I LOVE going on vacations but let me tell you they sure throw off routine and then it takes forever to get back in your routine when you get back from vacation lol
Each new year we grow and change a little bit more and strive to become a better us and better spouse and better mother each day.
Here are a few resolutions I've come up with, I love the new year because it makes us think about the things we want to do better on. If we don't do them this new year we've always got the next year.
Less time on devices and TV
Get healthy not just lose weight but be stronger and have more energy to play with my boys
Lear to love God more
Drink 8 8oz of water daily!
Try to be positive
Have at least one date a month with Spencer
Put Isaac back on his food routine with no snacks
Also trying to communicate my feelings more...can't guarantee this one, I always say I will and I always fail at it but someday I will get it down
Trying to wake up at a certain time each morning and go to bed at a certain time each night
Our goals for Isaac is to potty train and take away the pacifier for night time (starting all this around age 2)
Our goals for Jackson is to move him into a crib in his own room (sometime around 3 months old) and the normal like crawling and walking by the end of the year
Have a Happy New Year!!
We probably will not be staying up until midnight, once you have kids, they wake you up enough during the night so you should go to bed as early as they do lol
I like my sleep =]
If I was still in High School or College I would be ALL up for it, I loved hanging with friends and loved ones up until the new year =]
I will love it even more when my kids are old enough to stay up with us
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Christmas Spirit
Saturday night my wonderful husband took me to the Piano Guys concert.... AMAZING!! They are more popular as of these last few years and this was their first tour.
They are very funny and super talented. I was laughing and singing and feeling the spirit. These are LDS (Mormon) middle aged dads but they were great!
What as nice is you had a mixture of fun and a mixture of spiritual especially since it was mainly a Christmas concert.
Check them out on YouTube if you don't know who they are (The Piano Guys)
One of their performances almost brought me to tears. It was Angels We Have Heard on High, and it was SO LOUD but I felt the Spirit SO strong and it was unbelievable.
Then on Sunday our Ward always does a musical Sacrament Meeting on the Sunday before Christmas.... it's my favorite Sacrament meeting =]
That was always a beautiful day, one youth group sang "Come unto Christ", it was a beautiful song!
And of course the Piano/Organ Duet to O Holy Night =]
Then in Relief Society the speaker told us to close our eyes and listen to scriptures about Mary & Joseph and put ourselves in their shoes. Now what really got me was the opening where she set the scene for us, not the scripture reading.
She said remember how scared she must of been, no doctors, no medicine, no pads for after delivery, and no comfy beds.
And it just really hit me, because recently I had a baby boy and i'm pretty young but not as young as Mary was (about 16), I was 22 and 23 when I had a baby.
Thankfully she had a wonderful husband there with her to help.
Now I know the pain of delivery but only to 9cm contraction pains not actually having the baby with pain. And I got to wondering where was her mom? I don't know what I would of done without my mom especially the first time. She had kids before she helped me through my breathing through contractions and talked to distract me.
And I am very grateful for her. So where was Mary's mom what did she think of all of this and did she help her?
Let me also point out I was VERY grateful for my husband, Spencer, as well. He's not so great with the actual delivering baby part but he stands by or sits close by and it's just a comfort to have him there even though he can't do a whole bunch. There are people there that know what they are doing and can help me.
With my second baby my mom had to watch Isaac but she stayed with me until Spencer got there, and I would of done fairly well even if she wasn't there but it was good to have her close by and when I saw Spencer finally there I breathed a sigh of relief just knowing he was there and he held my hand when I needed him too.
And I can imagine that Angels or Heavenly Father helped Mary & Joseph prepare and know what to expect and I can just see Joseph holding her hand and just being there for her. Even though he couldn't of fully understand what she was going through.
(Side note supposedly back in the day labor & delivery wasn't as painful as it has become now so it's possible she wasn't in tons of pain or really scared but we weren't there so honestly we don't know all of it)
I would love to talk to Mary about her thoughts and memories of that moment in her life though, that would be an interesting story.
Anyways it was all a very great Sunday on the spiritual side of it all and thought I would share. It may not seem like Christmas much this year but still an amazing time of year.
I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy new year
They are very funny and super talented. I was laughing and singing and feeling the spirit. These are LDS (Mormon) middle aged dads but they were great!
What as nice is you had a mixture of fun and a mixture of spiritual especially since it was mainly a Christmas concert.
Check them out on YouTube if you don't know who they are (The Piano Guys)
One of their performances almost brought me to tears. It was Angels We Have Heard on High, and it was SO LOUD but I felt the Spirit SO strong and it was unbelievable.
Then on Sunday our Ward always does a musical Sacrament Meeting on the Sunday before Christmas.... it's my favorite Sacrament meeting =]
That was always a beautiful day, one youth group sang "Come unto Christ", it was a beautiful song!
And of course the Piano/Organ Duet to O Holy Night =]
Then in Relief Society the speaker told us to close our eyes and listen to scriptures about Mary & Joseph and put ourselves in their shoes. Now what really got me was the opening where she set the scene for us, not the scripture reading.
She said remember how scared she must of been, no doctors, no medicine, no pads for after delivery, and no comfy beds.
And it just really hit me, because recently I had a baby boy and i'm pretty young but not as young as Mary was (about 16), I was 22 and 23 when I had a baby.
Thankfully she had a wonderful husband there with her to help.
Now I know the pain of delivery but only to 9cm contraction pains not actually having the baby with pain. And I got to wondering where was her mom? I don't know what I would of done without my mom especially the first time. She had kids before she helped me through my breathing through contractions and talked to distract me.
And I am very grateful for her. So where was Mary's mom what did she think of all of this and did she help her?
Let me also point out I was VERY grateful for my husband, Spencer, as well. He's not so great with the actual delivering baby part but he stands by or sits close by and it's just a comfort to have him there even though he can't do a whole bunch. There are people there that know what they are doing and can help me.
With my second baby my mom had to watch Isaac but she stayed with me until Spencer got there, and I would of done fairly well even if she wasn't there but it was good to have her close by and when I saw Spencer finally there I breathed a sigh of relief just knowing he was there and he held my hand when I needed him too.
And I can imagine that Angels or Heavenly Father helped Mary & Joseph prepare and know what to expect and I can just see Joseph holding her hand and just being there for her. Even though he couldn't of fully understand what she was going through.
(Side note supposedly back in the day labor & delivery wasn't as painful as it has become now so it's possible she wasn't in tons of pain or really scared but we weren't there so honestly we don't know all of it)
I would love to talk to Mary about her thoughts and memories of that moment in her life though, that would be an interesting story.
Anyways it was all a very great Sunday on the spiritual side of it all and thought I would share. It may not seem like Christmas much this year but still an amazing time of year.
I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas and a happy new year
Sleepless nights
This isn't a post on lying in bed not being able to sleep, even though I've had one or two of those nights. This is about being a parent and you don't have a choice by how much or how little of sleep you are given each night.
Because I am a stay at home mom I am able to snag a nap here and there or sleep in a little longer depending on when Isaac gets up and i'm very grateful for that. I LOVE my sleep!
The past two-three nights we have gotten TERRIBLE sleep because of Isaac and partly because of Jackson.
Between Isaac getting teeth, not feeling 100%, being hungry but not eating much and not getting enough sleep he has NOT been going to bed very well and we've been up until midnight sometimes with him and sometimes up and down through out the night.
It's very hard especially when your the mom and can't seem to comfort or help your child, especially since he wont cuddle with me even when he is sick. Sometimes he will sit on my lap to watch part of a show but he wont stay there for long. He has been loving daddy more lately which is sad but I love their father son bond.
It's funny because I think as parents we need sleep to help our children but when you become parents that's one thing you lack the most lol
I'm extra emotional when I don't get enough sleep and that doesn't help being patient when your child is being cranky and whiny and screaming. Thankfully Spencer is great at helping take care of the boys and we will trade of with the boys.
But most of all its just very hard when you don't know how to make them feel better or whats bothering them.
I am thankful for the gospel in that it helps when we can give blessings to help comfort or help heal our loved ones.
I felt bad because yesterday was a very emotional day for me and I think lack of sleep and being a women knocks your emotions all over the place and it's not fun because you just cant seem to control it.
I felt the spirit quite a bit today especially at church and that was amazing and then I was sad and angry for like fifty different reasons through out the day, some were probably really stupid but they upset me during that day.
And it seemed no matter what I kept running into an upsetting situation but I didn't know how to express myself without crying so I just never said anything because who likes sobbing like a baby in front of someone for a stupid reason even if its a family member. I've never been a fan of that so that's why I usually never say when i'm upset over something lol
This was a very all over the place post but the conclude: get as much sleep as possible especially if your a women and a mother lol
Thank heavens Spencer is off all this week!
Because I am a stay at home mom I am able to snag a nap here and there or sleep in a little longer depending on when Isaac gets up and i'm very grateful for that. I LOVE my sleep!
The past two-three nights we have gotten TERRIBLE sleep because of Isaac and partly because of Jackson.
Between Isaac getting teeth, not feeling 100%, being hungry but not eating much and not getting enough sleep he has NOT been going to bed very well and we've been up until midnight sometimes with him and sometimes up and down through out the night.
It's very hard especially when your the mom and can't seem to comfort or help your child, especially since he wont cuddle with me even when he is sick. Sometimes he will sit on my lap to watch part of a show but he wont stay there for long. He has been loving daddy more lately which is sad but I love their father son bond.
It's funny because I think as parents we need sleep to help our children but when you become parents that's one thing you lack the most lol
I'm extra emotional when I don't get enough sleep and that doesn't help being patient when your child is being cranky and whiny and screaming. Thankfully Spencer is great at helping take care of the boys and we will trade of with the boys.
But most of all its just very hard when you don't know how to make them feel better or whats bothering them.
I am thankful for the gospel in that it helps when we can give blessings to help comfort or help heal our loved ones.
I felt bad because yesterday was a very emotional day for me and I think lack of sleep and being a women knocks your emotions all over the place and it's not fun because you just cant seem to control it.
I felt the spirit quite a bit today especially at church and that was amazing and then I was sad and angry for like fifty different reasons through out the day, some were probably really stupid but they upset me during that day.
And it seemed no matter what I kept running into an upsetting situation but I didn't know how to express myself without crying so I just never said anything because who likes sobbing like a baby in front of someone for a stupid reason even if its a family member. I've never been a fan of that so that's why I usually never say when i'm upset over something lol
This was a very all over the place post but the conclude: get as much sleep as possible especially if your a women and a mother lol
Thank heavens Spencer is off all this week!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Forgetting Pain
You've probably all heard that once you've had a baby you forget about the pain you went through to have that baby or else you wouldn't have another baby.
There are a few thoughts I have to this saying.
1. I have NOT forgotten that pain, it is still there in my mind
2. I think we "forget" in the sense that we are SO glad we don't feel it anymore that we are paying attention to how much better we feel. Because I hate the way I feel when i'm sick and always "forget" how I feel when i'm sick because I appreciate how good I DO feel when i'm not sick.
I don't think its based all on pregnancy/delivery pain because we don't often dwell on the bad pains we feel when we aren't feeling them.
And then just on a side note even though I remember that pain I think we "forget" the pain because of the overwhelming love we have for our newborn baby we now see. And I would go through that pain all over again to have more children...I've already done it twice lol
(I thought I had more to say on this matter but I guess I didn't) lol
There are a few thoughts I have to this saying.
1. I have NOT forgotten that pain, it is still there in my mind
2. I think we "forget" in the sense that we are SO glad we don't feel it anymore that we are paying attention to how much better we feel. Because I hate the way I feel when i'm sick and always "forget" how I feel when i'm sick because I appreciate how good I DO feel when i'm not sick.
I don't think its based all on pregnancy/delivery pain because we don't often dwell on the bad pains we feel when we aren't feeling them.
And then just on a side note even though I remember that pain I think we "forget" the pain because of the overwhelming love we have for our newborn baby we now see. And I would go through that pain all over again to have more children...I've already done it twice lol
(I thought I had more to say on this matter but I guess I didn't) lol
Monday, December 15, 2014
The emotions of a Mother
As individuals we always have at least one of "those days" where life just is not going well. But I feel once you become a mother you might have more of these lol I mean now you are responsible for keeping your babies alive daily!
