and I went through baby clothes and sorted out the newborn or 0-3 months for the first few weeks and then have a pile of the next month section ready as well. There is only so much organizing I can do in the baby room until I get more things and get my shelves moved over. But it really isn’t a big rush. Then around 9 we headed home but quickly stopped off at Macey’s to get a strawberry air freshener for the car =]
Then when home I folded the clothes and put them away before getting ready for bed.

This morning I woke up and called a number for a pediatrician but it was technically the wrong number so I called another one. This time they had moved and didn’t have that pediatrician but I asked who do you have now Dr. Powell, the lady seemed really nice and was very helpful and so I decided that’s the pediatrician office and area I will be going to. =] Then after that I called to pre-register at the hospital over the phone. They ask some interesting questions and I hope I answered them right. She had me listed as single, which was weird but don’t worry we got it all sorted out. She said she would call another day to tell me an approximate of how much our hospital bill will be. That is out of the way, so then I organized the inside of the car a little bit and then took it to a car wash =] Pretty!
Then I got to work and realized the toilets had just been fixed 5 minutes before I got there. What perfect timing for a pregnant lady =]
Nothing too exciting here at work so just keeping busy. After work I plan to go home quick for dinner and then go to Channelle’s if all stays as planned lol

Nothing really new


4 days until the Tooele baby shower
14 days until Demi’s Album comes out
24 days until my last day at work
32 days until Isaac’s due date!

Monday, April 29, 2013

35 Weeks- Honeydew Melon

This is my 400th post =]

Friday evening-
It was a stressful afternoon but we finally got things agreed on. While I was locking the doors at work I smashed my thumb in the metal doors. Ouch! That moment when your body goes stiff because you weren’t expecting that pain. I have a few little red dots (broken blood vessels) but it didn’t hurt for very long and no bruises so I think I will be able to keep my nail! Score!
Then I went home and we loaded up the car with boxes and laundry and headed out to Tooele. There we looked at a car for sale but for the price it wasn’t worth the things you needed to get fixed. Then we went to the Elder’s Quorum activity out there “Minute to win it”, it was pretty fun! We won one of the games so that was cool! Then we grabbed a few things and headed back to Salt Lake for the night.

Week 35 of the pregnancy! We got up and got ready and headed out to the Front Runner. We took it to Ogden Station and took Caidan’s Bridal pictures, we were limited on time but I got some pretty good ones. I’m very thankful they have asked me to take so many pictures for them, it gives me practice! It was a hot day and Spencer got pretty sun burnt, I should have remembered sun screen (my bad!). Then we took the Front Runner back to our car and drove to Centerville to meet up with my dad to look at a few cars at York Automotive. They had a pretty nice selection in our price range; this was the first time I’ve ever been for a test drive in a car. I’m very grateful for my dad & brothers help in our process of finding a newer car. After that we headed to First Class Cars in Salt Lake and test drove a few cars there as well. We narrowed it down to a Mazda from York or a Honda from First Class Cars. After some thinking we decided on the Mazda and I’m super excited!! Then we stayed inside and watched some AFV and had a relaxing evening indoors from our busy sun filled adventure.

Another beautiful day outside, we’ve been having a nicer bird tweeting lately. It’s more musical and I’m defiantly okay with that type of bird. Our sacrament is kind of interesting, that lady that is a LOUD singer spoke and sang today. It wasn’t bad but just interesting. The opening hymn, not sure which one it was at one moment we all sounded like angels singing it together and it was just beautiful it almost made me cry. In nursery we had 6-7 kids but they were all pretty darn good today. It is starting to physically tire me out being there though. I do enjoy it but I’m ready to depart from that calling for a little while. I just have no energy to pay attention to them as much as I did earlier. But like I said they were good today so it wasn’t as bad as usual. Then we came home and I tided up the house a little and did the dishes. Then we watched some AFV videos and played Rumikub outside since it was such a beautiful day out. Then we took a short walk and came home and ate some yummy ice cream.

This morning I woke up and got ready earlier than normal. I am wearing Capri’s since it’s going to be another hot day today, thankfully they fit me still (just barely). Then I went and got my first cashier’s check from the bank because BAM we are getting a new (to us) car!!! 2001 Mazda Protégé LX in a gold color. Then I got a few things organized and headed off for another day at work. Not too bad of a day, just going to be a hot one.
After work I’m going to pick up Spencer and we are going to Centerville to get our car from York Automotive! Then we will get some In and Out for dinner and head to Tooele to give my parents our old car for parts. (Sorry Thomas, you’ve been a great car for me though!) Then we plan on doing some laundry there and organizing a few baby things, it will be a late night but it will be getting things done that we need finished.

Week 35- Isaac is the size of a Honeydew melon! Next week will be the start of Month 9, kind of crazy! He has the hiccups A LOT, which some people find cool but they drive me nuts because I can’t make them stop. I know they aren’t hurting him, they are cute for the first few times but he gets them so much (which isn’t a bad thing) that it gets slightly annoying. That’s just my opinion. Other than that he goes a little crazy sometimes, and REALLY still loves my right side. I am still 136 lbs but now about 40 ½ inches around. I wake up STARVING at around 3, 6, and 8 in the morning and I’m just tired of trying to find things to eat at such an early time. I usually go for fruit snacks, jell-o, apple sauce, or yogurt but they don’t always keep me full for long but I’m not going to make a big meal for myself that early in the morning. 

here is what the car looks like, but this isn't ours


5 days until the Tooele baby shower
15 days until Demi’s Album comes out
25 days until my last day at work
33 days until Isaac’s due date!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Last minute

Thursday evening-
I finally passed level 65 on candy crush, now stuck on level 70. After work we rented the movie “parental guidance” from Redbox. It wasn’t too bad; some parts were weird and really didn’t need to be in a PG movie. It was a fairly good storyline though of how different parenting skills are from one generation to another. We had McDonald’s for dinner. Then I did the dishes (I’ve been keeping up with them fairly well lately). Then we really didn’t do much at all. I thought we were going to box up some more things but we didn’t which I was fine with because my body is just starting to get more sore and tired faster. 

