Sunday, December 12, 2010


There has been a lot of crap going on and I haven't had a lot of time to update this thing. Okay not all of it has been crap. Where do I start…

I had a sleepover Friday night which was a BLAST! I don't have pictures yet but when I do I will upload them. It was Suki and I then, Sally, Roxy, and Roxy's roommate (idk how to spell her name). It was a perfect amount of people. First we danced around to some awesome 'oldies' songs then decided to make a fort!!! This was the most epic fort ever!! Suki mostly built it because she was the tallest one haha Then in a circle underneath it and decided to tell stories that turned into each of us telling a part of the story and passing it on. This story went on for an hour and a half. It was super good though, very creative. They had crazy names and two guys in love with this peasant girl. And an evil king and magical dust. Haha It was great! Afterwards we got up and went to Maverik for some treats =] When we arrived back to our fort we played truth/truth. Someone asked you something and you had to answer truthfully. It was pretty fun, we got some deep questions going. Then we got into embarrassing moments which is always funny. Around 330 Roxy and her roommate left and we all went to bed in the fort. =]

We woke up around 10 am! Suki and I got ready for my photo shoot with E.T. to start off my Taylor Swift scrapbook. It was SO much fun!! He is such a good model too =] We took about 300 some pictures, not all good but we got a lot of good shots. A lot of people around us either thought we were getting engagement pictures or we were doing some weird things. I will show you a sneak peek of one. It is unedited mind you but simply amazing!!! One really captured a moment that still breaks my heart today but that's what I wanted so no big deal. It sure was freezing outside after awhile. Then we went back to my house and made dinner and Suki and I got ready for her nieces 5th birthday!











The birthday party was super awesome though. We were there until 1100 though ahh!!! I get bored super easily and was already really tired. But we had a beautiful/yummy cake made my Ange. A strawberry shortcake =] Then we all basically talked or played with the kids. They have LOTS of energy. When we did leave we stopped at Wendys and got food! Yummy!! Anthony was with us, and we had some really good talks which I hadn't had for awhile.

We got back around 1 and I didn't get to sleep until about 2 or so. Blah so I didn't go to church again or at least to my ward, going to go to sacrament at least at the other ward. Life is super rough sometimes and people don't ever see or realize. I have finally decided that I don't care about some things I should have stopped caring about FOREVER ago. Can't wait until the semester is over then I get finally get everything organized and feel like myself again.

Best get ready for church. I hope to not be late. Btw DO NOT share these pictures with anyone they are not edited yet and they won't understand the whole idea without the rest of the pictures. I need to start finishing up my dress so we can get done with those pictures.

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