Wednesday evening-
I shaved my legs, yes I can still shave my legs. I have to be a certain way but it is still possible. =] We headed out to Tooele in the evening and filled out paperwork to put an offer on the house. It's A LOT of paperwork and I didn't understand half of it but I knew Spencer did and I understood enough to get by. So even though it's a short sale it may take FOREVER to close even if they accept our offer. Just hope there are no leans on the house and that the bank it's through for once decides to speed things up (their known for not being very good and taking too long). But who knows they might not even accept our offer. We then stopped quickly to eat at Arby's before heading back home.
Today I did try to learn how to do the rubix cube but we don't have our big one right now just the tiny one and it's all very complicated and a lot to remember so it's going to take some time.
I went to my OBGYN appointment this morning (i will write info on the pregnancy slot). Now hopefully that will be my last true pregnancy appointment there but I made another appointment just in case. Later on I decided to take a slow walk to Smith's. It was really nice because I wasn't feeling rushed or having to catch up to someone so I really took my time and didn't wear myself out too much. I got a few little treats and then headed back home. I am sore from that walk but it was nice to get out and move. Then I watched Ellen =] and a few other shows while I waited for Spencer to come home. It wasn't a bad evening but I just wanted to sit and watch TV because we mainly only have 3 games to play and we've already played them WAY too much. I'm just tired of waiting for Isaac to get here so I just wanted to sit and do nothing. I'm not good at being patient.
I had a few period like cramping on and off all night but once again nothing major or consistent. I have a feeling that he will come today or tomorrow but maybe that's just me hoping and not a true feeling. I don't really have much planned today. Isaac is moving ALL over the place today. I will get ready for the day slowly, maybe take another slow walk and watch a few shows here or there. I guess we will just see how each hour goes.
My uterus is measuring 39, his heart beat was 10, I am 80% effaced and FINALLY at least 1 cm dialated. We have some progress! He did an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid and it was at a 12, anything above 5 is good though. =] I didn't see much of Isaac except for the top of his head but he is squished in there so I probably wouldn't of been able to see much. The doctor said he is pretty sure I will have him anytime between today and next Thursday but if he still doesn't come that's okay too.
1 day left until Isaac's due date
18 days left until our 2nd anniversary
Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Week 39 1/2- Mini Watermelon
I meant to write a blog yesterday but not being at work made me forget about my usual routine lol
Friday evening-
My last day at work!!! It went fairly well but what a quite a SLOW day since Monday was a holiday people left for an extra long weekend. I was sad to say goodbye to my boss, she is such a great lady. I came home and we watched our game shows and i was getting so tired. I headed to bed a little earlier.
Week 39. We slowly woke up and we packed up the car with some more boxes. Then we headed out to Tooele. We hung out with J for a little bit then we went to tour the house we were thinking of buying. It's a 3 bedroom, beautiful yard, 2 bathroom (one only has a toilet and sink), kitchen, living room, dining room, a nice garage and shed. It looked a lot better then we were expecting. Now it has all hardwood floors which I don't like but you can fix that eventually, and we will for sure need to do some painting.
Then we checked out Jessica's progress on unpacking at her new place. We then went to Wal-Mart to get somethings to do science experiments with J. We made a liquid explotion and a bouncy ball. Then we all sat down a played a few card games. We went outside because it was so nice out and waited for dinner to be made. We decided on the name Penny for our car. We also did get the nursery organized even more now so yay! After dinner we headed home and emailed a few people on getting aprroved for a loan.
This was our last Sunday in the 10th Ward. It's sad to say goodbye to a few people but at the same time i'm ready to go to the Tooele Ward. In Relief Society we talked about doing the hard things on the list first or else we end up making them out to be so much bigger then they really are. And other things too but I've forgotten about it. We were headed out of the parking lot, slowly rolling forward to see past the bushes so we could turn on to the road and BAM out of no where this guy comes flying through on his bike and hits our car. He was going SOOO fast and didn't bother to stop at the driveway or at least slow down. We stopped and Spencer went to make sure he was okay and say sorry and thankfully the guy was fine it just knocked off his chain and he actually said he was sorry too. I was worried he was going to make this HUGE deal out of it even though it was his fault. We checked our car and there was just a scratch on the front license plate plastic.