I woke up this morning and put a rice pack on my calf, it is still super sore from the Charlie horse I got, ouch. Then I got a few things ready and headed off to work. It’s going to be another pretty boring day and I’m really not excited to be at work but it is Friday.
Saturday we will be taking the Frontrunner to Ogden Station to take Caidan’s Bridals and some couple photos.
Sunday I have the lesson in nursery and we just have church nothing too crazy.
I defiantly put myself in a not so great position while pregnant. By that I mean putting so many things to the last minute. 1. deciding to move to my parents right after we have them which means we pretty much have to have things packed and moved there before the end of May (most of the things anyways but not all) 2. the whole car situation which wasn’t really put to the last minute but it defiantly isn’t moving as fast as I had thought it might
Nothing really extreme but sometimes like today it sure doesn’t help me feel calm and relaxed. I’m not stressing that much or over doing it but I’m the type of person that likes to get things done right away and be done with it but in these situations I can’t do that so I’m constantly worrying about it. Now once all is said and done we will defiantly have relaxing time or just time in general to be with Isaac right away but the before hand isn’t so calming and relaxing. It really isn’t anything extreme but there things I would rather be done with right now or have an actual date I will know they will be done on. I’m pregnant so things are just a little more heighten in emotions on occasion.
Off topic and random I have a friend who’s mother is in hospital with some fairly serious issues. And I got to thinking how terrible I am at comforting people in this situation to where someone could pass away or has passed away. The best I can really say to someone is I am sorry and I hope they get better or it get’s better for you. Now it’s not that I don’t have a heart. I’ve only really known 3 people that have past away that I was fairly close to. My Aunt Renee (sp?) and she passed away in an accident a little while after we had moved to Utah. I think I cried because I knew that’s what you did when someone passed and she was one of my favorite Aunt’s but we didn’t see her all the time and we were far away so I don’t think it ever really hit me that she was gone. Also in general with the gospel I knew she was in a better place and was being taken care of. Then the next death was an old boyfriend who was 19 or 20 I believe. Now that one I had a hard time with because I had JUST seen him a week before, we were close in age and he was finally getting on the right path in life and then he was suddenly gone and I would never run into him again. But I was only upset for maybe 3 days, I had a dream weirdly enough that helped me know he was okay and where he needed to be in life. Then the next one was my Grandpa, we had seen him a month or two before he passed away. That might have helped a little bit but I also knew his time was coming up and that he had lived a long life and it was time for him to be somewhere where he wouldn’t be in pain or have trouble with anything. I’ve never cried at his passing and like I’ve said before I think because I don’t see him very much or talk to him much for one and I know he is in a better place.
So when people deal with a death I feel bad and I know I will be a wreck when my parents or siblings or my own little family pass away or are really sick but I haven’t had to really experience it yet so for everyone dealing with it I can offer an I’m sorry and a hug if they need it.
I know that was WAY off subject but she texted me this morning and I got to thinking how I haven’t said much because I really don’t know what to say and I feel terrible about it. But I offer what I can for what I’ve experienced.

Getting the antsy/anxious feeling again, I don’t like it. I’m ready for it to be over not because I’m uncomfortable or anything but just because I’m ready for it to all be done with. It can be a lot of work being pregnant even if you don’t get too many symptoms.


8 days until the Tooele baby shower
18 days until Demi’s Album comes out
28 days until my last day at work
36 days until Isaac’s due date!

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Wednesday evening-
After work I headed home and did some dishes and made some dinner. Then we took a walk to Smith’s. That really isn’t too bad of a walk, it’s kind of funny now that I’m 8 months pregnant and a few months before we now take a walk like that a few times a week and I don’t mind. I think it’s cuz it makes me get up and stand so then my rib area doesn’t hurt as much. But if I was home I’d sit down and deal with it as best I could instead of standing. We got a few groceries and headed back home. Once at home we watched Dinotopia (part 1) and ate some yummy ice cream. Then I just played a few games before heading to bed.

I woke up this morning and did a few things on my phone before getting ready for the day. I’m so ready to get a break from work. It’s becoming more irritating lately than usual and I’d rather stay home before baby but oh well 21 days (not counting the weekends) left until I get a work break anyways. Sigh
I got to work and it’s not too bad of a day but MAN people are really irritating on the phone today. Oh well can you just find him or someone I can talk to. I can do this or this but that’s the best I can do for you I am not physic I don’t know where they are and they aren’t going to do what I tell them to. Oh well I need to talk to a live person because I need to get this done now so I will go somewhere else. Okay but if you just wait like 2 minutes I’m sure you will get a call back, and we are willing to help you if you don’t wait to the last minute to do something. (That’s just stupid on your part so don’t get mad at me you are the one that called at lunch time) I’m sorry and not sorry we just lost your business. I’ve been getting so many calls like that and I’m like unless your dying I’m sure you can wait like an hour or so tops until they can call you back, it’s just a court.
Maybe this is all from my hormones going crazy who knows but I’m sorry if I’m not the best employee at the moment.
Anyways besides that after work today maybe boxing up some more things in the house and cleaning up a little bit. I’m so ready for everything to be settled and done. 1. Having a newer car like we planned (we plan on calling him today since he didn’t email back yesterday) 2. Getting everything packed up and moved out and into my parents house 3. Finishing up at work for my maternity leave 4. Having the baby 5. Moving out to Tooele
Most of all of these things are up in the air and we don’t know when it will happen but such is life and I just know it’s all getting closer.

Charlie horse in my leg at 5am, ouch! My back hurts a little but I’m pretty sure that’s mostly because I’ve been packing and doing more things then I usually do.


9 days until the Tooele baby shower
19 days until Demi’s Album comes out
29 days until my last day at work
37 days until Isaac’s due date!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Tuesday evening-
I got off work around 1:30 and decided to surprise Spencer at work and bring him his favorite snack and drink. I ended up missing him so I just left it at the front desk for him. Then I got a text from Channelle saying she broke her foot at work so could we reschedule again. Haha it’s like we weren’t meant to get together lately. She is doing okay but they can’t put a cast on it so hopefully it will heal okay.
I went home and did a few things then took a nap; it was 2 hours long which wasn’t my plan. Then I packed more into my hospital bag and did a few random things. I looked up some pediatricians I might like. Then Spencer and I boxed up maybe 6 boxes of more of our things. Then we watched some AFV and didn’t do much else. I was up until about midnight looking around on cars and picking out a few I thought were good deals to look into. Crossing our fingers

I slept alright but for a few hours I kind of tossed and turned. I got up and got ready for my dentist appointment. I was excited to go see my favorite Hygienist but she wasn’t there today =[ The other girls are nice too but I was looking forward to saying hi. I did find out she is expecting twins so she will at home taking some time off in these early stages. I’m super excited for her because I know she will be a great mom.
So they always ask me if my gums or anything hurt and I said no not really but then they poke and prod at them to clean them and THEN they hurt. Ouch! I was clenching my fists cuz I just wanted to be like just STOP but I know it’s better for them to clean them like that even if it hurts so I got it over with. My teeth always feel nicer afterwards that I don’t want to eat ANYTHING or it will ruin it.
I also heard that people that move still travel to this dentist. They have one that comes from St.George, a few from Tooele and one guy lives in North Carolina and flies out once a year just to come to the dentist. Lol
One great thing about this dentistry is they are really nice people, and they don’t do big procedures unless they have to. If there is a little cavity they aren’t going to give you a filling just because there is this little thing. He is just really nice about that and some people if there is one little thing they will give you a huge filling and charge you lots.
My jaw was a little sore because I’m not used to keeping it open that long but that’s okay.
Then I came home and got ready for work, another not exciting day.
We did find a car on KSL that we are looking into, now just waiting to see if the guy will email us back. I really hope so because it would be a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders if we could get a newer car before the end of April and get it all ready for baby. I’m praying and crossing my fingers he will email us back and we will go see it and like it.
At work I just plan to prepare the nursery lesson for Sunday and keep myself busy.
After work maybe clean up the house a little bit.