I was watching an episode of How I met your Mother Season 8 episode 13: Band or DJ?
and there is a line where Lily says "Sometimes I wish I wasn't a mother and would pack a bag and leave and never come back" (not exact quote)
And it got me thinking... I've had this thought once or twice before. I hate to admit it but i'm sure you guys have had the thought at least once in your life time if not you i'm sure you will one day.
Mixed with maybe a bad day where your kid is just doing EVERYTHING to push your buttons or screaming/crying ALL day or you are just super emotional (I mean we are women lol) It could be for the littlest thing. You may notice I never post pictures of my kids crying or throwing a tantrum and that's because those are the things I don't want to dwell on or remember in the future, I want to remember all their sweet moments and smiling faces. (that's just me, doesn't mean your a bad person if you post those types of pictures)
There are just those days when you realize your life will never be the same as it used to be. I hate to say "your life is over" but in a way it is, more like your just ending a chapter of your life and starting a new one. Sometimes I wish I could just go travel or go out dancing late at night with my friends or just crazy things like that but I can't do that. But that's okay!
My point is I've had a day(s) like this but then there are those amazing days when you feel SO blessed! When you look at your children and can not believe that you grew those sweet babies inside you and now you are helping them learn new things and grow. And then you are SO proud of them because you see them doing something you have been trying to teach them. Or those silly things you realize they learned just because little kids watch everything you do.
Being a parent and growing up is not an easy task. It is THEE hardest job I've ever had but its THEE most amazing job I've ever had and I would never give it up. It has taught me SO much and there have been lots of ups and downs but the love I have for my children is SO great!
Just yesterday I was thinking that I love my kids so much that i'm always giving them LOTS of kisses. And I realized that's STILL not enough to express how much I love them. I just want to squeeze them and hold them ALL day and night!
I've always wanted to be a mother but no matter how many times I had been told motherhood is hard I still would of made the choice I made. And it still doesn't prepare you for all the emotions you feel once you become a mother.
But I have been blessed with an AMAZING husband who is the BEST Father to our little boys.
Isaac is my sweet loving boy who loves to laugh and Jackson is pretty chill (too young to know his personality just yet)
I was watching an episode of How I met your Mother Season 8 episode 13: Band or DJ?
and there is a line where Lily says "Sometimes I wish I wasn't a mother and would pack a bag and leave and never come back" (not exact quote)
And it got me thinking... I've had this thought once or twice before. I hate to admit it but i'm sure you guys have had the thought at least once in your life time if not you i'm sure you will one day.
Mixed with maybe a bad day where your kid is just doing EVERYTHING to push your buttons or screaming/crying ALL day or you are just super emotional (I mean we are women lol) It could be for the littlest thing. You may notice I never post pictures of my kids crying or throwing a tantrum and that's because those are the things I don't want to dwell on or remember in the future, I want to remember all their sweet moments and smiling faces. (that's just me, doesn't mean your a bad person if you post those types of pictures)
There are just those days when you realize your life will never be the same as it used to be. I hate to say "your life is over" but in a way it is, more like your just ending a chapter of your life and starting a new one. Sometimes I wish I could just go travel or go out dancing late at night with my friends or just crazy things like that but I can't do that. But that's okay!
My point is I've had a day(s) like this but then there are those amazing days when you feel SO blessed! When you look at your children and can not believe that you grew those sweet babies inside you and now you are helping them learn new things and grow. And then you are SO proud of them because you see them doing something you have been trying to teach them. Or those silly things you realize they learned just because little kids watch everything you do.
Being a parent and growing up is not an easy task. It is THEE hardest job I've ever had but its THEE most amazing job I've ever had and I would never give it up. It has taught me SO much and there have been lots of ups and downs but the love I have for my children is SO great!
Just yesterday I was thinking that I love my kids so much that i'm always giving them LOTS of kisses. And I realized that's STILL not enough to express how much I love them. I just want to squeeze them and hold them ALL day and night!
I've always wanted to be a mother but no matter how many times I had been told motherhood is hard I still would of made the choice I made. And it still doesn't prepare you for all the emotions you feel once you become a mother.
But I have been blessed with an AMAZING husband who is the BEST Father to our little boys.
Isaac is my sweet loving boy who loves to laugh and Jackson is pretty chill (too young to know his personality just yet)
my favorite picture of us together, like 3 weeks before I got pregnant lol
my 18 month old Isaac
my super cute 1 month old
they are bonding =]
my boys =]
Friday, November 28, 2014
A mothers worst nightmare
When you have kids you then always want to protect them from everything!! But you can't especially when once they start walking because they are going to explore you can't keep them locked up in a room. Even then unless it's a padded room they will always find a way to get hurt it's natural.
I would guess there are a lot of moms that's have certain fears or situations to never happen to their kids... Well one of mine came true on thanksgiving.
It's one of those memories I will probably never forget (maybe in time)
Every once in awhile the memory will pop in my head and I wanna burst into tears
We were in Idaho at my in laws new place and there were lots of kids and adults. We were all on the main floor most of the time. They do have these hard concrete or wood stairs covered in linoleum that go downstairs. There is a half door that keeps it closed off which is nice especially with little kids rubbing around.
I walked near the stairs with Jackson to get diapers for both the boys out of my bag and Isaac followed me.
It seemed like he wanted to go downstairs but I said no bud we aren't gonna go downstairs right now. I didn't bother to check if that stair door was closed because it wasn't in my eye sight an it's always been closed all day so I didn't think to worry.
I look back down at my bag trying to find the wipes that should of been in the bag. Next thing I know I hear something...someone falling down the stairs.
And I say something like oh no no no and hurry to stand up and walk over to the stairs and I watch Isaac roll down the last few steps and pretty sure I say spencer!! And he comes running over and down the stairs to get Isaac.
From the distance I thought his mouth was all bleeding but it was just chocolate from pie he ate earlier (lol)
He was shocked and then of course burst into tears. And daddy grabbed him. I handed Jackson over to Dianne and then Isaac wanted to come to me. We went over to the rocking chair and he cried and we rocked. Then we noticed his nose was bleeding a little. We checked his eyes and they weren't different sizes. Pretty sure there were a few bumps on his head. And a few scratches on his face. We gave him some medicine and he slowly seemed to calm down. His head was super hot so I took off his sweater.
He did have his shoes on which meant he didn't slip down the stairs with his socks on. And he had his pacifier in which probably protected his teeth. He at least fell half way down the stairs. But I didn't see the whole thing so it's possible he made it down most the way first.
There was someone there who is going into nursing and I almost done so she helped check him over a little bit which was nice.
Then Isaac soon was back to playing around. But I wanted to hold him forever and ever.
He was acting tired but he was before he fell so I wasn't too worries about that.
We did finally get him down around 10pm and daddy slept with him most the time. He woke up a few times for a little but and we gave him more medicine. Thankfully Jackson slept well and didn't really wake Isaac up so we were all up around 7am... Well not like spencer and I got a choice lol
1. Doesn't surprise me he was like "I will just go down myself." (He still isn't good at going down stairs by himself)
2. The sounds was like a tumbling you going down the stairs but your child! (A sound I will never forget)
3. And of course I kind of blamed myself because I'm his mother and suppose to protect him (I know things happen and I can't be everywhere to watch him)
Ahhh the worst but somehow like always he is always just fine after the hurt and shock wore off. But mommy is still trying to get over it all. I know things happen and you can't control everything but doesn't mean I can't worry and still worry after the fact.
I would guess there are a lot of moms that's have certain fears or situations to never happen to their kids... Well one of mine came true on thanksgiving.
It's one of those memories I will probably never forget (maybe in time)
Every once in awhile the memory will pop in my head and I wanna burst into tears
We were in Idaho at my in laws new place and there were lots of kids and adults. We were all on the main floor most of the time. They do have these hard concrete or wood stairs covered in linoleum that go downstairs. There is a half door that keeps it closed off which is nice especially with little kids rubbing around.
I walked near the stairs with Jackson to get diapers for both the boys out of my bag and Isaac followed me.
It seemed like he wanted to go downstairs but I said no bud we aren't gonna go downstairs right now. I didn't bother to check if that stair door was closed because it wasn't in my eye sight an it's always been closed all day so I didn't think to worry.
I look back down at my bag trying to find the wipes that should of been in the bag. Next thing I know I hear something...someone falling down the stairs.
And I say something like oh no no no and hurry to stand up and walk over to the stairs and I watch Isaac roll down the last few steps and pretty sure I say spencer!! And he comes running over and down the stairs to get Isaac.
From the distance I thought his mouth was all bleeding but it was just chocolate from pie he ate earlier (lol)
He was shocked and then of course burst into tears. And daddy grabbed him. I handed Jackson over to Dianne and then Isaac wanted to come to me. We went over to the rocking chair and he cried and we rocked. Then we noticed his nose was bleeding a little. We checked his eyes and they weren't different sizes. Pretty sure there were a few bumps on his head. And a few scratches on his face. We gave him some medicine and he slowly seemed to calm down. His head was super hot so I took off his sweater.
He did have his shoes on which meant he didn't slip down the stairs with his socks on. And he had his pacifier in which probably protected his teeth. He at least fell half way down the stairs. But I didn't see the whole thing so it's possible he made it down most the way first.
There was someone there who is going into nursing and I almost done so she helped check him over a little bit which was nice.
Then Isaac soon was back to playing around. But I wanted to hold him forever and ever.
He was acting tired but he was before he fell so I wasn't too worries about that.
We did finally get him down around 10pm and daddy slept with him most the time. He woke up a few times for a little but and we gave him more medicine. Thankfully Jackson slept well and didn't really wake Isaac up so we were all up around 7am... Well not like spencer and I got a choice lol
1. Doesn't surprise me he was like "I will just go down myself." (He still isn't good at going down stairs by himself)
2. The sounds was like a tumbling you going down the stairs but your child! (A sound I will never forget)
3. And of course I kind of blamed myself because I'm his mother and suppose to protect him (I know things happen and I can't be everywhere to watch him)
Ahhh the worst but somehow like always he is always just fine after the hurt and shock wore off. But mommy is still trying to get over it all. I know things happen and you can't control everything but doesn't mean I can't worry and still worry after the fact.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
A week with 2 under 2
A week with two kids....
Surprisingly the first few days weren't too bad but daddy was good at taking care of Isaac
I would the sns a little longer but then we decided this wasn't going to work. Which is kind of frustrating because I produce milk it may take a few days but that my children struggle to wanna latch and be patient so it makes me sad but I do know there is nothing wrong with using formula. The down size is I'm losing the baby weight slower :( depressing!
The first night was a little rough with Jackson because he hurt from his circumsion but after that he sleeps a lot which I love because then I can give Isaac some attention.
I ended up with an allergic reaction to I'm not sure so I was itchy, swollen and red all over down there which is not the place to have a allergic reaction especially when your still healing from having a baby lol
Once I got steroids it started getting better yay! I wasn't as exhausted after Jackson as I was with Isaac but physically I felt like I was healing a lot slower. Especially cuz this time around I had to stop my milk and man that's a pain! They are a little better but still producing some milk. And my emotions have sure been all over the place, even though Jackson is pretty good baby I still emotionally have a hard time taking care of both of them by myself even though I've survived :)
Isaac has been getting into trouble which is expected and he hasn't been eating well which I'm sure doesn't help his crabbiness. He has been sleeping fairly decent until last night he was up yelling our names and whining and not settling down (poor spencer) but Jackson is super gassy and struggles with that so he doesn't always sleep really great but once it's been two weeks I may have to change the formula he is using if he is still struggling so much.
The cats are being really curious of baby now which is cute but they get in the way lol
One thing that's been helpful is getting up at 730 I can feed Jackson and take a shower before Isaac wakes up so then I feel fairly ready for the day
Isaac also has the pacifier back half way through the day which is a comfort for him right now so we will give it a few more days but then need to start getting rid of it again.
He will give Jackson kisses and bring Jackson a pacifier when he cries and will sometimes peek over at him to just check him out. So he has been helpful but still jealousy hits every once in awhile.
