Tuesday evening-
After work I made pizza pockets for dinner, they never turn out the way I like them but oh well. We watched a few game shows and cleaned up some in the kitchen and living room. Then we decided to pack more of our clothes up and a few more things here and there. I wish I could just throw the rest of the things in a box and be good but we have to leave important things out and random things that you can’t box well. Then Spencer went to read for a little while and I just played a few games here and there before bed.
I woke up this morning and watched some TV. The band 98 degrees is back together, crazy! Their song was pretty good “Microphone” but their dance moves were just so funny because they aren’t young anymore. I was just laughing, I couldn’t help it. Then I got up and ready for the day. I called my landlord to come by and turn off our heater thing sometime. And realized our kitchen sink now drips every 1-2 seconds… ugh. Did I mention we aren’t changing over to the new phone systems until after I’m gone….yes! I just don’t want to really have to learn all of that if I’m just going to be leaving anyways.
Sometimes I get in my car to go to work and just want to keep driving and listen to music and go farther then just to work and back. We are thinking towards the end of July we might go to
At work I’ve gotten a few phone calls back, to back, to back….. But nothing else really going on. This time I brought my book so I have options to keep myself busy.
I finally realized I kind of have a stretch mark and didn’t realize it was a stretch mark.
How far along? 37 1/2 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
Maternity clothes? yes
Stretch marks? Sooo apparently I’ve had a stretch mark for awhile but I never considered it one because it didn’t look like one to me, not typical ones I’ve seen anyways. But it’s not bad it’s just a weird red mark almost like a scar.
Sleep: I get up about 3-4 times a night, one of those times staying up for about an hour or less because I can’t get back to sleep. But I don’t mind too much, I get enough sleep
Best moment this week: umm nothing crazy really happened this week
Miss Anything? Once again mainly just miss laying on my stomach
Movement: He moves on and off, sometimes really crazy and sometimes just pushes here and there
Still no real cravings, I do like fresh fruit but I’ve kind of always been that way
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really sometimes I feel sickish when I am eating a quick snack to not be hungry so I can go back to sleep but nothing bad
Labor Signs: Just normal Braxton Hicks here and there and some cramping but nothing else really that I can tell
Like above just cramping sometimes and Braxton hicks, nothing too crazy
Belly Button in or out? Depends its stretched out as much as it can go but it’s not sticking out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, when it’s really hot at night my fingers will swell and I sometimes take them off
I’m fairly happy for the most part but have my moody moments and I’m just ready to be done with this stage
Looking forward to: Isaac finally coming and finally being moved into my parents place
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Here is a picture of J taking pictures with my camera |
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Monday evening this is what the sky looked like, pretty |
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A weird picture but that circle is my belly button lol and lines below that are kind of red are the so called stretch mark |
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This was the house I was talking about and there lawn is COVERED in those pretty purple flowers. (not the best picture) |
9 days until my last day at work
17 days until Isaac’s due date!
34 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
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