Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Monday evening-
It was HOT at work, the A/C was NOT on and I don’t have a fan so going to bring one from home just in case. After work I was going to go to JC Penney but one was too far away and the other one would have been hard to park for. So I just went to fill up the car and head home. We watched some game shows and ate dinner then headed to Smith’s. I got some Nerds =] and just because I decided to sort them by colors, I got done with 2 and gave up. We played Dutch Blitz while we watched a General Conference talk about forgiveness and then some AFV.

Spencer likes to push on my belly and say come out Isaac were ready. It’s kind of funny and sweet.
This morning I slept in a little bit because I was up in the middle of the night for about an hour or so looking at things online. I hurried to get ready for work and it’s gonna be another hot day. I am just trying to keep myself busy at work; I keep forgetting to bring a book to read because I run out of things to do online. 8 more days…. Sigh
The air conditioning seems to be on at work FINALLY but I brought a fan just in case that’s not enough.
Demi Lovato’s album Demi came out today!!! I pre ordered it though so I won’t get it in the mail for another 2 or 3 days probably. I already have the songs but I’ve always wanted to own one of her CD’s so now I will! =]
After work probably cleaning, I’m running out of things to do besides TV shows here and there. And I’m so done with making food or thinking of food to make right now.
Oh and there are like SOO many lawns that are COVERED in dandelions and I just want to buy weed killer and spray them all or go pick them all cuz it’s pretty but it’s too over powering! There is this one house with these purple big flowers in front and they are beautiful, maybe we will take a walk today and I will take a picture of it.

I realized yesterday that I think I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks on and off for the past month or two but I never realized it. It never bothered me and it just mainly felt like he was pushing up against me when I’m thinking it was really my uterus tightening which is what I’ve read means Braxton Hicks…hmmm well I’m glad it never bothered me.


10 days until my last day at work
18 days until Isaac’s due date!
35 days until our 2nd Anniversary!

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