I will do one of these little survey things again
How far along? 34 weeks. 
Total weight gain: 18 
Maternity clothes? I have one pair of pants and a few shirts.
Stretch marks? Still none so far
Sleep: It isn’t too bad it’s hard sometimes because it takes effort to roll over to my other side when I want to change positions
Best moment this week: Nothing really happened this week pregnancy wise, but on other notes seeing my nephew Cache
Miss Anything? I miss lying on my stomach
Movement: yeah, like someone is brushing up against the inside of your skin.
Food cravings: I kind of craved chips on my subway sandwich but I don’t really crave much of anything
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope 
Labor Signs: not yet
Symptoms: I feel a little more sore and sluggish but nothing extreme 
Belly Button in or out? In but slowly stretching out
Wedding rings on or off? On and still loose. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Lately I’ve been kind of moody but have happy moments too
Looking forward to: Getting a newer car hopefully soon and of course Isaac’s arrival which is quickly approaching


10 days until the Tooele baby shower
20 days until Demi’s Album comes out
30 days until my last day at work
38 days until Isaac’s due date!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Monday evening-
After work I headed home and did the dishes. Then we had some dinner and watched a general conference talk while playing Sorry. We then decided to walk down to 7 eleven only it was cold out so instead of a slurpee we went to Village Inn for a piece of pie. I was going to go with a lemon pie but then decided to try their new red velvet. It was okay but I really should have gone with the lemon one, oh well. Then we headed home in the wind. When we got home I went through ALL my clothes and gave away some, and sorted out winter/summer and pregnancy clothes. I have a lot of clothes haha but a girl needs a variety of shirts so she doesn’t feel like she is wearing the same thing all the time. But I packed up a HUGE suitcase of clothes I pretty much can’t wear until after I have Isaac and then reorganized the clothes I can still wear for the next month or two.
It was one thing I could check off my list of things to do. Then we headed to bed.

That bird tweets at 7am every morning, for heavens sake could you just be quiet! I switched shifts with Heather today. Well technically I’m here until 1 or 2:30pm whenever she can get here. I’m hoping for 1 but I can do either. I just hope I have enough snacks/food to last me that long. So here I am in the early morning….sigh. I don’t mind because it goes by fairly fast but I’m bored.
After work I plan on going to Bountiful and Channelle and I will finally start sewing my hospital gown! I’m pretty excited I just hope it isn’t too hard to make. Then whenever we take a break or finish (depending on how long that takes) I will head home and maybe pack up a few more things we don’t need.

Not too much to report


11 days until the Tooele baby shower
21 days until Demi’s Album comes out
31 days until my last day at work
39 days until Isaac’s due date!

Monday, April 22, 2013

34 Weeks- Cantaloupe

Friday evening-
At work someone came up to me and said is the blue car with the dent in the side of it yours? And I said yeah. He goes you have a flat tire. UGH! That makes 3 in the past 2 years or so. I’m glad he told me and thankfully I have great guys here at work and one of them went out and put the donut on it for me so I could get home. So I didn’t end up going to Channelle’s =[ because I wasn’t going to drive to bountiful with a donut on my car. So when I got home we decided to order Pizza Hut and then walked to Smith’s to get a Redbox and a few small groceries that were needed. Spencer played with Isaac for a little bit but for the most part a fairly decent evening.

Week 34. It was raining on and off pretty much all day but that was fine because we do need the moisture. We went to the church around 9 to help clean. I finally saw the cool safe we have in the basement of the church (picture below). Our building really is pretty cool even though it is also kind of weird looking. I then took the car to Big O Tires and read some magazines while they fixed the tire. It had a LONG nail inside of it. The sad thing is you can’t avoid nails because they hide so well. Afterwards we loaded up the car and headed to Tooele to unload some boxes. My mom bought a few little outfits for Isaac and a cute mobile and mattress set that she found from a friend. =]
Then we just hung out and talked for a little bit and did one small load. Then Jon & Mallorie were coming down to get a car and weren’t going to have Cache but ended up they did bring him. My parents couldn’t meet up with them but we didn’t have any plans so we decided to instead. Before we left Brother Oliekan surprised us all by stopping by. What a great guy and a nice family, we sure have missed them. So we stopped and chatted for a little while. Then we headed to Ikea to meet up with Jon, Mallorie, and Cache. When we saw them Cache came and I picked him up and he gave me a BIG hug, it was the best hug ever! This was the first time Spencer got to see Ikea. He said it was nice but not at all what he had expected. He said it wasn’t as cool as people made it out to be which I can totally understand that. But we had some fun and saw a few things then got some food. He gets bigger every time we see him! Then after Ikea we headed over to The Aquarium. Cache LOVED the Otters and had fun for the most part. I always like seeing the jelly fish, they can kill you but they are just so beautiful and delicate. Then to make Cache stop crying when we were leaving Spencer took him and ran around the parking lot scaring a seagull, it worked!
Then we said our goodbyes and headed back home. We looked up a few cars on KSL to get a few more ideas on what might be out there for us to purchase. Then Laura who took my maternity pictures finally shared the final pictures with me =] So I will post a few of my favorites down below =]

This morning we woke up and heard that bird that won’t stop TWEETING, it’s so annoying! We then headed out to church and were late so we sat up in the balcony for the first time. It was hot up there and I really didn’t like it too much. In nursery there were 7 kids and 4 leaders, not too bad of a day. We got a new nursery teacher so now we are back to 5 of us when our leader is there. =] She is really nice and the kids seemed to like her for the most part. Nothing too crazy, had a few little crying moments but all was well. I lifted a few too many kids I think today so I over did it a little bit but other than that I’m fine. At home I took a short nap after lunch. Then we decided to play 5 different games and whoever lost had to do the dishes. It was a VERY close game, I lost but I didn’t mind having to do the dishes. Spencer cleaned up the living room a bit while I did the dishes. I made a yummy mint oreo shake! Then we watched Remember Sunday (Hallmark movie) on TV. It was a pretty cute movie, the ending wasn’t THEE best but it was fairly decent and a cute storyline.
I’m stuck on level 65 on Candy Crush… ah!

This morning I woke up to that lame bird tweeting again, gr!!! I watched a Jessie episode and did a few things on the computer quickly. Then I got ready for the day and actually did something with my hair for once. I headed to work and nothing exciting happening as usual so I will just try and keep myself busy. I got a bagel though! I love when they have leftovers at work I actually like eating.
After work we will do some dishes and probably watch a General Conference talk for FHE, maybe even box up a few more random items we don’t need.
On a random note since I don’t take my prenatal vitamins but I take these other vitamins instead, Spencer said well if you aren’t going to eat them then I will. And technically he can eat them but I just find it funny, oh yeah my husbands taking prenatal vitamins. lol

Week 34- Isaac is the size of a cantaloupe. I’m up to 136 lbs and still 40 inches around. Let’s see he moves on and off and still REALLY favors my right side. I don’t mind I just find it kind of funny. I did find out that I do have the linea nigra line on my belly. I’m not sure how long I’ve had it but it’s under my belly button so I could never see it myself but Spencer said yeah you’ve had that for awhile. Well man I had no idea! It’s not super dark and it’s a little crooked but it’s there. I got a really bad Charlie horse in my foot Sunday and it’s slowly getting harder to sleep but not too bad, just hard to roll over to the other side with a big belly in the way. And I get acid reflex depending on what I eat but it’s not too bad. One trigger is Pizza Hut (no matter what time I eat it the acid comes in the middle of the night) darn it.
So some repetitive things really annoy me. 1. This bird outside our window that is ALWAYS tweeting the same tune 2. A co worker as their phone on vibrate and it’s constantly vibrating EVERY time they get a text or something and it’s pretty often.