Isaac defiantly seems very big now that we have another little one around the house lol but he still is a little baby and cracks me up :)
Sorry this post is all over the place but was writing it on my phone as I had time in between watching two kids.
I don't mind taking them places but there isn't really anywhere to take them.
I did some newborns for Isaac. But since he wouldn't sleep he wouldn't let me position him in weird positions but I did get a few good ones. Going to do more within the week though and get announcements sent out soon hopefully.
Either way we are surviving but I am defiantly taking a break before we have another baby lol
Oh and one plus is Jackson doesn't seem to prefer me over anyone (right now anyways) which is kind of nice cuz I don't have to hold him 24:7 and he sleeps well in a bouncer especially when swaddled
Also spencer is back to work which was hard to accept him going back but it's a part of life. The hard part is he is still doing school so even though he may be home from work he has to go in the back room to do homework. And I know he feels bad but it's great that he is getting an education.
And with each kid we have the more I love him. He is amazing with our kids and very helpful when I need his help. And I'm grateful for the time we all have together. It's a joy watching Isaac play with daddy and giggle and smile. It brigs a smile to my face.
Surprisingly the first few days weren't too bad but daddy was good at taking care of Isaac
I would the sns a little longer but then we decided this wasn't going to work. Which is kind of frustrating because I produce milk it may take a few days but that my children struggle to wanna latch and be patient so it makes me sad but I do know there is nothing wrong with using formula. The down size is I'm losing the baby weight slower :( depressing!
The first night was a little rough with Jackson because he hurt from his circumsion but after that he sleeps a lot which I love because then I can give Isaac some attention.
I ended up with an allergic reaction to I'm not sure so I was itchy, swollen and red all over down there which is not the place to have a allergic reaction especially when your still healing from having a baby lol
Once I got steroids it started getting better yay! I wasn't as exhausted after Jackson as I was with Isaac but physically I felt like I was healing a lot slower. Especially cuz this time around I had to stop my milk and man that's a pain! They are a little better but still producing some milk. And my emotions have sure been all over the place, even though Jackson is pretty good baby I still emotionally have a hard time taking care of both of them by myself even though I've survived :)
Isaac has been getting into trouble which is expected and he hasn't been eating well which I'm sure doesn't help his crabbiness. He has been sleeping fairly decent until last night he was up yelling our names and whining and not settling down (poor spencer) but Jackson is super gassy and struggles with that so he doesn't always sleep really great but once it's been two weeks I may have to change the formula he is using if he is still struggling so much.
The cats are being really curious of baby now which is cute but they get in the way lol
One thing that's been helpful is getting up at 730 I can feed Jackson and take a shower before Isaac wakes up so then I feel fairly ready for the day
Isaac also has the pacifier back half way through the day which is a comfort for him right now so we will give it a few more days but then need to start getting rid of it again.
He will give Jackson kisses and bring Jackson a pacifier when he cries and will sometimes peek over at him to just check him out. So he has been helpful but still jealousy hits every once in awhile.
Isaac defiantly seems very big now that we have another little one around the house lol but he still is a little baby and cracks me up :)
Sorry this post is all over the place but was writing it on my phone as I had time in between watching two kids.
I don't mind taking them places but there isn't really anywhere to take them.
I did some newborns for Isaac. But since he wouldn't sleep he wouldn't let me position him in weird positions but I did get a few good ones. Going to do more within the week though and get announcements sent out soon hopefully.
Either way we are surviving but I am defiantly taking a break before we have another baby lol
Oh and one plus is Jackson doesn't seem to prefer me over anyone (right now anyways) which is kind of nice cuz I don't have to hold him 24:7 and he sleeps well in a bouncer especially when swaddled
Also spencer is back to work which was hard to accept him going back but it's a part of life. The hard part is he is still doing school so even though he may be home from work he has to go in the back room to do homework. And I know he feels bad but it's great that he is getting an education.
And with each kid we have the more I love him. He is amazing with our kids and very helpful when I need his help. And I'm grateful for the time we all have together. It's a joy watching Isaac play with daddy and giggle and smile. It brigs a smile to my face.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Jackson's birth story
Sunday I had some contractions around 230am-4am and then they just stopped and never came back. So we had a nice family day together.
Monday I had my 38 weeks appointment. I was measuring 36 which means he dropped and was super low down. I was dilated at 4 cm and she swiped my membranes so then I became a 5.
She said she wouldn't be surprised if I had him that day or Tuesday.
No contractions and water hasn't broken so now we just wait for one of those two things to happen
Isaac kept bringing me the baby's owner manual book lol
Tuesday early morning I had some contractions on and off but still nothing consistent but of course who can sleep with that going on and Jackson is pushing and kicking like crazy which he usually doesn't do often
Then when I got up and took a shower I apparently didn't lose much bloody show last Tuesday cuz this morning I lost like 3 globs of bloody mucus so I guess I'm even closer
I kept losing more gross bloody show, I mean how much is in there??? Lol ew!
I called my doctor just not sure if I was losing too much and to be safe they had me go in to labor and delivery. And it was nothing so I went home. I was still 5 cm
Boy was I frustrated by this point since the doctor got my hopes up.
Around 2am Wednesday I got a hard contraction every hour that I would have to breathe through. But thankfully was able to always fall back asleep. :)
I got up around 8:45am with a contraction and decided to get up.
Then I started to get them sooner and harder. Isaac got up at 9/915 am and I had to breathe through a contraction and he thought that was funny how I was breathing lol
And bam they kept coming faster, I was gonna wait an hour to make sure but they became to hard so my mom came over as soon as possible and spencer headed home from work. This were a lot stronger then I ever had with Isaac which when I got to the hospital I was 7/8 cm which is probably why they were harder.
They were coming so close that I couldn't leave a Uribe sample or dress myself. Man!! And I was sweating they were so intense.
I said I wanted an epidural ASAP but they have to do all these checks to make sure first before I can get one. Ahh!
My mom and Isaac came in while I waited for spencer. Poor Isaac wanted mommy to hold him because he was super worried about me. Which was way sweet!
There were some amazing nurses that really helped me breathe a little better, And keep me semi calm. We got to the hospital at 9:45ish, and man things were going fast. Finally I got an epidural which seemed to take forever!!! I was about 8/9cm by then.
Then pretty soon we had me push but the little booger was head down but his back wasn't towards my tummy, he kept turning his head left and right so we decided to take a break and position my body to help him go to the right area.
Then I got checked later on about 12:20? The nurse was threatening him a little lol which actually made him get in the right position :) he was a stubborn boy.
So we pushed again but apparently his head was kind of big so we decided we needed a vacuum to help a bit. And it took a bit but finally we got his head out... It came out side ways lol and then out came the rest!
12:53pm Jackson Steven peacock arrived!! Only about 4 hours of labor :) He didn't poop all over me like Isaac lol he seemed so teeny!
Eventually he got his check up. 6 lbs 8 ozs, exactly a pound lighter then Isaac. 19 1/2 inches long. His head was a little deformed but that healed pretty darn quickly.
I did get a 2 degree tear but it was mostly all in the same spot that tore with Isaac and mainly just the scare tissue and no muscle. It all sewed up pretty well. My placenta kind of came out in pieces too, oh well lol
All seemed to look good! Ahhh I'm a mommy of two.
He has lots of hair, dark brown hair. And dark blue eyes. So far no birth mark spotted but he sure is cute!
He is a noise maker but it's way cute!
We decided to try and breastfeed... He sure was a stinker with that lol he just won't open his mouth wide and then won't suck or does for a second and then pulls off.
The middle part of my nipples go in which does frustrate him so we then tried a nipple shield which helped a bit but kept moving and giving me a blister. But wasn't getting food fast enough which upset him lol
So we let him have a nap and daddy and I got dinner! Yumm cuz I was sure hungry!
I did find out that if you have a full bladder you are more likely to get blood clots so you have to make sure to go potty fairly often.
I had wonderful nurses and a lactation nurse to help us!
We eventually decided to do what's called an sns it's where you feed this tube of formula to him while he sucks on your breast so he is getting food mixed with our colostrum... That thing is so simple what a miracle!! He drank then like a champ and was making me cramp which meant he was sucking on the breast good too!
So once my milk comes in good we can stop the formula part and all will hopefully be well :)
It makes this mommy very happy! He is a wide eyed baby and loves skin to skin time with mommy!
He got shots a little later and daddy helped give him a bath, he was a trooper!
Later we had my friend Kate visit and then grandma Nielsen, grandpa Nielsen, and big brother!!! Who was sadly cranky, he held Jackson for a bit but seemed jealous and didn't know what he wanted so he didn't stay long.
He's been pooping and peeing well!
To help out Isaac, spencer went home to sleep and play with him.
And Jackson and I did pretty well by ourselves :) we had aunt Jess and cousin j visit last.
He is a great sleeper! I haven't slept a ton but I've bad rest which is keeping me going so far.
He is a hard burper but eventually gets it all out.
We are all doing very well! And as long as I have a few meds and an ice pack I'm fairly comfortable. And my belly is super itchy lol
Monday I had my 38 weeks appointment. I was measuring 36 which means he dropped and was super low down. I was dilated at 4 cm and she swiped my membranes so then I became a 5.
She said she wouldn't be surprised if I had him that day or Tuesday.
No contractions and water hasn't broken so now we just wait for one of those two things to happen
Isaac kept bringing me the baby's owner manual book lol
Tuesday early morning I had some contractions on and off but still nothing consistent but of course who can sleep with that going on and Jackson is pushing and kicking like crazy which he usually doesn't do often
Then when I got up and took a shower I apparently didn't lose much bloody show last Tuesday cuz this morning I lost like 3 globs of bloody mucus so I guess I'm even closer
I kept losing more gross bloody show, I mean how much is in there??? Lol ew!
I called my doctor just not sure if I was losing too much and to be safe they had me go in to labor and delivery. And it was nothing so I went home. I was still 5 cm
Boy was I frustrated by this point since the doctor got my hopes up.
Around 2am Wednesday I got a hard contraction every hour that I would have to breathe through. But thankfully was able to always fall back asleep. :)
I got up around 8:45am with a contraction and decided to get up.
Then I started to get them sooner and harder. Isaac got up at 9/915 am and I had to breathe through a contraction and he thought that was funny how I was breathing lol
And bam they kept coming faster, I was gonna wait an hour to make sure but they became to hard so my mom came over as soon as possible and spencer headed home from work. This were a lot stronger then I ever had with Isaac which when I got to the hospital I was 7/8 cm which is probably why they were harder.
They were coming so close that I couldn't leave a Uribe sample or dress myself. Man!! And I was sweating they were so intense.
I said I wanted an epidural ASAP but they have to do all these checks to make sure first before I can get one. Ahh!
My mom and Isaac came in while I waited for spencer. Poor Isaac wanted mommy to hold him because he was super worried about me. Which was way sweet!
There were some amazing nurses that really helped me breathe a little better, And keep me semi calm. We got to the hospital at 9:45ish, and man things were going fast. Finally I got an epidural which seemed to take forever!!! I was about 8/9cm by then.
Then pretty soon we had me push but the little booger was head down but his back wasn't towards my tummy, he kept turning his head left and right so we decided to take a break and position my body to help him go to the right area.
Then I got checked later on about 12:20? The nurse was threatening him a little lol which actually made him get in the right position :) he was a stubborn boy.
So we pushed again but apparently his head was kind of big so we decided we needed a vacuum to help a bit. And it took a bit but finally we got his head out... It came out side ways lol and then out came the rest!
12:53pm Jackson Steven peacock arrived!! Only about 4 hours of labor :) He didn't poop all over me like Isaac lol he seemed so teeny!
Eventually he got his check up. 6 lbs 8 ozs, exactly a pound lighter then Isaac. 19 1/2 inches long. His head was a little deformed but that healed pretty darn quickly.
I did get a 2 degree tear but it was mostly all in the same spot that tore with Isaac and mainly just the scare tissue and no muscle. It all sewed up pretty well. My placenta kind of came out in pieces too, oh well lol
All seemed to look good! Ahhh I'm a mommy of two.
He has lots of hair, dark brown hair. And dark blue eyes. So far no birth mark spotted but he sure is cute!
