Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pieces of me

Fall…With you, I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath, I hope it lasts

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you know me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

I am moody, messy
I get restless, and it's senseless
How you never seem to care

When I'm angry, you listen
Make me happy it's your mission
And you won't stop til I'm there

by: Ashlee Simpson (love this song)

This is how my boyfriend, Spencer, makes me feel! =] He makes everything better and I love him for that. He makes me laugh, smile, and I feel happy. He fixes everything for me. I really have no idea what I would do without him! We don’t see each other much so I miss him a lot but it’s great when we do see each other. =]
I took my first accounting test today, and I was the first one done. And I feel really good about it, and for once I did EVERY assignment, except one, but that one doesn’t count. I really felt smart because I helped teach others problems they didn’t understand.
It’s been really cold outside lately so riding my bike to work as been a bitter cold ride. But this is going to get me in shape somewhat. I must workout in the morning still, been slacking on this because I’ve been going to bed late, lately. I need to work on that.
I am really excited for it to be nicer outside so Spencer and I can go hiking!! Maybe bring some friends along, maybe also go camping. Mind you I am NOT one to do those things but I am working on getting into shape so it won’t be as hard and I actually want to do it lately. My adventure side is finally coming out haha
I was able to get a radio for the office, let’s see if anyone complains. It’s nice to finally have music going though; it gets boring up here without someone to talk to or something to listen to. As you can see I’m blogging which means I am bored, but I also needed to catch up.
I am also in the mood to travel somewhere, probably won’t get my chance until May. I think I can wait that long.
I love my job let me tell you, it can be boring like I said but it has taught me a lot and can sure help me in the future. I am struggling to learn some things but it’s not too bad.
I really need to work on studying my patriarchal blessing…I just never have much time to focus on it. I really like that I have been happy for almost a WHOLE month!! This is fantastic =]
I want to write something inspirational but nothing is really coming to mind haha
I do feel very grown up going to school, having two jobs, living in on my own (with roommates of course), having a boyfriend, and a calling at church but still staying sane. =]
I have not felt like falling apart for quite sometime and it’s a nice relief, but can be stressful being so busy sometimes. It’d be nice to have a bit more time to relax with friends but when I have time I never feel like doing anything because I am always so tired. Lol
Almost done with work then off to my night class and to see my boyfriend! =]

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