Friday, February 17, 2012

Locked in

This morning I got to sleep in until about 8am, it was wonderful. Then I got up and ready for the day. Last night I had put on a mask for my face to just relax. And it was nice and smelled like pomegranates. When I woke up this morning my face was red and slightly puffy. I’m thinking I had an allergic reaction but it took awhile to develop so I’m not sure. My face just gets hotter than the rest of me faster. I just covered my face up with some cover up make up and it looks a little better. But slightly feels uncomfortable.

I went to go babysit this morning for two cute little boys, there mom is good friends with my sister. So I went over there and played with them and watched Cars 1 and Cars 2. It was nice to watch little kids.

Now here comes the interesting story. When I got there I put my keys in my purse without thinking. And then I started thinking about how I didn’t really need my purse or anything in there so I left it in the car. I went in watched the boys and when I left I put my hands in my pocket and there were no keys. Then I recalled slipping them into my purse without thinking. Sigh

Thankfully Jessica’s work is like 2 blocks away but sadly she doesn’t have a spare key anymore. So I borrowed her car and drove from 2100 S to North Temple to get the key from Spencer. Then I drove back to 2100 S to drop off Jessica’s car and get my car. Then I drove to 900 S to get to work. Thankfully I made it before 12pm.

In my head I’m thinking about why did that happen? I never put my keys in my purse unless I am going to work which I wasn’t. I always put them in my pocket. It kind of makes me wonder if it was supposed to happen for a reason. Maybe to be grateful I live close to my sister. I’m not sure but it was frustrating but not because I knew I could get what I needed in a reasonable time.

Anyways so now I’m at work. Just going to watch some shows and read my book. We have a few things we need to type up but not too much.  

Then tonight Spencer and I are having Potato Soup in bread bowls, yum! Then later going to see The Vow with Channelle around 7pm. I have been waiting forever to see this movie so I’m super excited!!! Spencer might hang out with a friend tonight too or just play video games at home, he likes to do that. =]

Then tomorrow we are going to outback steak house for lunch or dinner then who knows what else. Maybe we will go see a movie or go out somewhere depending on the weather. I am super stoked for the weekend. It’s going to be a happy and exciting one, I can just feel it! =]

Everyone have a wonderful Friday!


  1. So do you make your own bread bowls? If so Id love the recipe, Im always looking for good bread recipes!

    1. actually no, We buy them at Smiths, they seem to have the best bread bowls but if we ever decide to try our own we will give you our recipe! =]

  2. I am guessing you had some sort of allergic reaction too. Maybe if you wear the mask again do it for a shorter amount of time or do one that's not scented.

    Sorry to hear about your keys but so glad Jessica was close by otherwise I'm not sure what you would have done :(

    Sounds like you have a great weekend planned...enjoy.

    1. Very true, this brand though had to be on so long so that it would harden so all you had to do was peel it off, it changed to a different substance. But not scented might be better. my next one is a different brand and cucumber melon so maybe that will be better.

      very true!! Glad to be close to family in my time of non thinking moments lol
