Thursday, November 13, 2014

A week with 2 under 2

A week with two kids....
Surprisingly the first few days weren't too bad but daddy was good at taking care of Isaac
I would the sns a little longer but then we decided this wasn't going to work. Which is kind of frustrating because I produce milk it may take a few days but that my children struggle to wanna latch and be patient so it makes me sad but I do know there is nothing wrong with using formula. The down size is I'm losing the baby weight slower :( depressing!
The first night was a little rough with Jackson because he hurt from his circumsion but after that he sleeps a lot which I love because then I can give Isaac some attention.
I ended up with an allergic reaction to I'm not sure so I was itchy, swollen and red all over down there which is not the place to have a allergic reaction especially when your still healing from having a baby lol
Once I got steroids it started getting better yay! I wasn't as exhausted after Jackson as I was with Isaac but physically I felt like I was healing a lot slower. Especially cuz this time around I had to stop my milk and man that's a pain! They are a little better but still producing some milk.  And my emotions have sure been all over the place, even though Jackson is pretty good baby I still emotionally have a hard time taking care of both of them by myself even though I've survived :)
Isaac has been getting into trouble which is expected and he hasn't been eating well which I'm sure doesn't help his crabbiness. He has been sleeping fairly decent until last night he was up yelling our names and whining and not settling down (poor spencer) but Jackson is super gassy and struggles with that so he doesn't always sleep really great but once it's been two weeks I may have to change the formula he is using if he is still struggling so much.
The cats are being really curious of baby now which is cute but they get in the way lol
One thing that's been helpful is getting up at 730 I can feed Jackson and take a shower before Isaac wakes up so then I feel fairly ready for the day
Isaac also has the pacifier back half way through the day which is a comfort for him right now so we will give it a few more days but then need to start getting rid of it again.
He will give Jackson kisses and bring Jackson a pacifier when he cries and will sometimes peek over at him to just check him out. So he has been helpful but still jealousy hits every once in awhile.
Isaac defiantly seems very big now that we have another little one around the house lol but he still is a little baby and cracks me up :)

Sorry this post is all over the place but was writing it on my phone as I had time in between watching two kids.
I don't mind taking them places but there isn't really anywhere to take them.

I did some newborns for Isaac. But since he wouldn't sleep he wouldn't let me position him in weird positions but I did get a few good ones. Going to do more within the week though and get announcements sent out soon hopefully.
Either way we are surviving but I am defiantly taking a break before we have another baby lol
Oh and one plus is Jackson doesn't seem to prefer me over anyone (right now anyways) which is kind of nice cuz I don't have to hold him 24:7 and he sleeps well in a bouncer especially when swaddled

Also spencer is back to work which was hard to accept him going back but it's a part of life. The hard part is he is still doing school so even though he may be home from work he has to go in the back room to do homework. And I know he feels bad but it's great that he is getting an education.
And with each kid we have the more I love him. He is amazing with our kids and very helpful when I need his help. And I'm grateful for the time we all have together. It's a joy watching Isaac play with daddy and giggle and smile. It brigs a smile to my face.

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