He is a noise maker but it's way cute!
We decided to try and breastfeed... He sure was a stinker with that lol he just won't open his mouth wide and then won't suck or does for a second and then pulls off.
The middle part of my nipples go in which does frustrate him so we then tried a nipple shield which helped a bit but kept moving and giving me a blister. But wasn't getting food fast enough which upset him lol
So we let him have a nap and daddy and I got dinner! Yumm cuz I was sure hungry!
I did find out that if you have a full bladder you are more likely to get blood clots so you have to make sure to go potty fairly often.
I had wonderful nurses and a lactation nurse to help us!
We eventually decided to do what's called an sns it's where you feed this tube of formula to him while he sucks on your breast so he is getting food mixed with our colostrum... That thing is so simple what a miracle!! He drank then like a champ and was making me cramp which meant he was sucking on the breast good too!
So once my milk comes in good we can stop the formula part and all will hopefully be well :)
It makes this mommy very happy! He is a wide eyed baby and loves skin to skin time with mommy!
He got shots a little later and daddy helped give him a bath, he was a trooper!
Later we had my friend Kate visit and then grandma Nielsen, grandpa Nielsen, and big brother!!! Who was sadly cranky, he held Jackson for a bit but seemed jealous and didn't know what he wanted so he didn't stay long.
He's been pooping and peeing well!
To help out Isaac, spencer went home to sleep and play with him.
And Jackson and I did pretty well by ourselves :) we had aunt Jess and cousin j visit last.
He is a great sleeper! I haven't slept a ton but I've bad rest which is keeping me going so far.
He is a hard burper but eventually gets it all out.
We are all doing very well! And as long as I have a few meds and an ice pack I'm fairly comfortable. And my belly is super itchy lol
Friday, October 3, 2014
16 months & 33 weeks
Isaac 16 months old
He is so adorable =] They do grow up fast which you hear probably all the time.
There are times where I do realize I think he should "know better" when really he still is a baby and doesn't always understand things still. So sometimes I have to step back and remind myself he isn't a big kid just yet.
He has 6 teeth ALL the way in and 2 others half way in, each set are coming in the right order so that's great! He's had a few bumps and bruises lately, he always manages to find the corner of walls haha
We went to California for about a week and he did SO well, I was very proud of him! It made taking care of him mostly by myself easier.
Isaac is in that stage where if he wants something he points at it and goes "uh uh uh" Basically whining for it. And if you say no he THROWS a fit! It's been a fun stage....not!
We don't give him lots of treats but when he would eat a meal really well I would give him a small chocolate or something well now we've kind of taken that away because he knows where the treats are and begs for them WAY too much.
He had a small cold, which I think is already now over and it wasn't too bad so we survived.
Every once in awhile he will sleep from like 8-8 but lately he's been waking up a few times for his pacifier or his "puppy" blanket. I'm thinking if I had a netting put up that wouldn't happen anymore but I just keep forgetting to buy one.
We still have to constantly tell him to not put things in his mouth and we give him a few warnings and then take it away if he still does it.
He still LOVES going outside and it's cooler out (FALL how I love you!) which is nice because we can stay out a little longer and not get too hot or too cold.
I introduced him to a baby and he seemed to like her, the only problem was he wanted to take her pacifier so that might be a issue when Jackson comes lol
Other then that he didn't mind the crying but the baby didn't stay all day every day so that will be the challenge.
He recognizes family in pictures so when we were in California he saw a picture of daddy on Grandma's wall and got super upset because he missed daddy and wanted him there.
He still HATES getting his diaper changed but LOVES bath time.
He sure gets BURSTS of energy lately which is so fun, basically we laugh at him a lot.
Oh and still gets 2 naps MOST days just depends on if something throws his schedule off.
But I love him to pieces and I think he is going to be a great big brother!
Jackson 33 weeks
I keep getting closer and closer to the due date but it still seems forever away sometimes.
We are 100% ready for him, My bag is 75% packed (so enough that its pretty much ready)
We toured the hospital, we pre registered and pre paid for everything. We have all the items we NEED, still a few I would LIKE but aren't necessary.
Weight: 130 (gained 18 lbs)
I feel my thighs are fatter this time around but maybe I could be wrong
I feel I have more stretch marks but maybe my old ones are just more stretched out now then they were with Isaac.
I'm pretty sure i'm a lot bigger belly wise then I was with Isaac.
About a week or two ago I started getting that pain under my right breast like I did with Isaac only I got it sooner with Isaac so I am thankfully I haven't had to deal with it this time as long.
I have RLS still on and off. My belly has now started to itch again, never a fun stage of pregnancy.
His heartbeat is around 130-140 bpm
Everything is measuring perfect, and his head is down and in the right spot.
Lately he has been moving like CRAZY especially at night.
I'm not having a hard time sleeping which has been really frustrating, i dont think I had that issue with Isaac. But i'm so close to the end I think I can bare with it for these last 7 weeks or so.
I have felt a few braxton hicks here and there, never had too many with Isaac.
My friends are throwing me a "Baby Sprinkle" which is so sweet of them, i'm pretty excited to have some girl time and celebrate Jackson.
I am total fine for him to come whenever but preferably after October 12th because I have commitments up until that day.
I am a little nervous about doing this all over again SO soon but apparently he is meant to be in our family and I couldn't be happier to have another sweet baby to love and cuddle.
It will be pretty tough especially since i'm not sure what time of personality he will have but praying it's like Isaac's or better =]
And I will be trying out Paragard for my birth control which I hope goes well....all birth controls have so many side effects
Our Guesses: (first guess is mine and second guess is spencer's)
Arrival date- November 16th & November 10th
Labor length- 8 hours & 9.5 hours
Weight- 7.5 lbs & 8 lbs
Hair- brown & red
Eyes- brown & blue
Length- 21 inches & 20 inches
I'm hoping he has a birth mark too just cuz birth marks are so cute.
We got a new fridge...yay!! So now I have ice for my water which if you know me I love cold water!
Spencer and his dad also made this cat box thing for the cats litter box so that it would leave less litter on the bathroom floor. So far the cats love it and I love it.
September 8th I got another cute nephew: Cruz, son of Jon & Mallorie.... haven't met him yet, hopefully I will tomorrow.
I've been doing a little better at keeping a few things cleaner in the house. But there are always good and bad days. lol
The primary program is on the 12th, can't wait for that to be over with then we get a little break from teaching the kids new songs.
Isaac and my costumes are ready to go for Halloween, which is almost here yay!
I'm keeping up on Isaac & Jackson's Life binders... I just LOVE the idea of it and its working out fairly well.
I am almost saved up for a desktop computer which is going to be SO nice! It's a lot better then a laptop when it comes to having a family. And my laptop is slowly dying.
I've taken a few people's pictures for maternity and 3 month old pictures and soon to do some wedding family pictures. And the first two have turned out pretty good, i'm proud of myself =]
I'm constantly trying to do better with spending money.
Maternity pictures are on the 11th, and i'm really excited, cant wait to see how they turn out.
Spencer and I are looking in to using Trac type phones instead of being on a phone plan which would save us quite a bit of money in the long run. I'm home with wifi 90% of the time so I really don't need much of a data plan. And these companies have nice phones too not just small dinky phones.
He is so adorable =] They do grow up fast which you hear probably all the time.
There are times where I do realize I think he should "know better" when really he still is a baby and doesn't always understand things still. So sometimes I have to step back and remind myself he isn't a big kid just yet.
He has 6 teeth ALL the way in and 2 others half way in, each set are coming in the right order so that's great! He's had a few bumps and bruises lately, he always manages to find the corner of walls haha
We went to California for about a week and he did SO well, I was very proud of him! It made taking care of him mostly by myself easier.
Isaac is in that stage where if he wants something he points at it and goes "uh uh uh" Basically whining for it. And if you say no he THROWS a fit! It's been a fun stage....not!
We don't give him lots of treats but when he would eat a meal really well I would give him a small chocolate or something well now we've kind of taken that away because he knows where the treats are and begs for them WAY too much.
He had a small cold, which I think is already now over and it wasn't too bad so we survived.
Every once in awhile he will sleep from like 8-8 but lately he's been waking up a few times for his pacifier or his "puppy" blanket. I'm thinking if I had a netting put up that wouldn't happen anymore but I just keep forgetting to buy one.
We still have to constantly tell him to not put things in his mouth and we give him a few warnings and then take it away if he still does it.
He still LOVES going outside and it's cooler out (FALL how I love you!) which is nice because we can stay out a little longer and not get too hot or too cold.
I introduced him to a baby and he seemed to like her, the only problem was he wanted to take her pacifier so that might be a issue when Jackson comes lol
Other then that he didn't mind the crying but the baby didn't stay all day every day so that will be the challenge.
He recognizes family in pictures so when we were in California he saw a picture of daddy on Grandma's wall and got super upset because he missed daddy and wanted him there.
He still HATES getting his diaper changed but LOVES bath time.
He sure gets BURSTS of energy lately which is so fun, basically we laugh at him a lot.
Oh and still gets 2 naps MOST days just depends on if something throws his schedule off.
But I love him to pieces and I think he is going to be a great big brother!
Jackson 33 weeks
I keep getting closer and closer to the due date but it still seems forever away sometimes.
We are 100% ready for him, My bag is 75% packed (so enough that its pretty much ready)
We toured the hospital, we pre registered and pre paid for everything. We have all the items we NEED, still a few I would LIKE but aren't necessary.
Weight: 130 (gained 18 lbs)
I feel my thighs are fatter this time around but maybe I could be wrong
I feel I have more stretch marks but maybe my old ones are just more stretched out now then they were with Isaac.
I'm pretty sure i'm a lot bigger belly wise then I was with Isaac.
About a week or two ago I started getting that pain under my right breast like I did with Isaac only I got it sooner with Isaac so I am thankfully I haven't had to deal with it this time as long.
I have RLS still on and off. My belly has now started to itch again, never a fun stage of pregnancy.
His heartbeat is around 130-140 bpm
Everything is measuring perfect, and his head is down and in the right spot.
Lately he has been moving like CRAZY especially at night.
I'm not having a hard time sleeping which has been really frustrating, i dont think I had that issue with Isaac. But i'm so close to the end I think I can bare with it for these last 7 weeks or so.
I have felt a few braxton hicks here and there, never had too many with Isaac.
My friends are throwing me a "Baby Sprinkle" which is so sweet of them, i'm pretty excited to have some girl time and celebrate Jackson.
I am total fine for him to come whenever but preferably after October 12th because I have commitments up until that day.
I am a little nervous about doing this all over again SO soon but apparently he is meant to be in our family and I couldn't be happier to have another sweet baby to love and cuddle.
It will be pretty tough especially since i'm not sure what time of personality he will have but praying it's like Isaac's or better =]
And I will be trying out Paragard for my birth control which I hope goes well....all birth controls have so many side effects
Our Guesses: (first guess is mine and second guess is spencer's)
Arrival date- November 16th & November 10th
Labor length- 8 hours & 9.5 hours
Weight- 7.5 lbs & 8 lbs
Hair- brown & red
Eyes- brown & blue
Length- 21 inches & 20 inches
I'm hoping he has a birth mark too just cuz birth marks are so cute.
We got a new fridge...yay!! So now I have ice for my water which if you know me I love cold water!
Spencer and his dad also made this cat box thing for the cats litter box so that it would leave less litter on the bathroom floor. So far the cats love it and I love it.
September 8th I got another cute nephew: Cruz, son of Jon & Mallorie.... haven't met him yet, hopefully I will tomorrow.
I've been doing a little better at keeping a few things cleaner in the house. But there are always good and bad days. lol
The primary program is on the 12th, can't wait for that to be over with then we get a little break from teaching the kids new songs.
Isaac and my costumes are ready to go for Halloween, which is almost here yay!
I'm keeping up on Isaac & Jackson's Life binders... I just LOVE the idea of it and its working out fairly well.
I am almost saved up for a desktop computer which is going to be SO nice! It's a lot better then a laptop when it comes to having a family. And my laptop is slowly dying.
I've taken a few people's pictures for maternity and 3 month old pictures and soon to do some wedding family pictures. And the first two have turned out pretty good, i'm proud of myself =]
I'm constantly trying to do better with spending money.
