Sunday I had some contractions around 230am-4am and then they just stopped and never came back. So we had a nice family day together.
Monday I had my 38 weeks appointment. I was measuring 36 which means he dropped and was super low down. I was dilated at 4 cm and she swiped my membranes so then I became a 5.
She said she wouldn't be surprised if I had him that day or Tuesday.
No contractions and water hasn't broken so now we just wait for one of those two things to happen
Isaac kept bringing me the baby's owner manual book lol
Tuesday early morning I had some contractions on and off but still nothing consistent but of course who can sleep with that going on and Jackson is pushing and kicking like crazy which he usually doesn't do often
Then when I got up and took a shower I apparently didn't lose much bloody show last Tuesday cuz this morning I lost like 3 globs of bloody mucus so I guess I'm even closer
I kept losing more gross bloody show, I mean how much is in there??? Lol ew!
I called my doctor just not sure if I was losing too much and to be safe they had me go in to labor and delivery. And it was nothing so I went home. I was still 5 cm
Boy was I frustrated by this point since the doctor got my hopes up.
Around 2am Wednesday I got a hard contraction every hour that I would have to breathe through. But thankfully was able to always fall back asleep. :)
I got up around 8:45am with a contraction and decided to get up.
Then I started to get them sooner and harder. Isaac got up at 9/915 am and I had to breathe through a contraction and he thought that was funny how I was breathing lol
And bam they kept coming faster, I was gonna wait an hour to make sure but they became to hard so my mom came over as soon as possible and spencer headed home from work. This were a lot stronger then I ever had with Isaac which when I got to the hospital I was 7/8 cm which is probably why they were harder.
They were coming so close that I couldn't leave a Uribe sample or dress myself. Man!! And I was sweating they were so intense.
I said I wanted an epidural ASAP but they have to do all these checks to make sure first before I can get one. Ahh!
My mom and Isaac came in while I waited for spencer. Poor Isaac wanted mommy to hold him because he was super worried about me. Which was way sweet!
There were some amazing nurses that really helped me breathe a little better, And keep me semi calm. We got to the hospital at 9:45ish, and man things were going fast. Finally I got an epidural which seemed to take forever!!! I was about 8/9cm by then.
Then pretty soon we had me push but the little booger was head down but his back wasn't towards my tummy, he kept turning his head left and right so we decided to take a break and position my body to help him go to the right area.
Then I got checked later on about 12:20? The nurse was threatening him a little lol which actually made him get in the right position :) he was a stubborn boy.
So we pushed again but apparently his head was kind of big so we decided we needed a vacuum to help a bit. And it took a bit but finally we got his head out... It came out side ways lol and then out came the rest!
12:53pm Jackson Steven peacock arrived!! Only about 4 hours of labor :) He didn't poop all over me like Isaac lol he seemed so teeny!
Eventually he got his check up. 6 lbs 8 ozs, exactly a pound lighter then Isaac. 19 1/2 inches long. His head was a little deformed but that healed pretty darn quickly.
I did get a 2 degree tear but it was mostly all in the same spot that tore with Isaac and mainly just the scare tissue and no muscle. It all sewed up pretty well. My placenta kind of came out in pieces too, oh well lol
All seemed to look good! Ahhh I'm a mommy of two.
He has lots of hair, dark brown hair. And dark blue eyes. So far no birth mark spotted but he sure is cute!
He is a noise maker but it's way cute!
We decided to try and breastfeed... He sure was a stinker with that lol he just won't open his mouth wide and then won't suck or does for a second and then pulls off.
The middle part of my nipples go in which does frustrate him so we then tried a nipple shield which helped a bit but kept moving and giving me a blister. But wasn't getting food fast enough which upset him lol
So we let him have a nap and daddy and I got dinner! Yumm cuz I was sure hungry!
I did find out that if you have a full bladder you are more likely to get blood clots so you have to make sure to go potty fairly often.
I had wonderful nurses and a lactation nurse to help us!
We eventually decided to do what's called an sns it's where you feed this tube of formula to him while he sucks on your breast so he is getting food mixed with our colostrum... That thing is so simple what a miracle!! He drank then like a champ and was making me cramp which meant he was sucking on the breast good too!
So once my milk comes in good we can stop the formula part and all will hopefully be well :)
It makes this mommy very happy! He is a wide eyed baby and loves skin to skin time with mommy!
He got shots a little later and daddy helped give him a bath, he was a trooper!
Later we had my friend Kate visit and then grandma Nielsen, grandpa Nielsen, and big brother!!! Who was sadly cranky, he held Jackson for a bit but seemed jealous and didn't know what he wanted so he didn't stay long.
He's been pooping and peeing well!
To help out Isaac, spencer went home to sleep and play with him.
And Jackson and I did pretty well by ourselves :) we had aunt Jess and cousin j visit last.
He is a great sleeper! I haven't slept a ton but I've bad rest which is keeping me going so far.
He is a hard burper but eventually gets it all out.
We are all doing very well! And as long as I have a few meds and an ice pack I'm fairly comfortable. And my belly is super itchy lol
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