Yesterday we spent about $300 on Costco groceries but in the long run it’s totally worth it. =] We got a lot of good things that we’ve needed especially for Spencer’s lunches.
Then ate dinner there, it’s quite a cheap way to eat, and yummy.
Next stop was Wal-mart and since we bought so much at Costco we didn’t need much, so that was only an $80 trip. =]
We got home and unloaded and put away EVERYTHING! We had so much that we had to put some extra stuff in the backroom where we put ALL of our extra stuff. Then I did the dishes and cleaned up a little bit. Then I planned the meals for the next two weeks. It’s looking very nice. Spencer did some homework and I watched my usual, Ghost Whisper. I’m close to finishing Season 5 now. =]
Then read scriptures and got ready for bed. I was tired but also not really but we talked a bit and eventually I talked so much I said okay I’m done. And that time I meant it. Usually I think of something else and then start talking again. But this time I stopped and slept pretty well.
This morning I got up with Spencer and made me a YUMMY lunch if I do say so myself. And then I stayed up and got ready to do the whites in the laundry at Jessica’s and watched Ghost Whisper while I waited.
Now I’m at work and it feels like it will be a pretty good day. My throat is hurting on and off but I’m not too concerned.
OH so I got new bras from Victoria Secret, they arrived yesterday. The problem is that I thought they were padded but they aren’t really. They feel very nice and comfortable but weird because I’m so used to padding. BUT I am wearing one to see how it goes today. It just feels so different. I’m not sure what I’m going to do really. I can send them back with no cost to myself but I’m not sure what the was I need are called. Hmmm
After work I’m taking Spencer to the dentist, he is thinking of getting an invisialine for his teeth. Other than that not much planned for this evening. Just vacuuming the living room and re organizing everything and making tuna casserole for dinner, haven’t had that in awhile.
On a side note I hate when I dont take a shower one day but I do wash my face good that an hour later its super oily. It's really annoying. But I didn't want to have to redo my hair because it looks nice today. And sometiems lately the red scars on my face will be super bright red. Just a little frustrated with my face but oh well.
21 days closer to Christ
Day 20- Art thou only a stranger?
Invitation: Abide
Scriptures: Luke 24: 13-32
*Learn to use the scriptures to receive personal revelation from the Lord. Take some time today to find a scripture that speaks to you. Let His Spirit abide in your heart by reflecting on that scripture throughout the day.
- There is one scripture that has always spoken to me but recently I feel I now understand it. It’s one of my favorites; John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” I kind of think of it as He wants us to be at peace and to not worry or stress about our problems. To me, it seems like when he said goodbye to us when we came down to earth he was giving us peace and didn’t want us to be afraid of what soon would be around us. To look at the good and the peace that is still in the world.
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