Cache with Uncle Spencer

The pictures are kind of blurry but here is the safe

The first one opens with no combo but the second one you need a key for


12 days until the Tooele baby shower
22 days until Demi’s Album comes out
32 days until my last day at work
40 days until Isaac’s due date!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Work frustrations

Thursday evening-
There was some kind of upsetting stuff that happened at work. Since I don’t know who reads my blog I better than say here. If you are curious your more than welcome to message me about it. But basically it just reminded me how much I love my boss and dislike a certain other person. And being pregnant I shouldn’t be put in this lame situation. So I was upset and once I got home I just decided to do the dishes, clean the floors, vacuum the carpet, put away clothes and other cleaning type things. Just so frustrating!
Then we watched a few shows and he left for a short meeting. Then we did some of our scripts to practice for Hypnobirthing. Then we ate and went to bed.

This morning I woke up a little later than usual and took my time getting ready. I had a friend who was supposed to get married last night but he canceled on her. What a sad thing but better than happening after they got married I guess. Today a plumber is coming to fix our toilet leak so that will be nice. I then headed to work and we are sticking labels on blocks so I’m going to try not to get any slivers. And then hope I have a good day today as long as I don’t have to see certain people.
Tonight I’m going to Channelle’s and we are going to work on making my labor gown I’m excited!
Saturday we are cleaning the church and possibly going to Tooele to drop off a few more packed boxes we have.
Sunday will be a hectic day in nursery….

He just moves on and off, and I’m always hungry. Go figure.


15 days until the Tooele baby shower
25 days until Demi’s Album comes out
35 days until my last day at work
43 days until Isaac’s due date!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Birth Plan

Wednesday evening-
After work I got home and waited for Spencer to get home. We got all our laundry put in the car and headed over to Subway. It sounded good to put chips on my sandwich so I did, and it tasted pretty good. Then we headed over to Andrew’s and we watched The Hobbit while doing laundry. Not a bad movie, LONG as always, and some weird creepy animals but it actually had some humor and was pretty decent. Andrew fell asleep so we finished up our laundry and headed home.

I got up this morning and got ready for my day. Then headed over to my OBGYN appointment. I got in right away. My uterus is measuring 33 and his heartbeat is 150 like usual. I asked him this time about the pain on my right side. He said that it might be my gallbladder but they usually don’t do anything until it continues to hurt after you have your baby. And if it does then they will do an ultrasound and maybe surgery if there are gallstones. I really don’t think I have gallstones but if so then oh well.
Then since he had time today we talked over my Birth Plan. Now for those of you who are reading this YES I know your birth plan doesn’t always go how you want it to be but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t make one or try to have the birth I want. I know there are other options if my plan doesn’t work for me.
So I’m just going to say a few things about certain things he said about my plan.
I expressed how because I’m doing Hypnobirthing I will not be pushing or as some call (purple pushing) my baby out I will be breathing the baby down and or open glottis however you may know it. And he said you’re going to want to push and bare down to get the baby out but if you want to try it that’s fine. Now with the research I’ve done on the uterus breathing down the baby makes a heck of a lot more sense then pushing the baby out. Now I do understand he has been doing this over 30 years but that doesn’t mean your way is the only way or the only right way to give birth. I told him how I’ve know people that have done it and it worked and he goes so they think it did. Okay well if I had known you wouldn’t have been more supportive I would have changed doctors. Now he is a great doctor and I don’t mind but he basically was not encouraging about the situation. He could have said something like you want to try that way okay I’m all for seeing something new and different.
But in a way now I’m like well I will show you its possible (sticking my tongue out!) Doing it that was it’s nicer on your body. If any of you don’t agree that’s fine but keep that to yourself.
Then I said how I didn’t want forceps or anything like that and he goes well their not harmful to the baby and I’ve done tons of them and all the babies are fine. He did say that they don’t do it unless they need to but either way I said I didn’t want it done weather you think its fine for the baby or not. I know people that that’s how their baby came out and I’m not against it but if I don’t have to have it happen then I don’t want it.
Every birth is different so just because someone’s was one way doesn’t mean that’s how my birth will be. But like I said I know it doesn’t always go as planned.
For instance I don’t want an IV but he said that they now make you but you can have a saline lock IV which means it’s not hooked up but it’s in you ready to go if something does happen they can hook you up. So fine I guess if I don’t have a say in that then oh well but the saline lock is better than having to be strapped down and hooked up to something if I don’t need to be.
Also I asked if I will be getting another ultrasound and he said no. He said unless there is something wrong they usual don’t but he said they could do it for fun and he wouldn’t charge me. But his machine isn’t that great anyways so I told him it was fine we don’t have to do one. I was looking forward to another one though, oh well. Next appointment is to check for Strep B thing, I SO hope I don’t have it but if I do oh well there wasn’t anything I could have done not to get it. (So they say)
Now I’m at work and just bored once again. (26 days left at work if I don’t count the weekends), so close!

Everything is going good so far, I’m ready for him to be here now. Not that I’m uncomfortable or anything but I’m done waiting and just want to be home with him.


16 days until the Tooele baby shower
26 days until Demi’s Album comes out
36 days until my last day at work
44 days until Isaac’s due date!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oreo Milkshakes

Tuesday evening-
After work I made some waffles for dinner, not the best because they weren’t homemade. We then watched some of our TV shows for a little bit. I’m not crazy enough on like level 60 or so in Candy Crush. Spencer cleaned the shower and then we just kind of hung out for the evening. We made another Oreo milkshake of course while we watched AFV.

This morning I got up and finished watched a movie I started last night. Then I got ready for the day and came to work a little earlier so Heather could get some things she needed for the day. At work we got a donut which is always awesome =]
Now just going to kind of try and keep myself busy. Dianne & Vance will stop by to get his shoes so I will talk to them for a little bit before they head to California.
Tonight we will go to Andrew’s to do some laundry. Tomorrow I have another OBGYN appointment and the appointment after that is when they will test me for Strep B and hopefully I will also get an ultrasound too to see how he is measuring and his position.
We are half way through the week again. Oh and I don't know if i've ever mentioned this but Debby Ryan will be releasing her own album finally! I believe sometime this Summer but no specific date, i'm pretty excited because she is a great singer, just not sure what her style will be like yet.



17 days until the Tooele baby shower
27 days until Demi’s Album comes out
37 days until my last day at work
45 days until Isaac’s due date!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

People will find a way

Monday evening-
I picked up Spencer from work and then we walked to Smith’s to get a few small groceries. When we got home we had little sausages and mashed potatoes for dinner. Then we watched some Jeopardy. Next we played Phase 10 while we watched a General Conference talk. Next we made yummy Oreo shakes and watched AFV and thanks to THIS video, I laughed hysterically http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCcYfRrtPrI
And I laughed harder because it reminded me of someone.
Okay now I had a thought yesterday morning that I forgot to express so I will put it here. Now this is just my opinion, if you don’t agree with me that’s fine but I’m not going to argue with anyone over it because there is no point.
I got to thinking about how people want to take away guns to protect us more from situations that occur like shootings at schools for instance. If you think about it though if you take them away if people are mad enough and want revenge or whatever their reason is for hurting people they will find a way to either make their own gun or find one somewhere. Now when things happen like shootings its normal for us to say okay what can we do better to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Which is great we should ask that but also know that there are people out there that will be mad enough or angry enough to get around a rule or a law to destroy whatever it is that made them angry. It’s sad but true, taking away guns really isn’t going to solve the issue. Just an example is marijuana is illegal and no one sells bombs but people still find a way to get marijuana and make their own bombs.
I am very sad with Boston and wish all those injured a full recovery. I just got to thinking that as long as I’m doing what I’m supposed to in life and doing what’s right then I know that I will be okay. If for some reason I ended up in the wrong place where there was a bombing or shooting then that’s just how it was supposed to happen because we can’t control everyone. I would be sad and hurt but things happen for a reason and as long as I did the things I needed to in life then I can live with whatever is given to me.
This all probably makes more sense in my head then how I wrote it but felt like expressing my thoughts. So I laugh about things and I don’t dwell on things I can’t control (to a point). All I can do for Boston is pray for them but I’m not going to dwell on all the bad things that have happened in this world because I can’t really do a whole bunch about it.

