Friday, January 7, 2011


I am a scheduled type person without a schedule I just feel at a lose. This Monday I started a schedule for school. Wake up at 6am, workout, read scriptures, eat breakfast, shower/get ready for the day. Then go to school or do whatever without relying on naps to keep you going and then go to bed between 930-1030.
Its been a little hard but I've kept with it so far and feel I am slowly making it a habit. And on Sunday maybe also Saturday I will get up at 6am still (to not break the habit) just wont workout. If we sleep all day we waste all the things we could be doing. If you don't have anything to do, make something to do. Dont get me wrong I LOVE sleep more then anything BUT I dont think its what I should always be doing. Even though I would love a nap because thanks to multiply things but mainly my heart from anxiety I havent been sleeping very well. Soon my body will get used to it all, maybe even have some meds to help, and I will look awake and happy and excited for every day. =]
I am slowly getting there. I am mostly trying to work on not being angry at people at are happy. I should be happy for them, the reason I am not is probably because I am not happy.
BUT I have decided to try to appreciate things in my life every day because it gets you that much close to happiness. Appreciate means: to be grateful or thankful for, to value or regard highly, to be fully conscious of, and to increase in value.
1. I appreciate my parents and for all they have done for me
2. I appreciate the gospel and all it's helped me with in life
3. I appreciate blankets/heaters and the warmth it gives me during cold moments
4. I appreciate my job where I can meet so many great people
5. I appreciate the alarm clock I have that helps me get up every morning.

Ive also dedicated Wednesday afternoonish as my temple day. Which I will stick too, because i've asked to have work off on Wednesdays.
Everyone is slowly returning from their vacations to get back to school. What a struggle it is to stop the fun and relaxation and come back to reality. I mean at school you can still have fun but homework, classes, work, and church can take up much of your free time.
Try to have a new found love for learning and education and learn something this semester. I am really going to work hard on getting things done as soon as possible. Also, finding a steady job would help the worries of money.
Work last night was a blast!! I was going to be on the shift ALL by myself. I was setting the room, being lead, and being on late. Of A group of 20 which isnt bad but closing that big house by yourself if a little creepy. Thankfully Julie, my manager, asked someone else to help me out....Trevor. It was so much fun and everything went smoothly, it was nice to just have someone to talk to. We exchanged some stories of our lives and when the guests were gone we plugged in the speaker to my ipod and turned it up while we cleaned. Afterwards he offered me a ride home which was really nice of him. He is such a gentleman and it sucks that he was treated badly by his friends. Sadly, its a part of life sometimes. We all move on and leave our High School friends and even College friends. I'll be sad to see him leave for his mission (he still has another semester until then) but I know he will be a GREAT missionary. =]
I am really excited for this next semester. What amazing people am I going to meet or get to know better? =] Also, my goal is for A's or B's, no C's. With the help of some great friends this will be possible. I just need to have some faith in myself and dedicate my time to the important things in life. (so less tv shows and more studying)
Alrighty well I better get this day going. I hope to change my blogging to at night instead of in the morning, so maybe I can get things off my mind and sleep a little bit better. Work today ast 1:30pm on late. I am glad to have hours every now and again, makes me feel like I am actually doing something

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