We then watched Doctor Who and I took a short nap. Spencer packed up a few more things and we watched AFV and wipe out for the evening.
Happy Memorial Day. We packed and packed up as much as we possibly could. Then we also cleaned up a few rooms. Later we went ot the grocery store to shop for more food/snacks for me since i'm now going to be home more. I've been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks especially while i'm sitting but nothing too serious. We then went to see the movie Epic, it was actually a pretty cute movie, we enjoyed it. Then we came home for dinner and watched Wheel of Fortune, Ant Farm, and AFV while we played Sorry & Dutch Blitz. I headed to bed early again tonight, just getting tired sooner and try to sleep as much as possible really.
We got A LOT of rain today which was totally fine with me. I watched a few cartoons from cartoon network. Then I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, and floors. We got our pre approval letter for a loan! And they said we both have excellent credit scores =] Next step is putting an offer on the house. Spencer went to work early so he came home at 4 instead of 5. We watched our game shows and made a pro and con list about the house. We had some cons but they are things that aren't that big of a deal or things we can fix over time.
We've decided to put an offer on the house, exciting!!! I am pretty sure they will accept our offer but that doesn't mean it will happen for sure. It all seems so unreal but we've been planning and saving for these things and this house happened to fit in our plan earlier than we were expecting because of the rural housing loan that's out right now. =]
I have a few little cleaning things I plan to do and would like to take a walk today if it doesn't rain when i'm able to get outside.
Week 39 Isaac is the size of a little watermelon. I'm 141 lbs, and about 42 inches around. I'm getting sore joints in my fingers which i mentioned earlier. My back has been getting sore in the evenings but not in the lower part of my back mainly the middle or higher up. I sometimes feel a little sick and achy but i'm thinking it's my bodies way of starting to prepare for labor. I have a few more stretch marks and my belly button is almost always itchy which i think is because it's starting to push out a little bit but not much. I have my next appointment tomorrow morning if he still hasn't arrived and will be getting an ultrasound
3 days until Isaac's Due Date
20 days until our 2nd Anniversary
Friday evening-
My last day at work!!! It went fairly well but what a quite a SLOW day since Monday was a holiday people left for an extra long weekend. I was sad to say goodbye to my boss, she is such a great lady. I came home and we watched our game shows and i was getting so tired. I headed to bed a little earlier.
Week 39. We slowly woke up and we packed up the car with some more boxes. Then we headed out to Tooele. We hung out with J for a little bit then we went to tour the house we were thinking of buying. It's a 3 bedroom, beautiful yard, 2 bathroom (one only has a toilet and sink), kitchen, living room, dining room, a nice garage and shed. It looked a lot better then we were expecting. Now it has all hardwood floors which I don't like but you can fix that eventually, and we will for sure need to do some painting.
Then we checked out Jessica's progress on unpacking at her new place. We then went to Wal-Mart to get somethings to do science experiments with J. We made a liquid explotion and a bouncy ball. Then we all sat down a played a few card games. We went outside because it was so nice out and waited for dinner to be made. We decided on the name Penny for our car. We also did get the nursery organized even more now so yay! After dinner we headed home and emailed a few people on getting aprroved for a loan.
This was our last Sunday in the 10th Ward. It's sad to say goodbye to a few people but at the same time i'm ready to go to the Tooele Ward. In Relief Society we talked about doing the hard things on the list first or else we end up making them out to be so much bigger then they really are. And other things too but I've forgotten about it. We were headed out of the parking lot, slowly rolling forward to see past the bushes so we could turn on to the road and BAM out of no where this guy comes flying through on his bike and hits our car. He was going SOOO fast and didn't bother to stop at the driveway or at least slow down. We stopped and Spencer went to make sure he was okay and say sorry and thankfully the guy was fine it just knocked off his chain and he actually said he was sorry too. I was worried he was going to make this HUGE deal out of it even though it was his fault. We checked our car and there was just a scratch on the front license plate plastic.
We then watched Doctor Who and I took a short nap. Spencer packed up a few more things and we watched AFV and wipe out for the evening.