This morning I woke up and FINALLY passed level 50 on Candy Crush, took me long enough. Now the game will slowly not be as fun because they’ve added chocolate and it’s not very nice chocolate. I watched some Rachael Ray while I was getting ready. There were some snow flurries but not too much and probably won’t last long. The weather just can’t make up its mind lately lol
Not too much going on at work, I’m finally going to catch up on OUR blog nothing fancy but do a little catch up. Then after work I will go home and maybe we will pack up some more things this evening and maybe I will add more to my hospital bag.

Just taking everything day by day


18 days until the Tooele baby shower
28 days until Demi’s Album comes out
38 days until my last day at work
46 days until Isaac’s due date!

Monday, April 15, 2013

33 Weeks- Pineapple

Thursday evening-
I came home to a fixed toilet! But we did realize it now leaks so a bowl is catching the water until someone comes to refix that. I then cleaned up the house and took out the trash. I def. do not have the nesting feeling a pregnant women should have by this point. I got to watch Ellen and then headed to my friend Katie’s house to see cute little Liam who isn’t very little anymore and get some baby clothes and maternity clothes from her to borrow. Thanks so much for that! After awhile hanging out there I headed home and hung out with Spencer. We then went to Kohls & TJMaxx and got 2 cute little newborn outfits for Isaac! Then we headed home and possibly played a game or watched AFV I’m not sure.

We slept in and then got up and headed over to get a donut for breakfast =]
Then on our way back we started to pack up a few boxes of things to put in storage and just take some things down. We have about 6 or 7 boxes packed up and ready to go. We will probably just keep them in our back room until we move since the storage unit is filled with Jessica’s things for now. Then we ran out of tape and needed some BIG garbage bags. So we walked over to Smith’s to get some of those needed items. Then we came back and took a break from packing. I’ve been stuck on a level in the Candy Crush game and have been playing that a lot to try to beat it. And we’ve watched some AFV episodes, funny stuff! I don’t remember if we did anything else so for now that’s what I’m saying we did on Friday.

Start of Week 33 in pregnancy. We woke up late and headed over to Jessica’s to help her pack things into a U-Haul and clean up her place. Thankfully there were a lot of men from her ward that came to help. Once it was loaded up Spencer and my dad went to Tooele to unload it all into the storage unit. Use girls stayed at the house and cleaned the windows, the walls, and vacuumed. I didn’t have a hard time helping, I took a break here and there but later in the evening I felt a little sore. The guys took longer than was planned because they noticed a lady at the storage unit trying to move heavy things all by herself so wonderful men that they are stopped to help her at least with the heavy items. Then they got to unloading Jessica’s things. J and I walked to McDonalds and met up with my mom and Jessica. He got to play on the playground and get all his energy out. Then when the guys got home Spencer and I headed home for a little while. I took a short nap on the floor and a little later we went to Red Robin for dinner. Then we headed home and then off to The Tanner’s to babysit Evia & Emerson. Evia was pretty good we got her to eat all her dinner, and then she watched some My little Pony before we sent her to bed. Emerson was pretty good; we played with him on the floor and had a pretty good time. He was teething but really didn’t cry much at all for us. Then we put him to bed and he didn’t cry and fell asleep in just a few minutes. Then we just sat and played games on our phones while we waited for them to come back home. Then we headed back home and eventually got ready for bed.

We woke up and got ready for a day back in our ward. It was fast and testimony Sunday, there were some pretty nice testimonies. Then back to nursery…. We had 7 kids and 5 leaders, it wasn’t too bad of a day but in general it can just wear me out. One girl attached to me so if I wasn’t right next to her she would chase after me and start to cry. And she’d want me to hold her on and off a lot which was fine she isn’t that heavy or anything. Then some of the youngest ones were so tired I’m surprised they didn’t fall asleep on us but they weren’t really cranky so that was good. The next two Sunday’s the nursery leader will be gone so there will be us 3 leaders and who knows how many kids. I’m personally not looking forward to it and will probably stick my head into primary to ask for an extra hand because the other leaders might be okay but I won’t be.
Anyways after church we headed home and watched some AFV and ate some lunch. Then took a 30 minute to an hour nap and then helped Spencer do the dishes. He went on a walk and then came back and we were doing our own things on our phones. Later we had pizza and watched more AFV and later played Apples to Apples and some Disney Scene it. Then later we both headed to bed.

This morning I woke up and did a few things on the tablet and my phone. Then got ready and took a package to UPS to get returned. And it’s snowing… interesting. Then at work the phones have been a little funny which is frustrating, yes I’m still counting down the days left! Other than that not too much is going on which isn’t a surprise. After work I plan on picking up Spencer and some packing boxes he got. Then do some more packing probably and an FHE lesson of some kind. I have NOT been good at writing in my journal daily, I got back and catch up 4 days worth but blah that’s hard to do so I need to start doing it daily so its done and out of the way and I don’t forget what I did.

Week 33- Isaac is the size of a Pineapple
I weigh 134 lbs and measure about 40 inches around. So far so good still just my right rib pain/sore and my legs ache a little bit after 6 or so hours of sleep. And of course besides feeling the need to cry over nothing but still haven’t burst into tears out of no where yet. Oh and ever since I posted about him moving TONS in the middle of the night he hasn’t done it since, a little bit here and there but not as bad as last time.


19 days until the Tooele baby shower
29 days until Demi’s Album comes out
39 days until my last day at work
47 days until Isaac’s due date!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pregnant Women Need Their Toilets

Wednesday evening-
After work I came home and made some dinner and relaxed for the evening which isn’t always easy with rib pain but you learn to cope. I watched some TV shows and started some dinner for Spencer, he finished it up. Then we watched AFV which is great because it makes me laugh and sometimes you need a good laugh. We found out Chris, Andrew’s brother is going on a mission to Guatemala so that’s pretty cool. My mom got about 25 9 month old used cloth diapers for a pretty good deal. So I’m up to about 40 all in one cloth diapers and 22 newborn diapers. Score! That is more than I was aiming for and if people still gave me more I wouldn’t mind at all. I’m very nervous and excited about cloth diapering! Then we slowly decided to go to bed.