Maternity pictures are on the 11th, and i'm really excited, cant wait to see how they turn out.
Spencer and I are looking in to using Trac type phones instead of being on a phone plan which would save us quite a bit of money in the long run. I'm home with wifi 90% of the time so I really don't need much of a data plan. And these companies have nice phones too not just small dinky phones.
32 weeks prego
And this ADORABLE blue eyed boy =]
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Our insurance didn't cover a nutrition visit but the nutritionist offered to do it over the phone for free so I accepted!!
I was expected her to tell me to hide more calories in food but the real issue was he wasn't eating much so how could I hide things if he wasn't eaten much to hide things in.
Once I told her our situation, what she said took me by surprise and I was a skeptic but I figured it couldn't hurt to try out her suggestion.
She said don't feed him any snacks. They fill them up more then you think and so do milk and juice
1. Only milk or juice with meals and only give him water in between meals
2. No snacks and give him what you want to make, it's his job to eat if he won't then that's his issue, don't try all sorts of things until he eats something because your in charge of deciding what to serve for dinner. If he is hungry enough he will learn to eat whatever you give him
3. Eat at the table at meals (which I did always for dinner and sometimes lunch and breakfast) and eat with him at the table too
4. Add coconut cream syrup to his milk to give him more calories
So it was really hard when he wouldn't eat meals but she said he will be okay just give it three days.
Let me tell you what!!! He is doing great so far and I've noticed he sleeps better (naps are up and down sometimes) but he is less cranky because he is getting full on good food not snacks and it's more consistent
When he wakes up around 8/830 we have breakfast then an hour or hour and a half later he naps
Around 12 we have lunch and then since dinner isn't until 5 or later I have decided at 3 to give him a small snack and he gets it at the table because 5 hours is a long time to only have water.
Then he gets a snack before bed around 730/800
If he doesn't eat good he knows he doesn't get a snack
But wow it's been amazing and I'm so glad we have solved this issue and hopefully he will gain weight better now. :)
I have a happier toddler and that means a happier mommy!
Every toddler is different of course but this works for us now so sorry if some of you think it's silly not to give him snacks.
This is a website she gave me that has ideas if anyone is interested it's for more then just toddlers
I was expected her to tell me to hide more calories in food but the real issue was he wasn't eating much so how could I hide things if he wasn't eaten much to hide things in.
Once I told her our situation, what she said took me by surprise and I was a skeptic but I figured it couldn't hurt to try out her suggestion.
She said don't feed him any snacks. They fill them up more then you think and so do milk and juice
1. Only milk or juice with meals and only give him water in between meals
2. No snacks and give him what you want to make, it's his job to eat if he won't then that's his issue, don't try all sorts of things until he eats something because your in charge of deciding what to serve for dinner. If he is hungry enough he will learn to eat whatever you give him
3. Eat at the table at meals (which I did always for dinner and sometimes lunch and breakfast) and eat with him at the table too
4. Add coconut cream syrup to his milk to give him more calories
So it was really hard when he wouldn't eat meals but she said he will be okay just give it three days.
Let me tell you what!!! He is doing great so far and I've noticed he sleeps better (naps are up and down sometimes) but he is less cranky because he is getting full on good food not snacks and it's more consistent
When he wakes up around 8/830 we have breakfast then an hour or hour and a half later he naps
Around 12 we have lunch and then since dinner isn't until 5 or later I have decided at 3 to give him a small snack and he gets it at the table because 5 hours is a long time to only have water.
Then he gets a snack before bed around 730/800
If he doesn't eat good he knows he doesn't get a snack
But wow it's been amazing and I'm so glad we have solved this issue and hopefully he will gain weight better now. :)
I have a happier toddler and that means a happier mommy!
Every toddler is different of course but this works for us now so sorry if some of you think it's silly not to give him snacks.
This is a website she gave me that has ideas if anyone is interested it's for more then just toddlers
Friday, September 5, 2014
almost 30 weeks w/ #2
I've been slowly getting things ready for Jackson coming because time is flying by really fast and you never know if your baby will come early or not.
I had my glucose test and it came back great so yay! I am a little anemic but that didn't surprise me, but this time I am doing better at taking an iron pill once a day and maybe that will help.
My ring still fits, my belly button isn't poking out yet but it's near the surface. My stretch marks from isaac have stretched all the way out but don't see any new ones yet.
I feel like I stick out more this time around and am a little lower then before.
The doctor says I really need to work on gaining 1 - 1 1/2 lbs a week which is really hard. Even though i'm hungry all the time I really don't care much about food.
Once I hit the 3rd trimester my body has not felt the best. I get cramps and sharp pains here and there which usually goes away once I drink more water and I try never to clean too much or walk too much.
Mostly the thing that is killing me the most this pregnancy is my emotions. Physically i'm pretty darn lucky and don't have any pregnancy symptoms like swollen feet or super chubby or anything like that, except it does make my butt bigger which is not flattering. I sleep pretty well though and i'm a little tired but not terribly and I can still bend and carry things with no back pain.
But my emotions are UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN. One minute i'm super excited and can NOT wait!! Other days I worry so much about surviving with another newborn so soon or will I be able to handle Isaac and Jackson together. But until he comes I have no idea so I try not to stress but I still do.
Isaac and I are going to California, driving down with the in-laws and then flying back after about a week. I'm really excited just to get a change of scenery but i'm always freaking out that Jackson will decide to come early or that Isaac will be really hard to entertain on the plane even though its only about a 2 hr flight. So Prayers would be appreciated for that day.
Then maternity pictures are coming up and I CAN"T WAIT!!! I love pictures and especially from a professional that can make everything look good. I love capturing beautiful moments like maternity pictures and newborn pictures.
It's starting to feel like Fall which is SO exciting, it's my favorite season because I can wear sweaters and go on a walk and not get super hot. But also means Jackson will be coming soon too
Isaac is just the cutest especially when he is in a giggly, smiley, happy mood. I love when he comes and sits on my lap (even though its kind of awkward to sit with a huge bump) and watch TV with me. He is just so silly some days. He is now 15 months old and is still tiny 17.5 lbs which meant time for us to talk with a nutritionist. Which makes me feel like I did bad as a mom but it will be nice to get advice because I knew I would struggle with this since I dont eat very well myself and hate cooking and doing dishes. I think part of him not wanting to eat sometimes is he gets sick of me feeding him kind of the same type of foods.
I wish I wasn't picky at this point in my life.... but we talk with her today and i'm really excited to hear her thoughts.
But other then that Isaac is OBSESSED with technology which is frustrating but the doctor says its normal but we still try to hide our phones and things and try to distract him with outside and other toys. He loves trying to help me cook and he understands this makes this turn on or this room has this in it. He is really connecting things. His newest thing and he tries to clean his ears with a qtip which is adorable (dont worry i wont let it actually go in his ear). He has been napping better which is really nice and I hope it stays this way for a long time. =]
He LOVES the cats even more now and will go to get them treats its really cute. He is starting to run now which is hilarious. And sometimes he will hug his cousins which is super cute and i'm not sure where he learned it and maybe he doesnt even realize that's called a hug but it's awesome.
He jabbers a lot and sometimes on a phone but none are really words yet but it does sound like they are close to real words.
He will be Thing 1 for Halloween and my big belly will be Thing 2 for Jackson. i'm excited!! =]
Oh on a side note we went to the Ogden Temple Open House with all my family (besides mallorie and cache) it was 31 years ago to the day that my parents were sealed there to my brother so that was really awesome. I hate to admit that I wasn't in the best of mood that day but glad that our family has grown from 3 to soon to be 16 people, that's amazing.
I'm sure Isaac will wake up from his nap soon so I better close this, and i'm sure i've forgotten something but it's nice to just type feelings every once in awhile.
I had my glucose test and it came back great so yay! I am a little anemic but that didn't surprise me, but this time I am doing better at taking an iron pill once a day and maybe that will help.
My ring still fits, my belly button isn't poking out yet but it's near the surface. My stretch marks from isaac have stretched all the way out but don't see any new ones yet.
I feel like I stick out more this time around and am a little lower then before.
The doctor says I really need to work on gaining 1 - 1 1/2 lbs a week which is really hard. Even though i'm hungry all the time I really don't care much about food.
Once I hit the 3rd trimester my body has not felt the best. I get cramps and sharp pains here and there which usually goes away once I drink more water and I try never to clean too much or walk too much.
Mostly the thing that is killing me the most this pregnancy is my emotions. Physically i'm pretty darn lucky and don't have any pregnancy symptoms like swollen feet or super chubby or anything like that, except it does make my butt bigger which is not flattering. I sleep pretty well though and i'm a little tired but not terribly and I can still bend and carry things with no back pain.
But my emotions are UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN. One minute i'm super excited and can NOT wait!! Other days I worry so much about surviving with another newborn so soon or will I be able to handle Isaac and Jackson together. But until he comes I have no idea so I try not to stress but I still do.
Isaac and I are going to California, driving down with the in-laws and then flying back after about a week. I'm really excited just to get a change of scenery but i'm always freaking out that Jackson will decide to come early or that Isaac will be really hard to entertain on the plane even though its only about a 2 hr flight. So Prayers would be appreciated for that day.
Then maternity pictures are coming up and I CAN"T WAIT!!! I love pictures and especially from a professional that can make everything look good. I love capturing beautiful moments like maternity pictures and newborn pictures.
It's starting to feel like Fall which is SO exciting, it's my favorite season because I can wear sweaters and go on a walk and not get super hot. But also means Jackson will be coming soon too
Isaac is just the cutest especially when he is in a giggly, smiley, happy mood. I love when he comes and sits on my lap (even though its kind of awkward to sit with a huge bump) and watch TV with me. He is just so silly some days. He is now 15 months old and is still tiny 17.5 lbs which meant time for us to talk with a nutritionist. Which makes me feel like I did bad as a mom but it will be nice to get advice because I knew I would struggle with this since I dont eat very well myself and hate cooking and doing dishes. I think part of him not wanting to eat sometimes is he gets sick of me feeding him kind of the same type of foods.
I wish I wasn't picky at this point in my life.... but we talk with her today and i'm really excited to hear her thoughts.
But other then that Isaac is OBSESSED with technology which is frustrating but the doctor says its normal but we still try to hide our phones and things and try to distract him with outside and other toys. He loves trying to help me cook and he understands this makes this turn on or this room has this in it. He is really connecting things. His newest thing and he tries to clean his ears with a qtip which is adorable (dont worry i wont let it actually go in his ear). He has been napping better which is really nice and I hope it stays this way for a long time. =]
He LOVES the cats even more now and will go to get them treats its really cute. He is starting to run now which is hilarious. And sometimes he will hug his cousins which is super cute and i'm not sure where he learned it and maybe he doesnt even realize that's called a hug but it's awesome.
He jabbers a lot and sometimes on a phone but none are really words yet but it does sound like they are close to real words.
He will be Thing 1 for Halloween and my big belly will be Thing 2 for Jackson. i'm excited!! =]
Oh on a side note we went to the Ogden Temple Open House with all my family (besides mallorie and cache) it was 31 years ago to the day that my parents were sealed there to my brother so that was really awesome. I hate to admit that I wasn't in the best of mood that day but glad that our family has grown from 3 to soon to be 16 people, that's amazing.
I'm sure Isaac will wake up from his nap soon so I better close this, and i'm sure i've forgotten something but it's nice to just type feelings every once in awhile.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Summer 2014
Isaac is about 14 1/2 months old. He is quite the talker except of course none of it makes sense. He does try to copy the sounds of words we say. He can say oh boy pretty good which is super cute!
He has tooth number 5 poked through and 1 or 2 more in the process. He sleeps fairly well at night but we still have bad nights too. We took the pacifier away during naps but after a few weeks I realized his second nap so not long enough so we gave him it back for only his second nap and he now sleeps longer! :)
He now lately won't eat a whole bunch so that's been really frustrating for me because I already worry that I'm not feeding him good enough as a mother.
He LOVES Legos and will bring me the tv remote as if to say okay mom it's tv time lol he is learning how things work by watching daddy and I so that's fun to watch.