Happy Memorial Day. We packed and packed up as much as we possibly could. Then we also cleaned up a few rooms. Later we went ot the grocery store to shop for more food/snacks for me since i'm now going to be home more. I've been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks especially while i'm sitting but nothing too serious. We then went to see the movie Epic, it was actually a pretty cute movie, we enjoyed it. Then we came home for dinner and watched Wheel of Fortune, Ant Farm, and AFV while we played Sorry & Dutch Blitz. I headed to bed early again tonight, just getting tired sooner and try to sleep as much as possible really.
We got A LOT of rain today which was totally fine with me. I watched a few cartoons from cartoon network. Then I cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, and floors. We got our pre approval letter for a loan! And they said we both have excellent credit scores =] Next step is putting an offer on the house. Spencer went to work early so he came home at 4 instead of 5. We watched our game shows and made a pro and con list about the house. We had some cons but they are things that aren't that big of a deal or things we can fix over time.
We've decided to put an offer on the house, exciting!!! I am pretty sure they will accept our offer but that doesn't mean it will happen for sure. It all seems so unreal but we've been planning and saving for these things and this house happened to fit in our plan earlier than we were expecting because of the rural housing loan that's out right now. =]
I have a few little cleaning things I plan to do and would like to take a walk today if it doesn't rain when i'm able to get outside.
Week 39 Isaac is the size of a little watermelon. I'm 141 lbs, and about 42 inches around. I'm getting sore joints in my fingers which i mentioned earlier. My back has been getting sore in the evenings but not in the lower part of my back mainly the middle or higher up. I sometimes feel a little sick and achy but i'm thinking it's my bodies way of starting to prepare for labor. I have a few more stretch marks and my belly button is almost always itchy which i think is because it's starting to push out a little bit but not much. I have my next appointment tomorrow morning if he still hasn't arrived and will be getting an ultrasound
3 days until Isaac's Due Date
20 days until our 2nd Anniversary
Friday, May 24, 2013
last work day =]
Thursday evening-
After work we came home and just relaxed for a little bit. Then we headed out to the surprise dinner outing Spencer planned. He took me to Ruth’s Chris Steak House, a very fancy restaurant. I would of dressed a little better had I known that but oh well. The customer service was great which is to be expected at a fancy place like this. Now it’s an expensive place so you would only go there on very special occasions. We figured with the bonus check I got and that Isaac will be coming around our 2 year anniversary that we would go out and celebrate now. They bought us dessert since it was our anniversary so that was nice. The manager always stops by and wishes you a happy anniversary (they put up a thing on your table so people know) and our server and another random worker. They all stopped and chatted and asked about the baby. They would say what are you having and when are you due. I’d say in about a week and EVERY one of those people were like no way! The manager was like I would have guessed you were 6 month’s lol Now I feel like that is a compliment being close to the end. It was all very nice and a great surprise, thank you Spencer!
Then we came home and caught the end of AFV and relaxed a little bit before getting ready for bed.
This morning I got up, found out Demi Lovato will be on Kelly & Michael (talk show) on Monday! =] Then just took my time in the shower this morning and did a happy dance since it’s my LAST DAY AT WORK!!! I am beyond excited, I love my job but I’m not someone who loves having to go to work everyday. Now I know your always working when you’re a mother but it’s a different kind of work. And we aren’t saying for sure if I’m coming back to work after maternity leave or not because things might come up to where I need to go back. But in my mind 12 weeks is a MUCH needed vacation from my job. I’m ready for a change. After work I’m not sure what we will do, I’m hoping not clean because I want to save some things like that for when I’m home waiting for his arrival.
Saturday we are going to Tooele to see a house, do laundry, and organize some of our boxes and baby items. And that weekend everyone is kind of helping Jessica move into their new place so it will be a busy day.
Sunday the plan is to go to church and it will probably be our last Sunday in that ward building.
Monday Spencer doesn’t have work but I don’t think we have any plans but who knows.
And these are all just thoughts we know that things could change if Isaac decides to arrive a little early but we are prepared for that.
Enjoy your Friday! I plan to still blog but it might end up being weekly instead of daily depending on how interesting/busy my life is. =]
Just waiting
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my wonderful Friend Channelle found this beautiful peacock vase and got it for me for my birthday =] |
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They set up this sign and put rose petals on the table at Ruth's Chris =] |
8 days until Isaac’s due date!
