Monday, January 31, 2011

Don't stop believing...

It's been awhile, ugh sorry!
My new job is pretty good, I was left alone once on a slow day but then it decided to become busy and NO one was around to answer my questions. It became super fraustrating and difficult but it was a good learning experience. I love my job so much! It'll be difficult at times because I still don't know all the answers but thats a given since I am new and they are all so nice and understanding! =]
Guess what!! I am sick AGAIN!!! I was getting over it but then it all came back like a tidal wave and has pushed me over! Two colds back to back?? Or maybe its something else! I am forgetting how it feels to be not sick. I am sore, tired, my throats hurts, I am constantly coughing and slowly losing my voice.
That's what I get for running my body ragged. (idk if I spelt that right)
Spencer is so good to me though, he takes care of me. I feel terrible being so helpless but it's nice to have him around. =] He's one of my favorites haha
Yesterday we took couple pictures for Suki's portfolio. It was FREEZING but we laughed a lot which made us smile for real. haha He is simply amazing!
It's been snowing off and on lately, and I've slacked off on my workouts but I've been so tired and sick that I have no energy to get out of bed most the time.
Oh please just make it all go away!!! I have a life I need to live! Maybe I can get in to see the Doctor today...
It's interesting to see how the future turns out, I never would of thought I would be here of all places a year or two ago but it feels nice! =]
Off to get more rest, my poor body

1 comment:

  1. We are twins. I've been battling dumb colds all winter and I vote spring comes early. :( Feel better!
