Friday evening-
After work we came home and kept busy while we waited for Andrew & Maryanne to show up. Around 7:30 we all walked over to Trio for dinner. There was a 30 minute wait and even then it took awhile to get our food but it was delicious as always. This time we sat outside which was pretty nice. We all had some good conversations. Then we came home and I did the dishes and cleaned up the house a little. Then I painted my toe nails. He was pushing like crazy, more around the lower right side of my belly. It was kind of funny to watch.
We woke up and got ready for our day. Start of month 9 and week 36 of pregnancy! We loaded up the car with more boxes and headed to Tooele. Jessica, Jon, Mallorie, Cache, Rick, Stephanie, and Jade were there. (They all came at different times) We all hung out for a little bit and ate some lunch. Then we headed over to the church to set up for the Tooele Baby Shower. It all came together pretty nicely and we had about 19 people show up. We had some good laughs! And I got some great things! There were a few people that told me they were going to come and then didn’t so that was kind of sad but I should of expected not everyone who said they would come would come. We had some great games and thanks to my mom and siblings that helped put it together. Then we headed back and relaxed for a little while and everyone slowly left and Spencer and I stuck behind. We went through the clothes we got and sorted them by size/age. Then we went to Arby’s for dinner, yummy! Later we played two games with my parents and we laughed SO much! Poor Isaac probably had no idea what was going on because I was laughing so much, it’s hard to laugh with a baby in your belly. Then we headed home and folded laundry, and cleaned up a little bit. Man what an exhausted but great day!
Below I posted a video of Cache, we would tell him your screaming like a girl and we would try to show him how to scream like a boy. But he would scream like a girl still and then his laugh just made me laugh SO hard! So you can't really see it but you just need to hear it. lol
We got up and went to church to meet with the second counselor. I got released from Nursery! Which is funny because I never told him that’s why I had been calling him. They re did the whole nursery so we all got released. They did ask us to go to nursery to help out the new leaders for a little bit. Today wasn’t too bad with the kids and the one that usually attaches to me was okay with the two new leaders so I don’t feel so bad leaving her. After an hour or so I headed up to Relief Society. Now I don’t remember what the lesson was about because it was all over the place BUT it was nice to be there. I played with Emerson and we had this HUGE load bee in the relief society room. After church we walked home and watched Back to the Future and then I took a nap. Spencer went through and cleaned out our cupboards and did a few things in the kitchen. Then we watched AFV and played Rummikub. Then we mainly relaxed for the rest of the evening.
This morning I slept in a bit since I was waking up so much from cramping. I then got ready and piled clothes that are going to DI in the car. And took out the trash. Then I headed to DI and dropped off the bags which have been sitting in our back room FOREVER lol Then I headed to work, it’s going to be another hot day outside. I found out the guy at work who’s wife was due a few weeks earlier than me had their baby Saturday. They didn’t find out what the gender was so I’ve been waiting to know and the baby is here and they still haven’t told anyone. And his wife did Hypnobirthing so I’m waiting to hear how their experience went.
Today I just plan on going through a few things and just going about the day. We might do some small grocery shopping tonight and probably do some more packing.
Week 36 Isaac is the size of a coconut. I now weigh about 137; I’ve gained a total of 19 lbs. And I’m about 40 ½ inches around. He just kind of does his own thing, pushing here or there whenever he wants. Last night I woke up to period like cramps. When I stood up they were gone though so that was kind of interesting. I woke up a few times with cramping but nothing consistent or really really bad. It’s really just the waiting game right now. We have everything ready so whenever he decides to come. Technically you could say my belly button is out, but not popped out its more stretched out about as much as it can go. And my rings are still on and not too tight.
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Our Nielsen Girl's traditional baby shower picture |
8 days until Demi’s Album comes out
18 days until my last day at work
26 days until Isaac’s due date!
43 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
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