25 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday evening-
After work I made us some dinner and we watched Wheel of Fortune. Then later we headed to Smith’s and got a few items and of course some ice cream. Then we basically chilled for the evening. It was kind of one of those off nights where I just wasn’t in the best of mood but wasn’t super grumpy. I also did the dishes though.
This morning I hurried and got up for my OBGYN appointment. His heartbeat was 140 bpm and I’m still measuring around 38. I’m still finishing up the effacing process and the cervix is still closed. He said by my next appointment if he hasn’t arrived we will do an ultrasound just to make sure there is still enough fluid in there for him. He said that the week after my due date if he still hasn’t come they will start thinking about inducing me between the week over due and two week over due mark. My doctor says he is pretty sure I will go into labor on my own but just in case he will told me what the next few weeks would be like if I didn’t. I always kind of thought he’d be very close to his due date but always wishing he would be a little earlier lol
I also try to prepare myself for each appointment by saying “your cervix is probably still closed”. And each time he says it is still closed it’s still a little depressing. I’ve said this tons of times but I want him to stay in there as long as he needs to but it’s still sad to see little progression at the moment. But we are surviving and making it through each day.
Spencer made a dinner reservation for us, it’s a surprise though he won’t tell me where. But I’m pretty excited =]
And my mom found a changing table/dresser for Isaac’s room so that will be nice.
The realtor lady said we should be able to come see the house on Saturday so I’m excited for that and of course we know that we might have to cancel if something baby wise comes up.
Other than that I have this day and tomorrow left at work =]
All is going pretty well just still waiting. He seems to be moving around more than usual which is a good sign that he is doing well.
1 day until my last day at work
9 days until Isaac’s due date!
26 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Crossing my fingers
Tuesday evening-
Yesterday we decided to try out this pizza place people were saying was good. It wasn’t too bad. Everyone says the breadsticks are amazing but I wasn’t a big fan. But we had a nice conversation over a few things which I love when that happens. Then we headed home and watched a few shows while organizing a few things. Just a pretty good evening.
This morning I woke up and got ready for the day. Then I headed out to the store to buy my next journal, this is my 3rd one. I’ve kept it up for about a year and a half =] this one is really pretty! Then I came home and researched a few things. We are hoping to see a house we kind of like in Tooele on Saturday if the lady is able to show it to us. I’m pretty excited, it will take a lot of work to fix up a few things here and there but we are okay with that because then you can say you but your blood & sweat in to making the house more yours. And in general we will learn a few things along the way which is always handy. But I’m not getting my hopes up because it might not work out the way we hope for.
It’s a pretty warm day outside. The temp and I are just sitting up front and talking about random things to pass the time. Just feeling good about today even though I don’t really have anything planned.
After work we will just get a few more things organized and make a few phone calls.
Nothing new for now. I haven’t been having much of my rib pain lately which has been SUPER nice =]
2 days until my last day at work
10 days until Isaac’s due date!
27 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Taking Eve
Monday evening-
After work we had a quick dinner and headed over to the laundry mat. We ran into one person we knew from the 1st ward. Other than that we just kind of chilled and waited for the laundry to be done. Then we headed home, I finished folding the laundry and putting things away. Then we sat down and watched a conference talk & Doctor Who while we played Dutch Blitz. Then headed to bed.
I called the pre-register office and said you never called me to give me an estimate of how much we will be paying. She said around 900, which is pretty darn good. I love our insurance =] And so I paid about 400 of that today since they ask for that amount when you get to the hospital. Ta da! I went to the store this morning to buy a book to read at work and this next week while I’m playing the waiting game. Then I headed to work and signed the papers I needed to for maternity leave. Ta da! Now I’m officially ready and finished with everything that I can be for the moment.
At work just hanging out with the Temp while she is learning things. I now sit away from the phones and she sits at the desk. So I’m extra bored but I also have less work I need to do so that’s okay with me!
After work today I know what I’m going to make for dinner and then who knows maybe we will do some more packing or see if other things come up.
I wake up with really sore finger joints in the middle of the night. I must sleep weird or my fingers just cramp up easier right now. My belly has been itching above my belly button more than usual lately.
3 days until my last day at work
11 days until Isaac’s due date!
