Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First day

The middle of the second week of school, I am still not super stressed. I am taking things day by day and doing all my homework as soon as possible so then I don't stress about it. Here is the problem though, I have this TERRIBLE cold that makes me feel like my head is going to explode! Medicine doesn't do too much, sleep is like pointless but I am exhuasted!! I haven't been able to drink lots of liquid because of where I have been but trying. I am happy but my body hates me. I haven't been able to work out because I can't breathe through my nose. I am constantly sneezing. After my classes I took the bike to trax then rode it to work, got to work in about 15 minutes =] But KILLER on the legs and throat since I am sick. But not too bad, and its a little too tall for me. My backpack is an over the shoulder so its heavy and tips me off my bike sometimes. I need a different backpack again. I went to work for 5 hours. My first day, everyone was explaining everything and I listened but I was embarrased because I was constantly blowing my nose and everything. Heather the other receptionist is really nice. Every is way nice and happy for me to be there but DUDE so many names and things to try to remember. It will take me a bit to remember them all. But I really like my job and the people, its going to take a lot out of me though. And when we are bored I may just go crazy!
I learned that I make more an hour then my two older siblings which I find kind of funny. Sorry
This would be a lot easier without this cold. But I got an awesome name badge =]
Then remembered that I have a class tonight so here I am hurrying to finish my paper for it and then in it for 1 1/2 then on to accounting homework. All I know is I couldn't do this without Spencer =]
I also get to see Miriah tonight, it seems like forever since I have seen her!!!
I hope the nose running stage finishes up tonight, my poor nose is bright red. EEK
Wish me luck with my crazy now busy life, it will be fun though!!!

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