He has had a lot of whiny moments lately which have been hard for me.
Being pregnant again I rely SO much on Isaac getting two naps a day which he still desperately needs both by his crankiness. So days when he fights naps can be very hard on me emotionally. Jackson moves around quite a bit but the only pregnancy symptom I really have is being tired most of the time.
A few days ago the sister missionaries asked me to go visit a in active couple with them. So I went and one thing that was said was something I needed to hear. Let me first start off with saying to get through a day I tell myself that God wouldn't of blessed me with two kids so close together unless he knew I could handle it. By saying that I hope it gives me strength but it doesn't always on hard days.
But a sister brought this up and said I actually believe God gives us a little more then we can handle so that we will come to Him for help because we can't get through life without him. BOOM! Basically that was a wake up call that I really hadn't asked much for His help by praying daily or things like that and somedays I really need that help to get through the day.
Let me also add that I am very grateful and blessed to have soon to be two healthy boys but somedays are emotionally very hard for me but I love them both very much.
On a side note I've gotten rid of all my skirts so I'm done with Lularoe which is a big weight off my shoulders at the moment.
It's been great having spencer off school for this summer semester. He's been able to help with Isaac a little more and make our yard even more beautiful! I can't wait for next summer when all our fruit trees are blossoming! Cherry, peach, and apple! And then our bushes of blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries! And grapes! Yummy!
There is only a few items needed for when Jackson comes since we don't really need to buy clothes.
The list is:
Bumbo (I have a tray for one but that's it but don't need until maybe he is 3 months old anyways)
Swing (Isaac didn't care for them so want to test Jackson in one of my moms first before I purchase one)
Pacifiers (advent was my favorite brand but Isaac took pretty much any kind)
Diaper bag (one that's big enough for two sets of cloth diapers and two kids, there is own from this place called 31 that I plan to get but spencer said I should wait tell it gets closer but it's on my list so I don't forget)
Moby wrap would be nice but I do have a few other okay holders so probably won't get one
That's all except for little things for me for the hospital and afterwards
I'm pretty much prepared just need to do a few things. I'm 26 weeks pregnant so I still have time. We are down to double digits left until the due date, that's crazy!
On a side note my mother is getting filled with more grandsons lol
Mallorie my sister in law is due in September with a boy, Cruz
I'm due in November with a due, Jackson
Stephanie my sister is due at the end of January with a boy, Ellis
So that will be 6 grandsons and 1 granddaughter in total on the Nielsen side lol
He has tooth number 5 poked through and 1 or 2 more in the process. He sleeps fairly well at night but we still have bad nights too. We took the pacifier away during naps but after a few weeks I realized his second nap so not long enough so we gave him it back for only his second nap and he now sleeps longer! :)
He now lately won't eat a whole bunch so that's been really frustrating for me because I already worry that I'm not feeding him good enough as a mother.
He LOVES Legos and will bring me the tv remote as if to say okay mom it's tv time lol he is learning how things work by watching daddy and I so that's fun to watch.
He has had a lot of whiny moments lately which have been hard for me.
Being pregnant again I rely SO much on Isaac getting two naps a day which he still desperately needs both by his crankiness. So days when he fights naps can be very hard on me emotionally. Jackson moves around quite a bit but the only pregnancy symptom I really have is being tired most of the time.
A few days ago the sister missionaries asked me to go visit a in active couple with them. So I went and one thing that was said was something I needed to hear. Let me first start off with saying to get through a day I tell myself that God wouldn't of blessed me with two kids so close together unless he knew I could handle it. By saying that I hope it gives me strength but it doesn't always on hard days.
But a sister brought this up and said I actually believe God gives us a little more then we can handle so that we will come to Him for help because we can't get through life without him. BOOM! Basically that was a wake up call that I really hadn't asked much for His help by praying daily or things like that and somedays I really need that help to get through the day.
Let me also add that I am very grateful and blessed to have soon to be two healthy boys but somedays are emotionally very hard for me but I love them both very much.
On a side note I've gotten rid of all my skirts so I'm done with Lularoe which is a big weight off my shoulders at the moment.
It's been great having spencer off school for this summer semester. He's been able to help with Isaac a little more and make our yard even more beautiful! I can't wait for next summer when all our fruit trees are blossoming! Cherry, peach, and apple! And then our bushes of blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries! And grapes! Yummy!
There is only a few items needed for when Jackson comes since we don't really need to buy clothes.
The list is:
Bumbo (I have a tray for one but that's it but don't need until maybe he is 3 months old anyways)
Swing (Isaac didn't care for them so want to test Jackson in one of my moms first before I purchase one)
Pacifiers (advent was my favorite brand but Isaac took pretty much any kind)
Diaper bag (one that's big enough for two sets of cloth diapers and two kids, there is own from this place called 31 that I plan to get but spencer said I should wait tell it gets closer but it's on my list so I don't forget)
Moby wrap would be nice but I do have a few other okay holders so probably won't get one
That's all except for little things for me for the hospital and afterwards
I'm pretty much prepared just need to do a few things. I'm 26 weeks pregnant so I still have time. We are down to double digits left until the due date, that's crazy!
On a side note my mother is getting filled with more grandsons lol
Mallorie my sister in law is due in September with a boy, Cruz
I'm due in November with a due, Jackson
Stephanie my sister is due at the end of January with a boy, Ellis
So that will be 6 grandsons and 1 granddaughter in total on the Nielsen side lol
Monday, July 7, 2014
Baby #2 & A Mother's Love
I am almost 21 weeks pregnant and it is becoming a little more real that were expecting baby #2, I just never knew it was going to happen so soon and so it felt like a dream.
We found out we are expecting another boy, which I kind of had a feeling that would be the case. It took be a little bit to be okay with that because I've always wanted a girl but each day goes by I get more excited about another boy, a friend for Isaac.
His name will be Jackson Steven. Steven is the name of Spencer and my dad so we decided to fit it in to a son's name. I am feeling him move more and more which makes it all a little more real.
It will be fun to see how much he looks like Isaac or doesn't look like Isaac. =] The second baby does go by pretty fast, i'm already halfway through and the last part usually goes by pretty fast. Luckily all has gone pretty well with this pregnancy, he is always moving for ultrasounds and when they check his heartbeat.
I told Isaac's pediatrician that my pregnancies are usually pretty good, I rarely feel pregnant. And he said "You must have one of those bodies made to grow/have babies" It may sound like a weird comment but it actually made me feel pretty good because I usually get down on myself a lot when i'm pregnant. That i'm not eating really good or drinking enough water and worry i'm not doing enough for my babies so that comment just made me feel good.
Isaac is 13 months old and just growing and learning things like crazy. Which brings me to the other part of my title. A mother's love.
It's SO powerful! A mother's love for her child is like nothing you've ever felt before. I'm sure it feels that way for most new mom's. Isaac is a blessing, he is the best son I could of ever asked for. We've had a lot of rough patches especially for the first 8 months or so. Learning each other and getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep sure helps when raising a child. Isaac is amazing and there are days I just look at him and want to Squeeze him and kiss him all over! The smiles he gives me and now occasionally he will give kisses and wrap his arms around my neck like a hug. And he will sometimes put his hand on my shoulder or arm and it's the sweetest thing! He is sleeping much better which really helps us both. And he just laughs and plays so well and he is going to be a great big brother. He makes me so proud!
There are times I can't believe i'm already a mother to a boy and soon to be two boys but they are my life. I'm not much for working at jobs and i'm not the best at being a stay at home mom but I can do that better then anything else. And we learn and grow together. It's always great to take a break from your children but you always want to come back to them. And when they get so excited to see you it just melts your heart all over again.
I couldn't of asked for a better husband, he helps me with Isaac and is supportive and is amazing at his job but is a great father to Isaac. Isaac adores him!
On a side note I am quitting Lularoe, it's taking awhile to actually get rid of my product but hopefully i will at least break even or make a little off of it all. It was a good experience but not something I want to be doing right now or probably ever again. It's just too much. And we are slowly getting the house prepared for baby #2, don't plan on buying any clothes for him but there are a few big products we need to invest in.
We found out we are expecting another boy, which I kind of had a feeling that would be the case. It took be a little bit to be okay with that because I've always wanted a girl but each day goes by I get more excited about another boy, a friend for Isaac.
His name will be Jackson Steven. Steven is the name of Spencer and my dad so we decided to fit it in to a son's name. I am feeling him move more and more which makes it all a little more real.
It will be fun to see how much he looks like Isaac or doesn't look like Isaac. =] The second baby does go by pretty fast, i'm already halfway through and the last part usually goes by pretty fast. Luckily all has gone pretty well with this pregnancy, he is always moving for ultrasounds and when they check his heartbeat.
I told Isaac's pediatrician that my pregnancies are usually pretty good, I rarely feel pregnant. And he said "You must have one of those bodies made to grow/have babies" It may sound like a weird comment but it actually made me feel pretty good because I usually get down on myself a lot when i'm pregnant. That i'm not eating really good or drinking enough water and worry i'm not doing enough for my babies so that comment just made me feel good.
Isaac is 13 months old and just growing and learning things like crazy. Which brings me to the other part of my title. A mother's love.
It's SO powerful! A mother's love for her child is like nothing you've ever felt before. I'm sure it feels that way for most new mom's. Isaac is a blessing, he is the best son I could of ever asked for. We've had a lot of rough patches especially for the first 8 months or so. Learning each other and getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep sure helps when raising a child. Isaac is amazing and there are days I just look at him and want to Squeeze him and kiss him all over! The smiles he gives me and now occasionally he will give kisses and wrap his arms around my neck like a hug. And he will sometimes put his hand on my shoulder or arm and it's the sweetest thing! He is sleeping much better which really helps us both. And he just laughs and plays so well and he is going to be a great big brother. He makes me so proud!
There are times I can't believe i'm already a mother to a boy and soon to be two boys but they are my life. I'm not much for working at jobs and i'm not the best at being a stay at home mom but I can do that better then anything else. And we learn and grow together. It's always great to take a break from your children but you always want to come back to them. And when they get so excited to see you it just melts your heart all over again.
I couldn't of asked for a better husband, he helps me with Isaac and is supportive and is amazing at his job but is a great father to Isaac. Isaac adores him!
On a side note I am quitting Lularoe, it's taking awhile to actually get rid of my product but hopefully i will at least break even or make a little off of it all. It was a good experience but not something I want to be doing right now or probably ever again. It's just too much. And we are slowly getting the house prepared for baby #2, don't plan on buying any clothes for him but there are a few big products we need to invest in.
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Baby Jackson |
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It's a boy! |
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Look at this CUTE FACE |
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Belly comparisons in the same shirt lol |
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4th of July compariosn =] |
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silly boy, he always makes me laugh |
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cool dude |
Thursday, June 5, 2014
1 year old!!
12 months
He's going to be a big brother come mid November even though he has no idea what that means lol
He figured out crawling under the gate so we lowered it
He loves putting lids on bottles and all sorts of things
He has slept a few nights without waking up
We started real milk but do some formula at night
He doesn't sit still very long anymore...sigh
He loves pushing cars/trains around the floor it's so cute to watch
He now throws tantrums when he can't have what he wants
He has kind of taken a few little bitty steps but not walking yet...he is a walker now!!
He has learned to take off some pen lids and other lids
We only let pacifiers be used for nap/bedtime and church we try only to let him have his blankie at those times too but that one we let slip occasionally
He now has 4 teeth 2 top ones now
He can now clap!
He can drink out of a straw!! So I got him so sippy cups with straws :)
He sometimes will just giggle to himself
He also gets frustrated easily so I sometimes have to take things away so he will direct his attention to something else
He just has the sweetest face and cutest smile!
You can tell he is understanding the world better
He seems to be a little picky when it comes to eating which Is frustrating but I'm bad at introducing other foods to him.
He loves taking off my sunglasses and putting them back on my face(with my help of course)
He makes a clicking sound to the cats like we do. It's cute!
Went to the zoo for the first time
Has a little eczema
Lularoe is still not taking off for me yet. This month is very dead no parties booked so we will see what's up.
As I said at the top we are expecting baby #2, it was sooner then we planned but God apparently had other plans for us in mind and we are fine with that.
