Friday, March 7, 2014

9 months

Month 9
He hasn't learned a whole much up to this month.
But his two teeth are coming in more
If you take something away he likes he throws a fit until you distract him
He is learning to climb up on things to be taller
He has such a personality
We will go don't put that in your mouth and then he gives you a look like haha I'm gonna do it anyway
We are giving him cooked noodles and shredded cheese and pieces of bread and Cheerios. He loves it all! It is hard to introduce solid foods. Cuz you have to do it slowly and he only has two teeth so he can't just jump right in to a lot of things. It's complicate stuff.
He walks with his walker, cutest thing ever!
He now goes after the cats and attacks them
We had a few 7am-7pm nights without waking up but now it's getting bad again.
Probably my fault because I like to cuddle him when he is asleep so now he wakes up crying/screaming and I have to pick him up and rock him until he goes back to sleep. Wait to go holly! Ugh maybe he is sick though, hard to tell.
His hair is getting longer and he likes to get into everything!
He is really good and moving around with furniture and playing on his own. If he ever wants me he knows where to get me and he crawls all over me and I can see how much he loves me and needs me.
But man do I love him so much !
He has the cutest face when he looks at something in amazement or if he is concentrating on something. And his beautiful blue eyes and cute baby fat.
Time flies but I am so excited for his first birthday!!!

On a side note I put in to become a lularoe maxi seller and I will start may 1st IF they pick me. I'm super excited and hope it all works out.

The cats are getting so much bigger!

I go for walks when it's nice out with great people!

Spencer is keeping busy with work but the past week or two we both had our turn with a bad cold or flu and are slowly recovering.

I've decided to try and write a book, I'm really excited and hope I can take the time to work on it and learn new things.

I'm starting to get ance back like I used to have before I got pregnant... Boo and I'm starting to get a pudge in my belly so maybe I need to walk more or work out lol I say it but it probably won't happen.

Sometimes it would be nice to have another friend or stay at home mom like me to talk to on a regular basis but people are busy with their own lives so I manage with my Isaac conversations or tv shows lol

That's enough babble for now!

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