I woke up early for work and found out the toilet wasn’t working right. =[ Which is no bueno for a pregnant lady. I’m just glad I had the morning shift at work so hopefully our landlord will have it fixed before I get home this afternoon or comes by when I get home. Yes our house is dirty but a pregnant lady needs her toilet fixed first before worrying about anything else. My plan was to clean the house this afternoon anyways but I just don’t have time to clean it before work or before he comes to fix the toilet. It’s just been an interesting semi irritating morning. But I’m at work and glad to get the day started and ended by 12 to go home and fix things.
So after work I will be cleaning and maybe drop off a few things for a friend. Then around 430 I will go over to see Katie this time for sure.
Its Spencer’s last day of school for the semester, yay!! It will be nice to have him back and we will then start looking more seriously for a newer car and packing up the house.
Friday we took off work to go to Idaho, we aren’t going to Idaho anymore BUT we still are keeping the day off work. Hopefully finding some cars we can go look at possibly.
Then celebrate our friend Channelle’s college graduation.
Saturday we will help my sister move a little bit and of course pack lots of stuff at our place and do some major cleaning. (Which I plan to do quite a few after work today)
Sunday we are back to church so I only got 2 Sunday’s in a row of a break from Nursery. I love Nursery but I’ve sure loved my breaks more.

Yesterday there was 2 times where I felt I could just eat and eat something only nothing sounded good enough to eat a lot of. So I just ate my usual things. 


23 days until the Tooele baby shower
33 days until Demi’s Album comes out
43 days until my last day at work
51 days until Isaac’s due date!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Heart Attack Music Video

Tuesday evening-
After work I went home and boxed up some DVD’s and watched some game shows. Later I did the dishes, made the bed, and swept the kitchen floor. Spencer was mainly doing homework so I just kept myself busy with games and TV until bedtime.
Demi Lovato’s music video came out; it’s interesting but kind of cool.

I didn’t sleep fantastic but that’s to be expected. I got up and did a few things and watched some Rachael Ray. We might be finally getting the rest of our cloth diapers soon, these ones are a little used but they still should work great. So hopefully that all works out. Then I got ready and headed to work nothing too special is going on as usual. After work I just plan on packing some more boxes and cleaning up a little here and there.

So last night he was kind of moving crazy. Then I went to bed and around 2 or 3am he was moving like an alien! Pushing out so much that you could feel and probably see it. It felt like a wave of craziness. If I lay on my left side he would move like crazy on my right and even kicked my ribs for the first time. I felt like he was going to push right out of my stomach. It wasn’t as bad if I lay on my right side because he is mostly on the right so I was kind of squishing him. It was really awesome but not in the middle of the night. Other than that my back still isn’t causing me any issues so he must not be that close to my back or I’m just lucky I don’t know. But this rib pain thing is going to drive me NUTS! Next appointment I will for sure have him look at it if he can.


24 days until the Tooele baby shower
34 days until Demi’s Album comes out
44 days until my last day at work
52 days until Isaac’s due date!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Just another day

Monday evening-
After work I drove to Jessica’s to drop off her key and got to see what the Easter Bunny brought J. Then I headed home and watched my game shows. I love when I know the answer and some of the others don’t, makes me feel smart! Then we played Apples to Apples but made up our own rules. Later we watched some more AFV and then slowly headed for bed.

This morning I slept in a little and woke up and played a few games on the tablet. Then I got ready for the day. It’s pretty chilly outside and heard some places got snow…yikes! I am so ready to be done with work but of course I will stay until at least a week before unless something comes up. Not too much happening at work just going to try to keep busy and do something.
After work I am supposed to hang out with Katie but not sure if that’s still the plan. Then once again attempt to box up things at home that we don’t really need.
I keep playing this Candy Crush Facebook game which is fun but now I’m constantly making up moves in my head when I’m trying to go to sleep. Lol
Demi’s music video for Heart Attack comes out tonight! =]

Same old same old


25 days until the Tooele baby shower
35 days until Demi’s Album comes out
45 days until my last day at work
53 days until Isaac’s due date!

Monday, April 8, 2013

32 Weeks- Bok Choy/Large Jicama(Month 8)

Friday evening-
After work I packed up a few things then headed to the movies to see “The Host” with Channelle. Once again crazy parking because we forgot about the Jazz game. Oh well we made it there in time. We got some treats and watched our movie. There were like 3 parts where I almost cried. It was pretty good but I could see how some people might think it’s weird or lame. Then we talked for a little bit. I stopped off at Smith’s to get some more packing tape. Spencer is kind of sick and has allergies, poor guy. So we just kind of chilled on the couch before heading to bed.

Spencer and I got up and he started packing up boxes and the van and I did the dishes. Then we quickly left to Tooele and listened to General Conference on our way there. Then we finished watching at my parent’s house. Then we hung out with Jade, Stephanie, Rick, Jessica, and my parents. Then we girls went to look at some places for Jessica to rent in Tooele while the guys went to the storage unit. Later I got to see the cool electronic park in Tooele; I had lots of fun at it. Then we ate dinner and the girls went shopping at Maurices where I got a pretty cute dress and Downeast Basics where I found my first Peacock shirt! The guys had Priesthood session to go to. Then we ate ice cream and watched some TV.

Didn’t sleep fantastic last night but we woke up in time for breakfast and then the next session of Conference. I do love Conference but I will admit it’s been hard staying awake lately to listen. We snacked and played some little games on and off. I do love President Monson’s stories because they are interesting and his facial expressions are great. After the first session we went to eat some food and pretty much just sat around and talked.
Then we went back downstairs to watch the next session. I did find out an old friend of mine became a dad and he sent me a picture, it melted my heart for a few reasons. One main reason is because soon that will be Spencer with our son and what an amazing moment that will be and I plan to capture that on camera.
Isaac was moving around and would bulge one area so Spencer would poke it and then Isaac would either move to the other side or bulge right back out. It was just kind of funny because Isaac doesn’t usually play like that with me. It was just making me laugh.
A few quotes from Conference I did catch or get from others were:
“Imperfect people is all God has ever had to work with. That must be terribly frustrating, but he deals with it.” –Elder Holland
“Nothing is going to startle us more than when we pass through the veil to the other side when we realize how well we know our Father in Heaven”
“Never apologize for only believing” –Elder Holland
“Pray and seek for strength to change our circumstances rather than pray for our circumstances to be changed” –David A. Bednar
General Conference was pretty good as always. This Conference not much stood out to me which doesn’t mean there wasn’t much for me but we do plan to go back and watch a few talks here and there. We are also getting two more temples.
On a side note I would like to add I’m disappointed in those women that are trying to get the church to let Women have the Priesthood. The Priesthood is for the men and that’s their responsibility, we don’t need that responsibility. I personally wouldn’t want to have the Priesthood, if the Prophet told us we needed to then I would but if I had a choice I wouldn’t chose that responsibility. There are reasons why it’s for men and maybe you need to go back and relearn about the Priesthood.
Also the women prayers were nice but honestly I don’t think it was THAT big of a deal that woman hadn’t given prayers in Conference. They give talks and it’s not like they aren’t allowed to give prayers it just didn’t happen for some reason. I did think the two women that gave prayers gave THEE LONGEST prayers I’ve heard in Conference.  Just my two cents.

