We found out we are expecting another boy, which I kind of had a feeling that would be the case. It took be a little bit to be okay with that because I've always wanted a girl but each day goes by I get more excited about another boy, a friend for Isaac.
His name will be Jackson Steven. Steven is the name of Spencer and my dad so we decided to fit it in to a son's name. I am feeling him move more and more which makes it all a little more real.
It will be fun to see how much he looks like Isaac or doesn't look like Isaac. =] The second baby does go by pretty fast, i'm already halfway through and the last part usually goes by pretty fast. Luckily all has gone pretty well with this pregnancy, he is always moving for ultrasounds and when they check his heartbeat.
I told Isaac's pediatrician that my pregnancies are usually pretty good, I rarely feel pregnant. And he said "You must have one of those bodies made to grow/have babies" It may sound like a weird comment but it actually made me feel pretty good because I usually get down on myself a lot when i'm pregnant. That i'm not eating really good or drinking enough water and worry i'm not doing enough for my babies so that comment just made me feel good.
Isaac is 13 months old and just growing and learning things like crazy. Which brings me to the other part of my title. A mother's love.
It's SO powerful! A mother's love for her child is like nothing you've ever felt before. I'm sure it feels that way for most new mom's. Isaac is a blessing, he is the best son I could of ever asked for. We've had a lot of rough patches especially for the first 8 months or so. Learning each other and getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep sure helps when raising a child. Isaac is amazing and there are days I just look at him and want to Squeeze him and kiss him all over! The smiles he gives me and now occasionally he will give kisses and wrap his arms around my neck like a hug. And he will sometimes put his hand on my shoulder or arm and it's the sweetest thing! He is sleeping much better which really helps us both. And he just laughs and plays so well and he is going to be a great big brother. He makes me so proud!
There are times I can't believe i'm already a mother to a boy and soon to be two boys but they are my life. I'm not much for working at jobs and i'm not the best at being a stay at home mom but I can do that better then anything else. And we learn and grow together. It's always great to take a break from your children but you always want to come back to them. And when they get so excited to see you it just melts your heart all over again.
I couldn't of asked for a better husband, he helps me with Isaac and is supportive and is amazing at his job but is a great father to Isaac. Isaac adores him!
On a side note I am quitting Lularoe, it's taking awhile to actually get rid of my product but hopefully i will at least break even or make a little off of it all. It was a good experience but not something I want to be doing right now or probably ever again. It's just too much. And we are slowly getting the house prepared for baby #2, don't plan on buying any clothes for him but there are a few big products we need to invest in.
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Baby Jackson |
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It's a boy! |
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Look at this CUTE FACE |
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Belly comparisons in the same shirt lol |
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4th of July compariosn =] |
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silly boy, he always makes me laugh |
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cool dude |
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