We are excited. Due about November 19th and probably first week in July we will know the gender. Now I would like a girl to have one of each but I would love the baby no matter the gender!
We got a beautiful comfy rocking chair for cheap I love it!
I still don't have like huge cravings. I kind of have been liking frozen raspberries and sour candies I've been nauseas a lot because it's hard to eat food when you don't like food when pregnant. I haven't gotten sick much at all so we will see.
He's going to be a big brother come mid November even though he has no idea what that means lol
He figured out crawling under the gate so we lowered it
He loves putting lids on bottles and all sorts of things
He has slept a few nights without waking up
We started real milk but do some formula at night
He doesn't sit still very long anymore...sigh
He loves pushing cars/trains around the floor it's so cute to watch
He now throws tantrums when he can't have what he wants
He has kind of taken a few little bitty steps but not walking yet...he is a walker now!!
He has learned to take off some pen lids and other lids
We only let pacifiers be used for nap/bedtime and church we try only to let him have his blankie at those times too but that one we let slip occasionally
He now has 4 teeth 2 top ones now
He can now clap!
He can drink out of a straw!! So I got him so sippy cups with straws :)
He sometimes will just giggle to himself
He also gets frustrated easily so I sometimes have to take things away so he will direct his attention to something else
He just has the sweetest face and cutest smile!
You can tell he is understanding the world better
He seems to be a little picky when it comes to eating which Is frustrating but I'm bad at introducing other foods to him.
He loves taking off my sunglasses and putting them back on my face(with my help of course)
He makes a clicking sound to the cats like we do. It's cute!
Went to the zoo for the first time
Has a little eczema
Lularoe is still not taking off for me yet. This month is very dead no parties booked so we will see what's up.
As I said at the top we are expecting baby #2, it was sooner then we planned but God apparently had other plans for us in mind and we are fine with that.
We are excited. Due about November 19th and probably first week in July we will know the gender. Now I would like a girl to have one of each but I would love the baby no matter the gender!
We got a beautiful comfy rocking chair for cheap I love it!
I still don't have like huge cravings. I kind of have been liking frozen raspberries and sour candies I've been nauseas a lot because it's hard to eat food when you don't like food when pregnant. I haven't gotten sick much at all so we will see.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
11 months old
11 months
Isaac can put lids on cans (not always seal them but put them on top)
He climbs up almost everything ahh
He decided to climb/fall out of the bath tub. He was fine there was just a cat litter incident lol
He loves!!! Helping daddy outside with planting plants or cleaning up the yard.
He pushes lots of different things around the floor with his butt in the air
He loves playing inside the refrigerator
He hasn't been sleeping good at night again... Maybe his teeth?!?
He eats pretty much anything
Lately he loves just playing with a small toy while sitting on my lap :)
He loves playing with this little basketball I found, it will roll away and he chases it
Also loves balloons too
He knows how to open the ottoman now so I'm going to have to put new things in it lol
Basically he gets in trouble a lot lol
He can stand up with out furniture every once in awhile
He got into the cat poop once
Smashes his fingers in drawers he can open
He sure is growing up but he is also still a little baby sometimes
Lularoe is awesome but I have no drive right now and because all the parties I have haven't been amazing it just adds to the damper mood. I know sometimes it takes time and I need to put forth more effort but life gets crazy sometimes. That's why I knew I wouldn't be good at staying with my job plus being a stay at home mom.
Isaac can put lids on cans (not always seal them but put them on top)
He climbs up almost everything ahh
He decided to climb/fall out of the bath tub. He was fine there was just a cat litter incident lol
He loves!!! Helping daddy outside with planting plants or cleaning up the yard.
He pushes lots of different things around the floor with his butt in the air
He loves playing inside the refrigerator
He hasn't been sleeping good at night again... Maybe his teeth?!?
He eats pretty much anything
Lately he loves just playing with a small toy while sitting on my lap :)
He loves playing with this little basketball I found, it will roll away and he chases it
Also loves balloons too
He knows how to open the ottoman now so I'm going to have to put new things in it lol
Basically he gets in trouble a lot lol
He can stand up with out furniture every once in awhile
He got into the cat poop once
Smashes his fingers in drawers he can open
He sure is growing up but he is also still a little baby sometimes
Lularoe is awesome but I have no drive right now and because all the parties I have haven't been amazing it just adds to the damper mood. I know sometimes it takes time and I need to put forth more effort but life gets crazy sometimes. That's why I knew I wouldn't be good at staying with my job plus being a stay at home mom.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Ten months
Ten months
He weighs around 16 lbs and 26 1/2 inches now in a size 3 disposable diaper.
He got his first full blown cold... When we did so we lost a lot of sleep.
He tries to climb up on everything
He shakes his head
He will randomly just smile/squint his face which is hilarious
He will reach out his hand if he wants more of something
He now has Cheerios and kixs for snacks
He is adorable as always but defiantly a trouble maker
He is able to open a few cupboard doors now and lift the toilet lid up and down.
Still doesn't sleep through the night maybe on a rare occasion he might
We go on walks at least 3 times a week
Still only has 2 teeth but is eating a little bit more solids. He still doesn't eat as much milk as I think he should but is drinking water too so he won't get dehydrated
He got a big boy car seat! I was going to weight until he got closer to the weight limit but his height was getting their faster. It's huge! But I love it and I think Isaac does too (don't worry it's still rear facing and I plan to keep it that way until he is 2)
The only thing I don't like is there is no shield from the sun but I bought him sunglasses I hope he keeps on and we will eventually get a window shield thing too
He waves hi
He shuts doors
He makes all sorts of new sounds an copies us sometimes
He is a wild child
He is finally sleeping a little better depends on the night
I'm now 23 years old, seems crazy how times passes fast
I am now a lularoe independent consultant! Which is super exciting and so cool. It's a really great team of girls to work with but it is a lot of work and I'm having a few doubtful moments. I'm really hoping I can do this but it's really easy to get down on yourself. I really want to step out into something new and give it my all but other times I think I probably shouldn't of taken the risk.
Prayers are needed.
So March I got two colds so OVER them but they love lingering and in the middle of the night when I wake up my throat feels tight and sore, annoying
I'm finally a little better from the stinkin colds and so is Isaac so we can rest our bodies now.
He weighs around 16 lbs and 26 1/2 inches now in a size 3 disposable diaper.
He got his first full blown cold... When we did so we lost a lot of sleep.
He tries to climb up on everything
He shakes his head
He will randomly just smile/squint his face which is hilarious
He will reach out his hand if he wants more of something
He now has Cheerios and kixs for snacks
He is adorable as always but defiantly a trouble maker
He is able to open a few cupboard doors now and lift the toilet lid up and down.
Still doesn't sleep through the night maybe on a rare occasion he might
We go on walks at least 3 times a week
Still only has 2 teeth but is eating a little bit more solids. He still doesn't eat as much milk as I think he should but is drinking water too so he won't get dehydrated
He got a big boy car seat! I was going to weight until he got closer to the weight limit but his height was getting their faster. It's huge! But I love it and I think Isaac does too (don't worry it's still rear facing and I plan to keep it that way until he is 2)
The only thing I don't like is there is no shield from the sun but I bought him sunglasses I hope he keeps on and we will eventually get a window shield thing too
He waves hi
He shuts doors
He makes all sorts of new sounds an copies us sometimes
He is a wild child
He is finally sleeping a little better depends on the night
I'm now 23 years old, seems crazy how times passes fast
I am now a lularoe independent consultant! Which is super exciting and so cool. It's a really great team of girls to work with but it is a lot of work and I'm having a few doubtful moments. I'm really hoping I can do this but it's really easy to get down on yourself. I really want to step out into something new and give it my all but other times I think I probably shouldn't of taken the risk.
Prayers are needed.
So March I got two colds so OVER them but they love lingering and in the middle of the night when I wake up my throat feels tight and sore, annoying
I'm finally a little better from the stinkin colds and so is Isaac so we can rest our bodies now.
Friday, March 7, 2014
9 months
Month 9
He hasn't learned a whole much up to this month.
But his two teeth are coming in more
If you take something away he likes he throws a fit until you distract him
He is learning to climb up on things to be taller
He has such a personality
We will go don't put that in your mouth and then he gives you a look like haha I'm gonna do it anyway
We are giving him cooked noodles and shredded cheese and pieces of bread and Cheerios. He loves it all! It is hard to introduce solid foods. Cuz you have to do it slowly and he only has two teeth so he can't just jump right in to a lot of things. It's complicate stuff.
He walks with his walker, cutest thing ever!
He now goes after the cats and attacks them
We had a few 7am-7pm nights without waking up but now it's getting bad again.
Probably my fault because I like to cuddle him when he is asleep so now he wakes up crying/screaming and I have to pick him up and rock him until he goes back to sleep. Wait to go holly! Ugh maybe he is sick though, hard to tell.
His hair is getting longer and he likes to get into everything!
He is really good and moving around with furniture and playing on his own. If he ever wants me he knows where to get me and he crawls all over me and I can see how much he loves me and needs me.
But man do I love him so much !
He has the cutest face when he looks at something in amazement or if he is concentrating on something. And his beautiful blue eyes and cute baby fat.
Time flies but I am so excited for his first birthday!!!
On a side note I put in to become a lularoe maxi seller and I will start may 1st IF they pick me. I'm super excited and hope it all works out.
The cats are getting so much bigger!
I go for walks when it's nice out with great people!
Spencer is keeping busy with work but the past week or two we both had our turn with a bad cold or flu and are slowly recovering.
I've decided to try and write a book, I'm really excited and hope I can take the time to work on it and learn new things.
I'm starting to get ance back like I used to have before I got pregnant... Boo and I'm starting to get a pudge in my belly so maybe I need to walk more or work out lol I say it but it probably won't happen.
Sometimes it would be nice to have another friend or stay at home mom like me to talk to on a regular basis but people are busy with their own lives so I manage with my Isaac conversations or tv shows lol
That's enough babble for now!
He hasn't learned a whole much up to this month.
But his two teeth are coming in more
If you take something away he likes he throws a fit until you distract him
He is learning to climb up on things to be taller
He has such a personality
We will go don't put that in your mouth and then he gives you a look like haha I'm gonna do it anyway
We are giving him cooked noodles and shredded cheese and pieces of bread and Cheerios. He loves it all! It is hard to introduce solid foods. Cuz you have to do it slowly and he only has two teeth so he can't just jump right in to a lot of things. It's complicate stuff.
He walks with his walker, cutest thing ever!
He now goes after the cats and attacks them
We had a few 7am-7pm nights without waking up but now it's getting bad again.
Probably my fault because I like to cuddle him when he is asleep so now he wakes up crying/screaming and I have to pick him up and rock him until he goes back to sleep. Wait to go holly! Ugh maybe he is sick though, hard to tell.
His hair is getting longer and he likes to get into everything!
He is really good and moving around with furniture and playing on his own. If he ever wants me he knows where to get me and he crawls all over me and I can see how much he loves me and needs me.
But man do I love him so much !
He has the cutest face when he looks at something in amazement or if he is concentrating on something. And his beautiful blue eyes and cute baby fat.
Time flies but I am so excited for his first birthday!!!
On a side note I put in to become a lularoe maxi seller and I will start may 1st IF they pick me. I'm super excited and hope it all works out.
The cats are getting so much bigger!
I go for walks when it's nice out with great people!
Spencer is keeping busy with work but the past week or two we both had our turn with a bad cold or flu and are slowly recovering.
I've decided to try and write a book, I'm really excited and hope I can take the time to work on it and learn new things.
I'm starting to get ance back like I used to have before I got pregnant... Boo and I'm starting to get a pudge in my belly so maybe I need to walk more or work out lol I say it but it probably won't happen.
Sometimes it would be nice to have another friend or stay at home mom like me to talk to on a regular basis but people are busy with their own lives so I manage with my Isaac conversations or tv shows lol
That's enough babble for now!
Thursday, February 6, 2014
8 Months Old
Time really does fly and lots happen. I think from month 7 to month 8 was felt really long but Isaac accomplished SO much!