I slept fairly decent, just now starting to have to get up a lot to pee but I’ve been able to fall back asleep pretty fast. I woke up around 8 and got ready for the day. I came in to work around 10 since Heather had an appointment at 11. Another rainy day but that’s alright I don’t really mind too much. Just going to keep busy at work, and still counting down the days.
After work I have to drop off keys to Jessica’s place and then I don’t really have many plans. I might pack up some more boxes of things we don’t really need and take to my parent’s house or our storage unit. It’s hard to decide what to keep or put in storage sometimes. Also may clean up the house a little bit in some places.
On a side note I really just LOVE this version of the song “Ho Hey”
These two sisters are AMAZING, and if they ever came out with a CD I’d probably buy it! Their voices are very unique and some songs make tears come to my eyes.

Week 32- Isaac is the size of a Bok Choy/Large Jicama
He is starting to push on me more and more. It doesn’t really hurt but the best way I can describe it is that it’s like someone punching you in the stomach but you don’t have time to brace yourself. Lol I’ve also been starting to feel really thirsty and more tired sooner. They really do kind of suck the life out of you which is fine but it drains you. I’m just grateful I’m able to sleep longer than most people get to and I have a pretty low key job.

Start of 8 Months, crazy!!!


1 day until the heart attack music video comes out
26 days until the Tooele baby shower
36 days until Demi’s Album comes out
46 days until my last day at work
54 days until Isaac’s due date!

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Host

Thursday evening-
After work I came home and did my rainbow relaxation. Then I headed out to pick up Spencer. We went to Costco for a few ideas and ate some food. After that I was exhausted but we still had to go to Wal-Mart for some other food items. Always glad to get more food though. Then we headed to Smith’s super quickly and he finally got a new pair of work shoes. I was just EXHASUTED so after we put the groceries away we just sat on the couch and finished up Pair of Kings. =[ no more new ones because they ended after 3 seasons, now what will I watch. Lol
I played a few games on my tablet and then slowly headed to bed.

Around 2am maybe Spencer said sorry I’m probably keeping you up so I’m going to go sleep on the couch. And I said oh well I’ve been out so I’m not sure what you are doing to maybe be keeping me up (I’m assuming tossing and turning or coughing). He left I fell back asleep and didn’t have trouble going back to sleep after all my potty breaks so maybe he has been keeping me up without me knowing lol
I then got up around 8 and quickly got ready for the day and my mom came over. She dropped off the van so we could pack it up and she took my car. We talked for a little while first. One thing was how there are rules but yet lawyers don’t even seem to follow them. And those that do follow the rules somehow end up getting in trouble for it.
This world makes NO sense sometimes!
Anyways so she left and I went to the bank to deposit a check and headed home to watch some Rachael Ray and make my snacks for work. Thank heavens it’s Friday!
I’m glad for the rain but I’m also glad it has stopped for a little awhile. Not too much happening at work, I will probably just watch a few shows and read a book.
After work I will do dishes or start making a pile of things to move to my parent’s house. Then going to see The Host with Channelle around 7, I’m pretty excited!
Afterwards maybe finish packing up a few things and head to bed.
General Conference is this weekend so we will head out to my parents again. Then back to normal life on Monday.

Not too much new to tell but will do this fun little survey again
How far along? 32 weeks tomorrow 
Total weight gain: 14 lbs 
Maternity clothes? I’ve gotten a few shirts and they are super comfy for the most part and def. fit over my belly better so its compliments it.
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: I sleep fairly well, I do get up to use the bathroom more and occasionally I can’t get back to sleep for 2 hours but no big deal.
Best moment this week:  Probably hearing his heartbeat as a reminder that he is still doing okay in there
Miss Anything? I do miss being able to lay on my stomach
Movement: Just the past 2 days he’s been kind of moving a lot and I think it’s because he had a growth spurt so he didn’t move lots and now he is back to moving.
Food cravings: Nope still haven’t really gotten that, I do eat a lot of fruit but not like I crave it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really, it is always good to keep food in my tummy though
Labor Signs: nope not even Braxton hicks as far as I can tell
Symptoms:  I still have my right rib pain on and off and forgetfulness at times nothing too crazy.
Belly Button in or out? In =]
Wedding rings on or off? On =] and still semi loose
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I’m happy for the most part some things will make me moody but I’m fairly decent to be around I think anyways
Looking forward to: the last ultrasound (which I’m not sure when it will be maybe around 36 week appt), moving everything out of our place and into my parents, and of course for him to finally be here! OH and to finally be done working at my job =]


4 days until the heart attack music video comes out
29 days until the Tooele baby shower
39 days until Demi’s Album comes out
49 days until my last day at work
57 days until Isaac’s due date!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Wednesday evening-
After work I headed home to eat some food and watch some of my game shows. Around 7 I left to meet up with Channelle at JoAnn Fabrics. We got some great material and all we needed to eventually start on my hospital gown. I’m pretty darn excited just hope it turns out well.
Then we sat in the car and talked and talked like us girls do. I told her a little thing that was wrong on her college graduation invites and turns out they will be giving her a full refund…. Your welcome! I have done my friendly duty for the month lol jk
Then it was time to go our separate ways. I was following her for a little while (not sure she knows this) and was reminded how much God watches out for us.
She was going to turn and realized that it was farther up ahead not there and almost hit a cement divider. Being right behind I was thankfully I was watching because I realized the same thing she did like right before and was able to start breaking before we hit. Which wouldn’t of been too bed hitting someone you know. Either way I burned some rubber, I was going the speed limit 40 so it was fast but I wasn’t speeding. There was one moment where I braced myself for impact because I really thought we might just hit each other and then all of a sudden we didn’t. I really think God was watching over us because I just don’t see that it was possible we didn’t hit. I do know if I wasn’t watching her I wouldn’t of put on my brakes soon enough. Like I said I’m not sure she knows I was the one behind her lol but such is life and all is well.
Then I came home and ate food because I was starving! Then just did a few things to pass the time before heading to bed once again.

I woke up and got ready really fast for my OBGYN appointment. It was at 9:45 but I wasn’t fully seen by him until about 10:40… cutting it close again so I just didn’t ask all my questions because they weren’t super important. So my next appointment I scheduled a little earlier just in case. All is looking well again and he seems very happy every time he says everything is looking great. Makes me proud too! Then I hurried and grabbed some food to eat, starving! Then made it to work for another boring day but can’t complain.
After work today we will plan to go do some much needed grocery shopping and then make a pile of what we need to pack into the van to take to my parents that we don’t need in the next two months. It’s going to be a long night I think but it needs to be done and we only have so much time to do it since I will be busy Friday and then we head to Tooele Saturday.
On a side note do you ever wonder if really good friends or people say things to you to make you feel better but they aren’t saying it because it’s what they believe they are just doing it because they know it’s something you want to hear. There is one situation in particular that until recently I never thought about it this way. I will still believe what they said and just secretly hope they believe it too and are saying it just to make me feel better. (I hope I didn’t lose you there lol)

Had my OBGYN appointment today, 150 bpm, he kicked the microphone again no surprise there. And my uterus is measuring about 30 which is within the normal at this moment. They say it should measure around how many weeks you are give or take 1 or 2 numbers. So I will be 32 weeks Saturday so I’m about right.

I think it's a dark enough color that it won't show stains too bad =]


5 days until the heart attack music video comes out
30 days until the Tooele baby shower
40 days until Demi’s Album comes out
50 days until my last day at work
58 days until Isaac’s due date!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Tuesday evening-
After work change of plans, Katie and I will meet next Tuesday. So since I was up I did the dishes, took out the trash, made dinner, vacuumed the floor, made the bed, and tidied up a bit. Spencer got his Missionary suit set in the mail (a cheap way he could get more suits and shirts for work), next is to buy new church shoes. Then I sat down to relax and watch my game shows. When Spencer got home we went to gateway and got my free DQ blizzard, yummy. Then when we got home we really didn’t do too much at all. Then I did my rainbow relaxation before bed.

