Wednesday, December 29, 2010


After awhile I sure do run out of cool titles for my posts haha but I don't want to be lame and just put down the date. Right now I feel spectacular!
It's been a little while since I wrote, i've just been pretty busy with other things.
Spencer has been wonderful and helping me write my book. He is such an awesome friend, don't know what I would do without him. My dear roommate does not get back until Thursday now but it's alright as long as she is having fun and keeping busy. It feels great to 'keep busy'. I've been working and taking notes down for my book, thinking about life, and making my dress! I'd say thats keeping it busy.
My sweet mother came to Salt Lake to go to Shopko with me. I needed a good winter coat (which I now need to return for a different size) and long sleeve shirts and sweaters. I seem to plan badly for winter even though I know I am easily cold.
Let's see after that I decided to work out, ended up being only 15 mins but HEY its a start lol
Then I worked a double, man what would they do without me at the Lion House haha
OOOH I also got a random phone call from the blood donation place saying that havne't seen me in awhile and needed blood and wanted to know if I could come...I said sure of course. Why not save a life while i'm at it haha
Man One Tree Hill can sure be inspiring.
btw LOVE the song "I feel my saviors love" especially when the tempo is slowed down. I LOVE singing it even more, there is just something about it!
hmmm Not too much going on but thats the just of it. I guess it's supposed to snow tomorrow and keep snowing. Blah, exciting as long as I don't have to be in it much but I DO want to have some fun in it with friends if only I could get them all to want to hang out together.....

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