28 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Monday, May 20, 2013
38 weeks-Bunch of Celery
Friday evening-
After work since we thought our water would probably be off again we just didn’t go home. We went to Valley Fair Mall and walked around again but didn’t find what we were looking for. Then we went to McDonald’s for dinner and headed to the movies to see The Great & Powerful Oz, which wasn’t too bad. I did like how it explained how the guy became Oz but of course some things were cheesy. Then we came home and had water so all was good =]
Week 38, time is passing fast but not fast enough for me. I woke up to Spencer boxing up some more items. Spencer let me watch cartoons while he bleached the shower (which looks REALLY clean now). Then we went to get some doughnuts =] Then later we took a nap after lunch. Then I decided I wanted to get a mani/pedi so Spencer let go to the place down the street called “Nailed!”. It ended up being a really nice place, and they use natural things and not chemicals so that was a plus with being pregnant. The lady that did everything was really nice but she seemed rushed which was fine because she still did a good job. But it was weird going to get this done without a friend or something to talk to but also semi quite and relaxing. We played the game Sorry & Rummikub while watching some Netflix shows. We ordered Papa Murphy’s pizza for dinner and watched some shows.
We got up and went to church. Nothing exciting now that I’m not in nursery. In Sunday School & Relief Society we mostly talked about temples. I sat there but mostly everything went in one ear and out the other. After church we ate lunch and watched Hoodwinked Too, I took about an hour or so nap. We went on a short walk after watching a few shows. Then we played some computer games and I did the dishes. Later I asked for a blessing. There is always something said that makes me wonder “what does he mean by that?” And I then always worry about the things certain things are said instead of thinking about the good things that are said. My sister-in-law Dianne has been sending me pictures of when Spencer was little haha cute little red head boy
This morning I woke up and watched some shows and just kind of sat on the couch passing the time. Today at work starts the week of training the temp to take over my position. Because personally this job is fairly easy it’s been kind of boring/awkward. Just because what do you say to them when they pretty much already know everything after one day. So it’s going to be an interesting week of thinking of random things to talk about. I’m just so bored with life right now, I really shouldn’t have packed my books away because reading might pass the time and keep my brain occupied. Ahh were so close.
After work we are going to do much needed laundry and some FHE things. I would love to be folding Isaac’s close but there at my mom’s so we didn’t have to bring that load last minute.
We’ve had quite a bit of rain this weekend which has been nice but now it’s time to be sunny again.
Week 38- Isaac is the size of a bunch of celery. I am emotionally just so ready for him to just be here. I still get acid reflex if I eat tomato type sauce with spaghetti or pizza. I think I’m more tired lately then usual. I’m reading things and preparing as much as you can for raising a child. I do feel sickish like the thought of eating food is just so gross but I eat because I need to. He was moving like crazy last night. I keep telling him if he comes out he will have more room to move.
4 days until my last day at work
12 days until Isaac’s due date!
29 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Thursday evening-
After work we met up and went to City Creek and checked out the Disney Store. I love it but SO expensive. Then we checked out the game store and they had some Doctor Who games, yay! Then we headed over to Blue Lemon to meet up with The Mills for dinner. It was pretty yummy as usual. After that we went home and guess what we had no water again. It made me want to cry which probably was more because of me being pregnant and wanting to have water more than anything. I don’t mind not having water but the fact that we are never told why we don’t have water or when it will happen or for how long is really frustrating and kind of disrespectful in my opinion. So I was pretty close to tears, it finally came back on around 9 or 930. I really wanted to do the dishes and that was upsetting so once I was able to do the dishes I felt a lot better. I bet no one has ever heard me say I wanted to do the dishes before. Lol
Then I listened to some music and kind of stayed up a little late so I for sure would sleep pretty well at night.
This morning I woke up a little late but hurried and got ready for the day. I stopped by Spencer’s work to drop off a few things and I got mega stuffed Oreos =]
At work not too much is going on. We have a feeling that we are going to come home to no water again so instead we are making plans to be away from the house. We were thinking a movie but there isn’t anything super exciting that I care to go see. But we will head out to JCPenney probably if anything. So since I’m having trouble doing things that require standing for too long or walking too much I’ve got to think of something’s to keep us busy.
