Thursday, May 23, 2013


Wednesday evening-
After work I made us some dinner and we watched Wheel of Fortune. Then later we headed to Smith’s and got a few items and of course some ice cream. Then we basically chilled for the evening. It was kind of one of those off nights where I just wasn’t in the best of mood but wasn’t super grumpy. I also did the dishes though.

This morning I hurried and got up for my OBGYN appointment. His heartbeat was 140 bpm and I’m still measuring around 38. I’m still finishing up the effacing process and the cervix is still closed. He said by my next appointment if he hasn’t arrived we will do an ultrasound just to make sure there is still enough fluid in there for him. He said that the week after my due date if he still hasn’t come they will start thinking about inducing me between the week over due and two week over due mark. My doctor says he is pretty sure I will go into labor on my own but just in case he will told me what the next few weeks would be like if I didn’t. I always kind of thought he’d be very close to his due date but always wishing he would be a little earlier lol
I also try to prepare myself for each appointment by saying “your cervix is probably still closed”. And each time he says it is still closed it’s still a little depressing. I’ve said this tons of times but I want him to stay in there as long as he needs to but it’s still sad to see little progression at the moment. But we are surviving and making it through each day.
Spencer made a dinner reservation for us, it’s a surprise though he won’t tell me where. But I’m pretty excited =]
And my mom found a changing table/dresser for Isaac’s room so that will be nice.
The realtor lady said we should be able to come see the house on Saturday so I’m excited for that and of course we know that we might have to cancel if something baby wise comes up.
Other than that I have this day and tomorrow left at work =]

All is going pretty well just still waiting. He seems to be moving around more than usual which is a good sign that he is doing well.


1 day until my last day at work
9 days until Isaac’s due date!
26 days until our 2nd Anniversary!


  1. An inactive sister in the ward was due June 1st with boy #3. He was born May 15th but he's been in the NICU because he swallowed some of the fluid & developed pneumonia :(

    It's so hard to wait when you are this close but before you know it things will start to happen. He just has to be here before we leave on June 20th :P

    1. Oh no! That's so sad, you just never know.

      It is so hard because you are just so close to the finish line with no knowledge of really how close it may be to you. No worries I bet he will be here no later then the 8th of June (of course hopefully sooner then that) =]
