Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Copy the Key

Tuesday evening-
After work I headed home quick and then left to go to Bountiful. The traffic was TERRIBLE. I was going like 2 mph for about 20 minutes, thank heavens I was in an automatic with a/c! But I finally made it and Channelle and I had the hardest time trying to figure out the hospital gown pattern lol
We would figure out one thing and then be totally lost on something else. But we decided to do some things our own way and we are pretty much close to being done. It is fairly simple and on Thursday we will finish it up! =] We had some good times though while we were figuring it all out lol
Then I came home and relaxed for a little bit before bed, MAN was it windy outside.

This morning I got up and slowly got ready for the day. Then since I had time I decided to adventure out and try to get a copy of our car key made. Easier said then done lol
I went to Home Depot and an employee (who I’m pretty sure was one of my old high school teachers) said it was a #41 key but they were out of them. So I went to Wal-mart and theirs didn’t work with my key. Then I went to Lowe’s and he said there are 2 different types of #41 and Wal-mart’s are kind of different. He was out of the #41 one I needed too! He said they get keys in every other day so if I check back tomorrow they better have one for me. Lol
Then I headed to work and not too much happening so I will probably watch a few YouTube videos and read a book.
After work we plan to finish boxing up pretty much everything we don’t need or can live without for a month. Then clean the house a little and hopefully put the car seat in the car or at least the bucket thing that the car seat latches into.
On a side note i've been feeling lately like I should ask to be released from my Nursery calling. I haven't had a bad pregnancy so for the most part nursery hasn't been too hard but lately it's been getting worse and nursery isn't going to be so easy. I know they would understand because next week I will be 9 months but I also just feel bad with asking that. So that's what i've been thinking about lately.

Pregnancy is starting to get uncomfortable for me. I now have pelvic/tailbone area pressure (which can be a sign he has dropped who knows) so it’s not fun to walk for very long or standing for long periods of time. And then just the normal back pain that comes and goes but its higher up on my back not low like people usually say. Also just the pain in my right rib area that is starting to get really annoying because nothing really helps it. But we are so close, we can make it.


3 days until the Tooele baby shower
13 days until Demi’s Album comes out
23 days until my last day at work
31 days until Isaac’s due date!


  1. Dad went to get a copy of the Miata key at Wal Mart & they said they couldn't "read" it or something so they couldn't make one. We went to Cal Ranch & had no problem.
    I wonder if Home Depot or another Hardware type place might be able to do it for you.
    Good Luck

    1. Oh Wal-Mart lol
      I'm going to Lowes again after work cuz the guy said they will have a new shipment the next day.
      I did do Home Depot they were out of that key number like Lowes.
      If not maybe Saturday we will go to Cal Ranch lol
