Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week 39 1/2- Mini Watermelon

I meant to write a blog yesterday but not being at work made me forget about my usual routine lol

Friday evening-
My last day at work!!! It went fairly well but what a quite a SLOW day since Monday was a holiday people left for an extra long weekend. I was sad to say goodbye to my boss, she is such a great lady. I came home and we watched our game shows and i was getting so tired. I headed to bed a little earlier.

Week 39. We slowly woke up and we packed up the car with some more boxes. Then we headed out to Tooele. We hung out with J for a little bit then we went to tour the house we were thinking of buying. It's a 3 bedroom, beautiful yard, 2 bathroom (one only has a toilet and sink), kitchen, living room, dining room, a nice garage and shed. It looked a lot better then we were expecting. Now it has all hardwood floors which I don't like but you can fix that eventually, and we will for sure need to do some painting.
Then we checked out Jessica's progress on unpacking at her new place. We then went to Wal-Mart to get somethings to do science experiments with J. We made a liquid explotion and a bouncy ball. Then we all sat down a played a few card games. We went outside because it was so nice out and waited for dinner to be made. We decided on the name Penny for our car. We also did get the nursery organized even more now so yay! After dinner we headed home and emailed a few people on getting aprroved for a loan.

This was our last Sunday in the 10th Ward. It's sad to say goodbye to a few people but at the same time i'm ready to go to the Tooele Ward. In Relief Society we talked about doing the hard things on the list first or else we end up making them out to be so much bigger then they really are. And other things too but I've forgotten about it. We were headed out of the parking lot, slowly rolling forward to see past the bushes so we could turn on to the road and BAM out of no where this guy comes flying through on his bike and hits our car. He was going SOOO fast and didn't bother to stop at the driveway or at least slow down. We stopped and Spencer went to make sure he was okay and say sorry and thankfully the guy was fine it just knocked off his chain and he actually said he was sorry too. I was worried he was going to make this HUGE deal out of it even though it was his fault. We checked our car and there was just a scratch on the front license plate plastic.
We then watched Doctor Who and I took a short nap. Spencer packed up a few more things and we watched AFV and wipe out for the evening.

Happy Memorial Day. We packed and packed up as much as we possibly could. Then we also cleaned up a few rooms. Later we went ot the grocery store to shop for more food/snacks for me since i'm now going to be home more. I've been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks especially while i'm sitting but nothing too serious. We then went to see the movie Epic, it was actually a pretty cute movie, we enjoyed it. Then we came home for dinner and watched Wheel of Fortune, Ant Farm, and AFV while we played Sorry & Dutch Blitz. I headed to bed early again tonight, just getting tired sooner and try to sleep as much as possible really.

We got A LOT of rain today which was totally fine with me. I watched a few cartoons from cartoon network. Then I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, and floors. We got our pre approval letter for a loan! And they said we both have excellent credit scores =] Next step is putting an offer on the house. Spencer went to work early so he came home at 4 instead of 5. We watched our game shows and made a pro and con list about the house. We had some cons but they are things that aren't that big of a deal or things we can fix over time.

We've decided to put an offer on the house, exciting!!! I am pretty sure they will accept our offer but that doesn't mean it will happen for sure. It all seems so unreal but we've been planning and saving for these things and this house happened to fit in our plan earlier than we were expecting because of the rural housing loan that's out right now. =]
I have a few little cleaning things I plan to do and would like to take a walk today if it doesn't rain when i'm able to get outside.

Week 39 Isaac is the size of a little watermelon. I'm 141 lbs, and about 42 inches around. I'm getting sore joints in my fingers which i mentioned earlier. My back has been getting sore in the evenings but not in the lower part of my back mainly the middle or higher up. I sometimes feel a little sick and achy but i'm thinking it's my bodies way of starting to prepare for labor. I have a few more stretch marks and my belly button is almost always itchy which i think is because it's starting to push out a little bit but not much. I have my next appointment tomorrow morning if he still hasn't arrived and will be getting an ultrasound


3 days until Isaac's Due Date
20 days until our 2nd Anniversary

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