Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Our insurance didn't cover a nutrition visit but the nutritionist offered to do it over the phone for free so I accepted!!

I was expected her to tell me to hide more calories in food but the real issue was he wasn't eating much so how could I hide things if he wasn't eaten much to hide things in.

Once I told her our situation, what she said took me by surprise and I was a skeptic but I figured it couldn't hurt to try out her suggestion.

She said don't feed him any snacks. They fill them up more then you think and so do milk and juice

1. Only milk or juice with meals and only give him water in between meals

2. No snacks and give him what you want to make, it's his job to eat if he won't then that's his issue, don't try all sorts of things until he eats something because your in charge of deciding what to serve for dinner. If he is hungry enough he will learn to eat whatever you give him

3. Eat at the table at meals (which I did always for dinner and sometimes lunch and breakfast) and eat with him at the table too

4. Add coconut cream syrup to his milk to give him more calories

So it was really hard when he wouldn't eat meals but she said he will be okay just give it three days.

Let me tell you what!!! He is doing great so far and I've noticed he sleeps better (naps are up and down sometimes) but he is less cranky because he is getting full on good food not snacks and it's more consistent

When he wakes up around 8/830 we have breakfast then an hour or hour and a half later he naps
Around 12 we have lunch and then since dinner isn't until 5 or later I have decided at 3 to give him a small snack and he gets it at the table because 5 hours is a long time to only have water.
Then he gets a snack before bed around 730/800
If he doesn't eat good he knows he doesn't get a snack

But wow it's been amazing and I'm so glad we have solved this issue and hopefully he will gain weight better now. :)

I have a happier toddler and that means a happier mommy!

Every toddler is different of course but this works for us now so sorry if some of you think it's silly not to give him snacks.

This is a website she gave me that has ideas if anyone is interested it's for more then just toddlers


  1. I think not giving him snacks is a great idea! I hadn't really thought about it. Unless they are like cheese or fruit (I know we do way too many crackers and fruit snacks) they have probably no nutritional value. Even if nutritional, when in small more frequent servings, they probably give a false feeling a fullness. I'm so glad you shared.

    1. I never saw this post lol
      For not much nutritional value they sure fill them up
      I'm glad it helped, I honestly thought a lot I people would give me crap for it.

  2. My friend Kelsey told me about your blog post! I'm so glad you wrote this because we are going through similar problems at our house with our two year old! Were the first couple days pretty rough or did your child seem to click pretty fast? Thanks! Paige!
