Friday, December 10, 2010


I am trying out this word document thing that posts my blog so if something happens I still have my posts on word.

When I deleted all my posts (because I didn't read the info) I felt like a work of art I had slaved over was gone! It was me, it described my life and now a month and a half worth of my life is gone! I lay awake for thirty minutes to an hour because I was so upset! I woke up this morning feeling alright about it all. I can't go back and change it even though I wish I could but instead I learned from my mistake and am never going to do it again! So I will pick up again and move on. Man!

Okay so it was POURING down rain when I awoke this morning. Which was later then I was supposed to be waking up. It's hard to make yourself go to a class where all you do is grade people on their oral presentation. I am sorry but I don't want to drag myself out of bed for that when I have important things to do. Like cleaning my clothes and my house for the sleepover tonight!!!! I am super stoked!! I just hope everyone comes that says they would and that we all have a really fun time =]

Heaven knows with all these finals we could all use a little break. Hopefully this will work. I am in no mood to clean though, but hopefully get on it soon since I have to go to work soon then come straight to the sleepover. I really need something to kick my butt into shape. I feel lazier than ever before. More like our house is so frustrating!! I don't have much more to say except that I realized these past couple nights I can't sleep on my stomach anymore which is frustrating. It just starts hurting…weird. Can't wait for the semester to be over then start up on my workouts and changing over a new leaf. Life is going to be great…so school let's get over with already!

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