Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Help thou mine unbelief

Last night we had our home teachers come over. They were very nice guys and really easy to get along with. One brought up the lesson and talked about how as newly married couples we have difficulties and trials. He was saying how sometimes he looks at couples and thinks “they seem like a perfect couple and nothing is wrong” because he is having difficulties in his relationship. It’s kind of funny because I think most couples think that. I personally know that when Spencer and I have a disagreement it seems like everyone around us has no problems. But it’s normal to have problems it is what brings you both closer together. I think by our answers to his questions it taught him that we learn from our mistakes with our spouse. We grow and develop, so it went pretty well.

We watched Pretty little liars and the lying game =] And Spencer did some homework while I watched some Ghost Whisper episodes! I am now on season 4!
I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is a pretty good actress.
She sure knows how to cry, the show makes me emotional too.

Then had a good night sleep last night. Had some interesting dreams about friends from high school and eating steak. Maybe my body is telling me something lol

This morning I got ready for the day and know I need to do dishes badly tonight. It’s kitchen day today so it will get done! Tonight I believe I’m going to make spaghetti for dinner, we haven’t had it in awhile and we always have ingredients for it.

I came to work to find out there was a pile of papers that was left for me to fold. I don’t mind doing it but after awhile I get a knot in my shoulder and its hard to not take a ton of breaks. Just wish I wasn’t the only one that had to do it.

I’ve also decide that I think I’m going to become a Rep for Moxie Scents, if they will have me. =] If you don’t know what Moxie Scents is, it’s my cousins company. Her and her husband will be having a baby this summer and will need help. They sell lip dip, body soap, fizz bombs, etc.

Other than that I’m just back to typing up those pages I need to and eating carrots! =]
Well time for me to get back to work.

21 Days Closer to Christ

Day 16- Help thou mine unbelief
Invitation: Develop faith
Scriptures: Mark 9:17-27
* Take time to identify and write down an area in which you feel you are not enough. This could include challenges that are physical, temporal, spiritual, or emotional. Take it to the Lord. Plead your case in prayer. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your weakness and ask for greater faith. Then be still and listen to the promptings that will come.
- At times I guess I don’t think I’m enough as a wife. But lately I’ve been working on that. Also patience, and gaining faith. 

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