Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I freaking love this book, somehow I have to let it change me. Choose to follow what is says so that I can change my life for the better. It says that 5,4,040 perfessional articles written on depression and only 415 on happiness.
Our world focuses SO much on the megativity in life, and I will be honest and say I do too, or did. It's a hard thing to change. But if you focus on all the bad in your life your never going to see the good. If you try to change the past (which I always try to do) you are really just constantly reliving all the hurtful moments which do not make you any happier. COME ON people lets wake up and see the good and if bad things happen, good things CAN come of it but I need help seeing that.
I always learned that being happy also is gentics. So if my parents weren't always happy then most likely I will have a hard time being happy. I have to work harder at being happy. It's a constant struggle for me everyday but if I am willing to put up the fight against it then I can win this. I do still wish I was one of those lucky people that don't have to work so hard at it but either way I get blessings with what I am given.
"But, as I've said, tere is a you in you that nobody put there. It will always be there, no matter how terrible the tragedies that try to snuff it out." This guy is a genius!
We ARE something or we wouldn't be here.=] When this book ends I don't know what I am going to get excited about. I really need to find out what I like to do and what I am good at so that I can keep myself busy and not go back to things that are my normal. The normal is not okay with me. I love it but it doesn't make me very happy. And this STUPID heart of my better stop beating so fast all the time, I feel like its going to explode and thats not how I wish to die haha

I slept for 10 hours =] It was a beautiful thing, then I got up, had breakfast. Read my scriptures and figured out a job possiblity that I have dreamed of and hope he want an interview =] It's perfect!! Let's pray for that oppurtunity. Then I workout and went to bed cuz I thought I was tired. I really wasnt though. I had some trippy dreams though. How you could go into this different world and there was this mean lady and a dragon we had to fight. He actually turned out to be a nice dragon and I found the man of my dreams haha Such a dream I know right lol Either way when I woke up I wanted carmael filled chocolate. We were hitting the dragon with some. lol I bought my english book online today for a lot cheaper....BUT it wont be here in enough time because I waited too long. Hopefully someone in my class will let me borrow one until I get it. Or photocopy some of the pages.

Someday this book of mine will get written and someday the dress I plan to make will get finished. Probably not until I am done reading this book. I am pretty darn close.....

p.s. I love my mom more then anyone in this entire world. I am grateful she is my mother =] She's amazing!!!

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