Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Drop Dead Diva

I’ve been watching this show called Drop Dead Diva. In short Deb had a super model body and died but in heaven hit the return button and came back to earth but into Jane’s body, a lawyer. Jane is a bigger girl and didn’t really have a diet or fashion since. Jane had hired Grayson, Debs boyfriend, when Deb had passed away. Jane is Deb and so she wishes she could tell Grayson that she is alive but in reality its just Deb’s soul, she looks nothing like her. She is holding on to the past.

This one episode I watched this morning was about a guy who everyone thought had died in a plane crash 9 years ago but they never found a body. The wife had a son while he was gone and later fell in love with another man and she wanted a divorce from her old husband. During the trial her husband showed up. He wanted to know his son but she had never told their son about his real father. She didn’t want to mess up his “new” family. So eventually the husband realized that he needed to move on in life because it was time to let it all go.

Then I decided to write a blog on moving forward in life. This isn’t going to turn out like my original plan but it’s something to blog about.

When you are becoming a teenager you have to let go of your childish acts. You need to grow up and take hold of who you are becoming to be. Even though holding on to your old self is a lot more comforting you just don’t really have a choice.

The next one is going from High School to College. You have to now rely on yourself and not hope your parents help you all the way. You have to become another person and be more like a grown up. Making bigger decisions and taking things seriously.

Finally the biggest one of all, I think is becoming a wife/husband. You now have to think about two people, not just yourself. You aren’t a single person anymore. I think that is the hardest thing to let go of. Your life has to change. You need to let go of the past. You’re moving on to a different chapter and not everything can come with you. I think this is the best change ever but sometimes is a challenge. You need to work together with your partner for the rest of your life. You need to both be on the same page. You need to care for their feelings and take care of one another. I am glad I made that decision to change and let the past fall away.

You can also include becoming a mother/father. You now have little ones to take care of and teach all things to. You need to protect them and be examples. Now I know I occasionally will think there is no way I could do all that. But once you have that child your world just automatically changes. They rely on you to keep them alive. I know that it’s something I could do because of the partnership I created with my spouse and the things I’ve learned from my parents and siblings. I think it will be the next wonderful change of moving to the next stage of life. Moving on and accepting the change.

The End =]

Let the past go because now is here!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fall happenings

Alright I will man up to not complete my own workout challenge.
When you go on vacation it just kind of falls apart. Then when I returned I never felt good, kind of sick. But my sister has decided to do a September Workout Challenge. Starting tonight I will do a workout 5 days a week, weigh in once a week.
On there we can’t say our actually weight but here I will
Weight: 125
Goal: -8 to -10, mainly to become toned and healthy.

Last night I went and bought a scale because I couldn’t weight myself without one. When I set it to 0 and stepped on it, it read 125…. Impossible! I’ve always been 130-140. But it’s a new scale it can’t be wrong. During the time I wasn’t feeling so good I could only ever eat 1/3 of a meal and I never wanted sweets. That lasted for about two weeks. I was eating healthy and not over eating so that might have helped while I wasn’t working out. When we were in California we did walk a lot and occasionally now we will go shoot hoops or go for a walk.

I’m not sure I’ve talked about this but my face this past year or two has been really bad. I went into a face study but ended up dropping out. They gave me a cream for my face every night. It’s Dual Tropical Gel or something like that. It bleaches things so you have to be careful. It also DRIES out my face but in the past two or so weeks of using it my face seems to be healing quite nicely. =]
In the morning I just use body wash to wash off my face and then put some lotion on it, because like I said my face is DRY but it looks better!!

Those are just a few exciting things that have been happening to me lately. Another one is I’m falling more and more in love with my husband! =] He is just so kind to me, which is good. He just means the world to me.

Next comes fall semester of school…. NOT looking forward to it but I’ll be done in December and I’m only taking two classes. 1. is a 40 hour internship at my work so that’s easy, I won’t get paid for those hours but that’s okay. 2. Is a computer IT class which is every Tuesday and Thursday night from 8:20pm-9:20pm.
Not much but soon I’ll finally be done with it all unless I decided to go back to school in the future. To be honest I am a little excited about having a class because then its something else to do besides work.

If you remember awhile back how I would always talk about Pinterest, well I finally actually became a member so I can pin my own things. =] 
It always makes me want to be SO creative but 1. Our house is too small for now 2. Most things are for kids and we don’t have any right now 3. You need to buy things to make the ideas so I’m not sure I have money for all of that

Another note, we were going to buy a kitten but our Landlord said we can’t have pets. That was a burst of the bubble; I was super excited about that. Oh well maybe when we actually have a home or something.

We are all done with Doctor Who for now =[ BUT I’ve been watching Drop Dead Diva and Charmed occasionally. I’m not sure what else to do. Like I said earlier, we’ve been getting out of the house most days after work to go do something other then watch TV.

Life sure is crazy, so many people are changing. Not always for good but it’s crazy to see how people have turned out so far. Most of them not the way you thought they would.

You know on TV shows how when your married you always have this other married couple you are like best friends with and you guys hang out a lot?
Well I’m looking forward to finding a couple like that soon. It’d be nice to both have someone to hang out with besides ourselves on occasion. We are in a Ward where there are a lot of newly married couples but I don’t know any of them enough yet to know if any of us would connect. It’s probably my own fault because I don’t talk to anyone ever unless they come up to me. Lol Just terrible I know. Eventually we’ll find those friends we’ll want to get to together with every now and then. It would be nice that’s for sure.

Switched at Birth and Pretty Little Liars is also done for this time of the year. The Lying Game is a new one I’ve been watching. Also Greys anatomy is coming back soon too. I thought One Tree Hill was but I’m not sure it is anymore.

Lately my hands have been getting super dry! I can’t wait until the fall season!
I Love Fall because:
* Sweaters
* Starbucks Cider
* Blankets
* Heaters
* Never too cold or too hot
* Clothing styles
* Corn Mazes
* Colorful leaves
* The smell and the breeze
* All the holidays that follow the beginning of Fall

I tell you what it’s hard to keep up with the dishes and cleaning in the home. If I can get my act together with that soon then having kids is going to be worse. It’s not that I don’t have time its mostly I just don’t want to do it. I’m trying to get better though.

On a side note I’ve given up trying to make my eyebrows look good. I’d have to go into a salon to get them waxed once every two weeks and I just don’t have time for that. Yeah they look tacky but oh well that’s how they were when I was born. Deal with it! Occasionally I might go and get them fixed up depending on what’s going on though.

I’ve been known to always look ahead towards my future and wonder how it’s going to turn out. But you know what; I like how my life is now! =] It is simply wonderful and why rush to the future if my future is now =]