I didn’t sleep well but I did have quite a hard time falling asleep between 3-5pm but oh well. I got up around 9 though and did a few things and ate some breakfast. Spencer will be done with this semester in about a week and I can’t wait. One reason is because that means we will be looking more seriously into finding a car. =] Then we can finally install our car seat and get that out of the house.
Then I got ready and headed off to work another not exciting day but life goes on.
Later tonight I will be going to JoAnn Fabrics with Channelle to get material and supplies to make my hospital gown. I’m pretty excited about it and hope it turns out how I see it in my head. Then we might just hang out for a little bit and exchange our birthday presents.
My plan is to read the Hypnobirthing book again.

I feel like Isaac kind of sleeps when I sleep for the most part but maybe I’m wrong. Then he has started to push or squish snuggling on my right side side like all the way over so that makes getting out of a car or getting up semi difficult but I guess whatever makes him comfy. I’ve started to kind of get some acidy feelings in my throat but that’s to be expected. We are now entering 50’s numbering, crazy!


6 days until the heart attack music video comes out
31 days until the Tooele baby shower
41 days until Demi’s Album comes out
51 days until my last day at work
59 days until Isaac’s due date!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Last birthing class

Monday evening-
After work I headed home and Spencer came home instead of heading to class. So we both quickly ate some dinner and we got our Disney movie The odd life of timothy green in the mail =]
Then we headed off to our last birthing class, that’s so crazy!! It was a pretty good class and of course made me more excited for my delivery and to see Isaac. I can’t wait for the day to finally be here. It was sad for the class to end but we learned a lot and now we will just keep up our practicing.
I really dislike April fools day so I’m glad when it’s over! We came home and I did the dishes and then we watched Pair of Kings while eating some food and then headed to bed.

This morning I slept in and then finished a few things that I needed to get done. Then got ready quick to head to work. Just another day at work nothing too special. I will read up on a few things and keep busy with some games.
After work I plan on seeing my friend Katie, she has some baby items/clothes and maternity clothes for me to see if I would like. That’s super nice of her =]
Other than that I will then come home and clean up the house a little bit.
And tada my cold is pretty much gone, love it!

I’m up to 132 lbs so far. These past couple days I have thought “I’m ready to have my body back” not that I’ve had it all that bad but I miss being able to lay on my stomach or just do whatever I want. But it will be back fairly soon so I’m not too worried.


7 days until the heart attack music video comes out
32 days until the Tooele baby shower
42 days until Demi’s Album comes out
52 days until my last day at work
60 days until Isaac’s due date!

Monday, April 1, 2013

31 weeks- 4 navel oranges

Thursday evening-
After work we came home and relaxed and watched TV shows & I didn’t mind because I was tired and sick and TV is relaxing. Later we played some Rumikub and ate some popcorn. Other than that it was just like any other day besides that I was a year older.

I had the day off for Good Friday and I loved that! I slept in until about 10 and then hurried and got ready for my photo shoot. I first went on Skype with Suki and we had a nice chat for about 2 hours. Then I went to the bank, filled up the car, and stopped by Acacia’s to chat for a little bit. Later I watched some TV before going to pick up Laura. We went to Memory Grove to do a few maternity pictures before Spencer arrived. It was such a beautiful day and we got a few good pictures from what I could tell, I’m excited to see them. We had a great time and are thankful for Laura’s photo skills. Then Spencer and I headed home and I did the dishes. Then we ate some dinner and watched Pair of Kings. I also made a pile of things to bring to my parents.

31 weeks along, time is passing by so fast. We woke up and loaded up the car with baby things to take out to my parents. We got there around 10:30 and unloaded some things. Eventually we ate lunch, talked about the baby shower and built the crib! It was slightly complicated but we all figured it out. It looks huge but it is beautiful. Then we started up our laundry and washed some more diapers. We did go to Barggin Buddies to see if they had any deals on a car but nothing so far. Then we headed home and relaxed and snacked before heading out again. We went to see The Croods which was funny but not as oh my goodness this is hilarious but I enjoyed it. The Tooele movie theater has changed so much, it’s crazy! Then we headed to Applebee’s for dinner, yummy! Then we had to go to Coldstone of course! We were all fairly stuffed and I think Isaac enjoyed that as always. We arrived home and finished up the laundry and then played Doodle Dice, a fun game!

I did not sleep very well last night. I did for about 2 hours and then I was hungry, hot, and it was so quite (no fan noise). So I ended up finding a fan and sleeping in a different room. But all is well and we got up and ready for church. We went to my parents ward. There were some good speakers and always good to see familiar faces. I kept forgetting it was Easter though, but we had some good Easter talks and lessons.
After church we got some food ready and relaxed for a little while. Then Jessica came by and unpacked a few things. Then we had a yummy Easter dinner, ham and mashed potatoes of course. After that everyone kind of sat down and talked but it was so nice outside that Spencer and I wanted to take a walk instead. So we walked all the way down to the basement house and back. In total we walked about 3.2 miles, wow that explains why I’m sore. But it was a nice walk and we took it slow. Then we came back and eventually played doddle dice again, always a fun game. Then we headed home around 8pm. By the time we got home we were exhausted! I folded all the clothes, shaved my legs, and ate some food before heading to bed. Zonk!

This morning I woke up and arranged a few things in the house and slowly woke up. I’m feeling a lot better sick wise. I still have a little stuffy/runny nose but that isn’t too bad at all. Thank heavens! I believe it was from my remedy right away I took that Tylenol liquid cold medicine, put on a nasal strip, blew my nose a lot, drank water, covered my chest in vicks vapor rub, used a humidifier, and slept 8-10 hours most of the time. I did wake up SORE from all the walking yesterday though.
There is a house we saw yesterday that is a basement house. Basically back in the day some people would make a basement and then plan to add on later as they had money and time, this one never got finished but it’s really cool. We do know they will be selling it sometime in the near future and it’s a lot lower than our price range so we might consider buying it if it’s in good shape and all works out. I think it’s really exciting because we could slowly make it our own over time and add on. But you never know what time will bring so it’s just a thought for now.
Its semi slow at work and a little dark outside (it’s supposed to rain I think) but it’s still fairly warm. At work we aren’t doing a whole bunch really so I’m just catching up on a few things and making a list of what places I need to change our address.
After work we have our LAST birthing class that seems so crazy! Then of course we will practice all our relaxation techniques we’ve learned.
I’m starting to countdown to my last day of work because I am ready to leave. I love my job most days but today people were making me mad on the phone and I’m tired of having to deal with people like that so we start the countdown, 53 more days.

Week 31- Isaac is the size of 4 navel oranges or a bunch of asparagus! What a way to describe him lol He seems to kind of sleep more than he used to and if I eat lots he moves around more than usual. Besides my right rib pain I really still don’t have any issues (knock on wood).

Look at this beautiful crib =]


8 days until the heart attack music video comes out
33 days until the Tooele baby shower
43 days until Demi’s Album comes out
53 days until my last day at work
61 days until Isaac’s due date!