Saturday maybe we will do laundry but other than that we for once have nothing planned on a weekend so that will be kind of nice or boring…depends lol
Sunday back to church, and no nursery =]
Standing for longer than 5 minutes sometimes is very difficult lately, I feel out of breath and sometimes dizzy. This extra weigh must be pushing on some of my blood vessels or something. I believe I have Restless Leg Syndrome which 1 in 5 pregnant women usually get in the later stages of pregnancy. But like at 5am this morning I was so tired but my legs had so much energy and I could NOT lie still so I had to get up. I did read if I do better with taking my iron sometimes that helps make it go away or not happen as often.
7 days until my last day at work (5 work days really)
15 days until Isaac’s due date!
32 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wednesday evening-
After work we came home to no water/water pressure and that lasted on and off from about 5-11pm. You never realize how much water you use until it’s not there. AH!! But we survived of course. We still aren’t sure why we didn’t have water but there were some people working up the hill and we think they were either fixing the problem or the were the cause of the problem. Spencer came home and had stopped at Smith’s and bought some flowers and two cute onesies all by himself. He did a pretty good job! I’ve always wanted him to pick out a baby outfit he actually liked so it was nice for him to do that. He even picked a yellow outfit out and he usually doesn’t like those but it was the right shade for a boy he said. We watched some of our game shows on TV. I didn’t eat food soon enough so I was kind of grumpy. We later played Rummikub and I won!
Another Abercrombie & Fitch thing came out on facebook. So I’m putting my opinion here or a more in depth opinion then what I put on facebook. There was a video about a gentleman that decided to buy A&F clothing from Di type stores and then give them out to homeless people. One reason for doing it was to have uncool type people wear their clothes. Okay it’s great that he was giving out clothes to the homeless, that’s really nice but it is ridiculous that he also did it to make A&F look bad. That is very childish in my opinion. You should just give homeless people clothes in general no matter the brand. For heavens sakes leave A&F alone! He is allowed to run his business however he wants. I have a friend that is skinny and she has a hard time finding small sizes for herself so A&F has those for her. And she said it’s like going to a plus size store and getting made at them because they don’t sell smaller sizes. This A&F thing has been spun out of proportion and people just need to shut up and move on.
Ugh I didn’t sleep well last night; it’s just so dang hot! And then I just can’t get myself back to sleep. I got up this morning and got ready for my appointment. All is well as usual. Then I just watched some Rachael Ray, and our landlord came by to turn off our heater because we def. don’t need it anymore. Then here I am at work again. On a side note Demi Lovato’s album is #1 on iTunes in 40 countries, crazy!! But it’s an amazing album so I’m not surprised; I just hope she wins some kind of award from the Grammy’s or something next year.
I believe after work today we will be going to dinner with The Mill’s but I’m not for sure on that.
I’m probably around 80-100% effaced, he really didn’t say. He just mainly said my cervix is still tightly closed. Which doesn’t surprise me, like he said sometimes the first one comes past the due date. I am totally fine with that, I was planning for him to be on time or late. But I of course was also hoping he would be a little early too. We are just so ready for him; I’m ready for the stage after pregnancy. It’s hard when people around you are all having their babies just cuz you get a little jealous and in patient. But Isaac is doing well and he seems to be cozy and that’s okay with me, I don’t want to rush him. And I’m measuring right at 38 which is perfect so he said I will probably have an average 7 pound baby which I figured. And his heart beat was about 140 this time which is still pretty normal. I’m just so ready to meet him that it’s hard to be patient and wait but I want him to be ready.
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He did good didn't he =] |
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Such bright and beautiful flowers! |
8 days until my last day at work
16 days until Isaac’s due date!
33 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Tuesday evening-
After work I made pizza pockets for dinner, they never turn out the way I like them but oh well. We watched a few game shows and cleaned up some in the kitchen and living room. Then we decided to pack more of our clothes up and a few more things here and there. I wish I could just throw the rest of the things in a box and be good but we have to leave important things out and random things that you can’t box well. Then Spencer went to read for a little while and I just played a few games here and there before bed.
I woke up this morning and watched some TV. The band 98 degrees is back together, crazy! Their song was pretty good “Microphone” but their dance moves were just so funny because they aren’t young anymore. I was just laughing, I couldn’t help it. Then I got up and ready for the day. I called my landlord to come by and turn off our heater thing sometime. And realized our kitchen sink now drips every 1-2 seconds… ugh. Did I mention we aren’t changing over to the new phone systems until after I’m gone….yes! I just don’t want to really have to learn all of that if I’m just going to be leaving anyways.
