Basically I found this book a couple days ago at DI and I felt the need to pick it up and buy it, 2 bucks no big deal. The title: "What happy people know" By: Dan Baker, Ph.D. and Cameron Stauth
Simply AMAZING!!! I have never learned so much in my life. I am a happy person but not enough to truly pass the happiness along to others. I seriously need help to work on being happy.
They said that most people are not truly happy in the world so I don't feel like a complete idiot.
We aren't happy because we have fear. We don't realize we are afraid of things though. I was trying to think what I would have a fear of. The top two reasons they say people have fear is: Not having enough (usually money) or not being enough. I think my problem is not being enough.
I don't think I am good enough for people. It doesn't mean that its true but its I think my fear. We can't always help our fears.
"The first element of the fear system is the brain stem, which is one of three basic areas of the brain and is the first part of the brain that is formed in the womb. The brain stem was also the first part of the brain to evolve in animals, 100 million years ago. Back then, the first animals to walk on the earth, the reptiles, had only brain stems. Because of this, the brain stem is often referred to as the reptilian brain. The reptilian brain holds instincutal fears and is incapable of higher thought. It cannot process complex emotions, such as love. That's why reptiles don't make good pets. A lizard will never learn its name or love its owner.
There's also another storage area for fear, which is located in the second part of the brain to evolve, the mammalian brain. The mammalian brain was first seen in evolution when mammals joined reptiles on the earth. In the womb, it's the second part of the human brain to develop. Residing in the mammalian brain is hte other important culprit in the neurological symphony of fear: the amygdala. The amygdala is a memory center for emotion. In particular, it stores memories of all of your painful and threatening experiences. It's a veritable haunteed house of memory. The amygdala isn't as primordial as the brain stem; it does have somepower to evaluate fears-- though not much. It's primitive warehouse for everything that's frightening."
Sorry I just thought it was interesting that the first things to develop in us is fear.
Later on it talks about another part of the brain that helps you rationalize and tell yourself no you are fine you are not going to be poor or you are enough don't worry. It helps you to stop worrying. We have fear because its a survivual skill, which animals really needed and so do we, we just have a hard time calming ourselves down and listening to the other part of the brain.
I wish I could meet this doctor because man I could use his help. Yes, I can read the book but sometimes its better to talk to the person face to face. It probably cost lots of money so no worries the book wil do.
I give blood today =] And get to see my mom for a little bit.
The hardest part about trying to get back in shape and stuff is trying to get myself out of bed early. Its hard at 7am, when school starts it'll be 530 or 6 and I HAVE to workout in the morning its the best time. I was able to force myself out this morning but I really need to try some way that works. Now getting to bed early doesn't matter, I have learned to love resetting my alarm. The thing that gets me up lately is my conscience. "You know you should be getting up, you told yourself you would. You just got up to use the bathroom why can't you just get up get up...." My brain keeps going so I know I won't get back to sleep so why not just get up and take a nap later if needed. SOO I got up and worked out but on 20 mins. I should take it slow, might be easier to stay in the routine. AND I read my scriptures so I am slowly getting there.
I can't let myself get a slum, this year/school year is going to be great. I am going to stick with things!
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