I'm assuming he is around 15-16 lbs (1 more month until he is properly weighed)
He is longer but I havent measured him to know for sure how long
He has mastered sitting up by himself
He has mastered crawling, he is a pro at it!
He pulls himself up on everything! His favorite is pulling himself up on me lol
He also can now take a few steps sideways while holding on to things
He can now pick up little yogurt bites or puffs and feed himself
AND he now has 2 holes at the bottom of his gums which means he is so close to finally getting teeth!
The past few nights he has been sleeping from 4-5 hours straight!!
For example bedtime is 7pm and he will sleep until 1030 or 1130 then wake up and then go back asleep until about 4 and then until 7 or so and i dont get him out of bed until 730 (he plays quietly)
I will be moving bedtime to 730 or 8 so that I can more morning time to myself to shower and workout
He eats about 6 ozs of milk at a time every so often with solid foods and yogurt/puff bites.
He has his whiny moments....but thats probably partly cuz of his teeth hurting him
Naps are starting to be kind of hard because he can pull himself up so he just doesnt rest but i can get 2-3 naps usually.
Weekends i'm lucky if he gets 1 nap especially on Sunday because daddy is home so it throws off our routine.
He loves crawling after the kittens and pulling out books from my bookshelves.
We havent really child proofed yet. We have 1 gate up so he wont crawl to the cat food and eat it. Other then that we watch him constantly.
He has fallen a few times and bonked his head but that comes with learning to be mobile sadly.
He also loves cords which are hard to hide so we are always always watching him.
Soon I hope to get a big entertainment center so i can lock up the wii u and dvd player so he can't turn them on all the time.
He says Mama really well and na na and ba
He also kind of waves which is really cute
he still fits in some 3-6 month clothes and 6 months clothes he will probably be in for a little while
He doesnt mind other people as long as its me holding him until he gets to know them for a few minutes.
He is a flirt and smiles and is cute with everyone (from a distance at first)
He hair is growing in patches lol
We still do cloth diapers but occasionally we do disposables so you will see pictures of both!
He keeps me on my toes thats for sure!
I really need to print out pictures and organize and make a cute scrapbook sometime in the future. It probably wont happen because scrapbooking takes time and money.
The cats are growing up like crazy! They are so cuddly and loving to everyone but now shed like CRAZY!
Trying to get back to working out but some of my workout cds arent working well so I need to fix that first.
I'm primary chorister in our ward and lately i've been feeling so lost, I just feel like i'm all over the place and i'm frustrated at feeling that way. I need to prepare better but the week flys by and next thing you know its Saturday! Eventually I will get it all together.
Spencer is back in school doing BYU Idaho online and its been working out pretty nice for him.
I just try to keep the house clean as much as I can make myself lol
My best friend Hillary and I hang out at least once a week which is nice to have someone besides a baby to talk to lol
We've had 2 loses in our family. My Grandma passed away at the age of 91 almost made it to her 92nd birthday. And my sister in law lost her baby boy Carter at 22 weeks pregnant.
So we've had some sad moments in our lives but it makes me very thankful for the plan of salvation!
We've been making future vacation plans and other plans, can't wait for summer time! 4 more months until Isaac is 1! So crazy!!
Now its been awhile since i've posted pictures so here are a few below
I'm assuming he is around 15-16 lbs (1 more month until he is properly weighed)
He is longer but I havent measured him to know for sure how long
He has mastered sitting up by himself
He has mastered crawling, he is a pro at it!
He pulls himself up on everything! His favorite is pulling himself up on me lol
He also can now take a few steps sideways while holding on to things
He can now pick up little yogurt bites or puffs and feed himself
AND he now has 2 holes at the bottom of his gums which means he is so close to finally getting teeth!
The past few nights he has been sleeping from 4-5 hours straight!!
For example bedtime is 7pm and he will sleep until 1030 or 1130 then wake up and then go back asleep until about 4 and then until 7 or so and i dont get him out of bed until 730 (he plays quietly)
I will be moving bedtime to 730 or 8 so that I can more morning time to myself to shower and workout
He eats about 6 ozs of milk at a time every so often with solid foods and yogurt/puff bites.
He has his whiny moments....but thats probably partly cuz of his teeth hurting him
Naps are starting to be kind of hard because he can pull himself up so he just doesnt rest but i can get 2-3 naps usually.
Weekends i'm lucky if he gets 1 nap especially on Sunday because daddy is home so it throws off our routine.
He loves crawling after the kittens and pulling out books from my bookshelves.
We havent really child proofed yet. We have 1 gate up so he wont crawl to the cat food and eat it. Other then that we watch him constantly.
He has fallen a few times and bonked his head but that comes with learning to be mobile sadly.
He also loves cords which are hard to hide so we are always always watching him.
Soon I hope to get a big entertainment center so i can lock up the wii u and dvd player so he can't turn them on all the time.
He says Mama really well and na na and ba
He also kind of waves which is really cute
he still fits in some 3-6 month clothes and 6 months clothes he will probably be in for a little while
He doesnt mind other people as long as its me holding him until he gets to know them for a few minutes.
He is a flirt and smiles and is cute with everyone (from a distance at first)
He hair is growing in patches lol
We still do cloth diapers but occasionally we do disposables so you will see pictures of both!
He keeps me on my toes thats for sure!
I really need to print out pictures and organize and make a cute scrapbook sometime in the future. It probably wont happen because scrapbooking takes time and money.
The cats are growing up like crazy! They are so cuddly and loving to everyone but now shed like CRAZY!
Trying to get back to working out but some of my workout cds arent working well so I need to fix that first.
I'm primary chorister in our ward and lately i've been feeling so lost, I just feel like i'm all over the place and i'm frustrated at feeling that way. I need to prepare better but the week flys by and next thing you know its Saturday! Eventually I will get it all together.
Spencer is back in school doing BYU Idaho online and its been working out pretty nice for him.
I just try to keep the house clean as much as I can make myself lol
My best friend Hillary and I hang out at least once a week which is nice to have someone besides a baby to talk to lol
We've had 2 loses in our family. My Grandma passed away at the age of 91 almost made it to her 92nd birthday. And my sister in law lost her baby boy Carter at 22 weeks pregnant.
So we've had some sad moments in our lives but it makes me very thankful for the plan of salvation!
We've been making future vacation plans and other plans, can't wait for summer time! 4 more months until Isaac is 1! So crazy!!
Now its been awhile since i've posted pictures so here are a few below
cat in a box, almond always does silly things |
he is going in to attack them lol |
Just being SO cute |
Practicing to do Vday pictures... he was not in the mood for it |
8 month old picture! |
I love the cute poses he sleeps in =] |
Being a dare devil! =] |
Thursday, January 16, 2014
There are these times for whatever reason I am in this sort of trap. That's the name I've given this thing. It's like I'm trapped in my own little bubble of emotions. That no matter what I say or do I'm just kind of stuck in this trap for a little while.
I over think a lot of things it's just my personality I guess. So almost everything that is done or said or a thought is analyzed in my mind weather said or done by me or someone else. I have this battle in my head over every thing that I did or thought of doing or saying.
Sounds exhausting doesn't it? It is. Lol
I may think one thing one day and next month I've changed my mind. I'm such a girl!
Journaling has saved my life in a few ways. I don't go out and talk to a bunch of people especially now that I've become a stay at home mom so journaling has allowed me to kind of write out my thoughts and feelings that are bouncing around in my head. Maybe someday I will write a story about all the crazy things that happen but for now they are just random thoughts.
As I am sitting here writing this I realize I probably sound like a crazy lady!
Back to this whole trapped thing. It's like you want to say everything to someone about everything you have ever done, said, or felt and that might feel great in the moment but then later you realize maybe it's best to just keep it all inside or written down on paper. But once those things are out (because you've been dying to spill it all) you realize in the end it doesn't solve much of anything. That something's are just better kept inside your head. Then your stuck, trapped in your thoughts over thinking and over analyzing everything all over again for the 100th time.
I have a few theories of why this "trap" happens and they all seem pretty ridiculous but for some reason it happens and someday I will figure it out and break it. It's not like it happens often maybe once or twice a year at different times.
When it's over it's over I move on and I don't look back. What's the point of dwelling on the past right? Except I do it almost constantly and I think or actually I've come to realize that it's a lot harder to forgive yourself. It's really easy to beat yourself up over every little thing. I read something a few days ago that said "be your own best friend" treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. I understand what it is saying but I have still yet to figure out how to apply that to myself.
Applying things to your life is a lot easier said then done. I've read lots of things that I find amazing and so true but have yet to take those big steps to change. It's easy to stay in your "comfort" zone and go about your every day life doing almost the same old thing every day. A child sure can throw that for a loop though, they never really let you be "lazy" or "boring" they keep you on your toes. One day I looked up an realized a wave called "life" picked me up and all of a sudden I'm married with a child not sure when that all happened. Some days it just hits you. Life moves really fast so you need to pause and take a good look around and appreciate what you have and see what you should change.
At the moment Isaac is just throwing my emotions all over the place.
Now don't over think this post. I really had a thought and just started typing and it kind of just went all over. Maybe one day this will be a start for a poem or a story down the line.
Well I guess I should try to get some sleep while Isaac is asleep but I'm sure once I fall asleep he will wake up again. Story of my life some days :S
Either way it was nice to get some random writing in. Make sure to do something spontaneous every now and then To keep life fun and interesting it will probably help you live longer. I'm sure I worry enough for everyone in the world somedays. Lol
There are these times for whatever reason I am in this sort of trap. That's the name I've given this thing. It's like I'm trapped in my own little bubble of emotions. That no matter what I say or do I'm just kind of stuck in this trap for a little while.
I over think a lot of things it's just my personality I guess. So almost everything that is done or said or a thought is analyzed in my mind weather said or done by me or someone else. I have this battle in my head over every thing that I did or thought of doing or saying.
Sounds exhausting doesn't it? It is. Lol
I may think one thing one day and next month I've changed my mind. I'm such a girl!
Journaling has saved my life in a few ways. I don't go out and talk to a bunch of people especially now that I've become a stay at home mom so journaling has allowed me to kind of write out my thoughts and feelings that are bouncing around in my head. Maybe someday I will write a story about all the crazy things that happen but for now they are just random thoughts.
As I am sitting here writing this I realize I probably sound like a crazy lady!
Back to this whole trapped thing. It's like you want to say everything to someone about everything you have ever done, said, or felt and that might feel great in the moment but then later you realize maybe it's best to just keep it all inside or written down on paper. But once those things are out (because you've been dying to spill it all) you realize in the end it doesn't solve much of anything. That something's are just better kept inside your head. Then your stuck, trapped in your thoughts over thinking and over analyzing everything all over again for the 100th time.
I have a few theories of why this "trap" happens and they all seem pretty ridiculous but for some reason it happens and someday I will figure it out and break it. It's not like it happens often maybe once or twice a year at different times.
When it's over it's over I move on and I don't look back. What's the point of dwelling on the past right? Except I do it almost constantly and I think or actually I've come to realize that it's a lot harder to forgive yourself. It's really easy to beat yourself up over every little thing. I read something a few days ago that said "be your own best friend" treat yourself like you would treat your best friend. I understand what it is saying but I have still yet to figure out how to apply that to myself.
Applying things to your life is a lot easier said then done. I've read lots of things that I find amazing and so true but have yet to take those big steps to change. It's easy to stay in your "comfort" zone and go about your every day life doing almost the same old thing every day. A child sure can throw that for a loop though, they never really let you be "lazy" or "boring" they keep you on your toes. One day I looked up an realized a wave called "life" picked me up and all of a sudden I'm married with a child not sure when that all happened. Some days it just hits you. Life moves really fast so you need to pause and take a good look around and appreciate what you have and see what you should change.
At the moment Isaac is just throwing my emotions all over the place.
Now don't over think this post. I really had a thought and just started typing and it kind of just went all over. Maybe one day this will be a start for a poem or a story down the line.
Well I guess I should try to get some sleep while Isaac is asleep but I'm sure once I fall asleep he will wake up again. Story of my life some days :S
Either way it was nice to get some random writing in. Make sure to do something spontaneous every now and then To keep life fun and interesting it will probably help you live longer. I'm sure I worry enough for everyone in the world somedays. Lol
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