Friday, January 14, 2011

Job interview part 2

Holy freaking cow you will never guess what happened yesterday! About two hours after the interview 2 I get a phone call.... from Cindy the person who just interviewed me. I GOT THE JOB, I mean how flipping amazing is that! I had a feeling I would get it but I wasn't 100% sure but man! I was grinning for a long time. I was so excited. I am also super nervous though because what if its a lot harder then I think it will be. I mean this is my first real actually job that doesn't have to do with food or servering people. I didn't mind those jobs but this is just a little bit more pressure. I am going to do my drug test today then start training on Wednesday. I am pretty nervous but weirdly enough my heart hasn't been beating so fast anymore. My heart needs to make up its mind.
Afterwards I went to school to do accounting homework with Spencer which well we didn't get very far haha but I guess we don't have school Monday but we are going to try to get it done on Saturday. We hung out with my awesome new friend Mariah. It was snowing and so we walked over to starbucks and got cider, yummy! And talked and talked and talked. It was lots of fun, we warned her about somethings about Salt Lake City, we tried not to scare her off completely though. Then we went outside and had a small snow fight it was beautiful but cold. BRR then Spencer left and Mariah and I tried to find an open ice cream place. Everything was closing besides the movie theater =] so we bought ice cream and popcorn and sat outside in the snow. So cold but SOO much fun!!!! We dipped our popcorn into our ice cream, sounds gross but its delicious!! =] Got home around 1030. Suki was already in bed but I needed to talk to her darn it haha
Then up at 6am for my 45 min workout ahhh, so tiring but it's going to get worse! School by 8ish then there until 11ish then 12ish to 5 then back to school to do homework. Pretty much every single day!!! If I don't write back soon it's because i've died from the overload. But I am pretty confident it will all turn out great =]

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