Sometimes I get in my car to go to work and just want to keep driving and listen to music and go farther then just to work and back. We are thinking towards the end of July we might go to
At work I’ve gotten a few phone calls back, to back, to back….. But nothing else really going on. This time I brought my book so I have options to keep myself busy.
I finally realized I kind of have a stretch mark and didn’t realize it was a stretch mark.
How far along? 37 1/2 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 lbs
Maternity clothes? yes
Stretch marks? Sooo apparently I’ve had a stretch mark for awhile but I never considered it one because it didn’t look like one to me, not typical ones I’ve seen anyways. But it’s not bad it’s just a weird red mark almost like a scar.
Sleep: I get up about 3-4 times a night, one of those times staying up for about an hour or less because I can’t get back to sleep. But I don’t mind too much, I get enough sleep
Best moment this week: umm nothing crazy really happened this week
Miss Anything? Once again mainly just miss laying on my stomach
Movement: He moves on and off, sometimes really crazy and sometimes just pushes here and there
Still no real cravings, I do like fresh fruit but I’ve kind of always been that way
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really sometimes I feel sickish when I am eating a quick snack to not be hungry so I can go back to sleep but nothing bad
Labor Signs: Just normal Braxton Hicks here and there and some cramping but nothing else really that I can tell
Like above just cramping sometimes and Braxton hicks, nothing too crazy
Belly Button in or out? Depends its stretched out as much as it can go but it’s not sticking out.
Wedding rings on or off? On, when it’s really hot at night my fingers will swell and I sometimes take them off
I’m fairly happy for the most part but have my moody moments and I’m just ready to be done with this stage
Looking forward to: Isaac finally coming and finally being moved into my parents place
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Here is a picture of J taking pictures with my camera |
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Monday evening this is what the sky looked like, pretty |
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A weird picture but that circle is my belly button lol and lines below that are kind of red are the so called stretch mark |
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This was the house I was talking about and there lawn is COVERED in those pretty purple flowers. (not the best picture) |
9 days until my last day at work
17 days until Isaac’s due date!
34 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday evening-
It was HOT at work, the A/C was NOT on and I don’t have a fan so going to bring one from home just in case. After work I was going to go to JC Penney but one was too far away and the other one would have been hard to park for. So I just went to fill up the car and head home. We watched some game shows and ate dinner then headed to Smith’s. I got some Nerds =] and just because I decided to sort them by colors, I got done with 2 and gave up. We played Dutch Blitz while we watched a General Conference talk about forgiveness and then some AFV.
Spencer likes to push on my belly and say come out Isaac were ready. It’s kind of funny and sweet.
This morning I slept in a little bit because I was up in the middle of the night for about an hour or so looking at things online. I hurried to get ready for work and it’s gonna be another hot day. I am just trying to keep myself busy at work; I keep forgetting to bring a book to read because I run out of things to do online. 8 more days…. Sigh
The air conditioning seems to be on at work FINALLY but I brought a fan just in case that’s not enough.
Demi Lovato’s album Demi came out today!!! I pre ordered it though so I won’t get it in the mail for another 2 or 3 days probably. I already have the songs but I’ve always wanted to own one of her CD’s so now I will! =]
After work probably cleaning, I’m running out of things to do besides TV shows here and there. And I’m so done with making food or thinking of food to make right now.
Oh and there are like SOO many lawns that are COVERED in dandelions and I just want to buy weed killer and spray them all or go pick them all cuz it’s pretty but it’s too over powering! There is this one house with these purple big flowers in front and they are beautiful, maybe we will take a walk today and I will take a picture of it.
I realized yesterday that I think I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks on and off for the past month or two but I never realized it. It never bothered me and it just mainly felt like he was pushing up against me when I’m thinking it was really my uterus tightening which is what I’ve read means Braxton Hicks…hmmm well I’m glad it never bothered me.
10 days until my last day at work
18 days until Isaac’s due date!
35 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Monday, May 13, 2013
37 Weeks/Full Term- Leek
Friday evening-
After work we headed to DQ for dinner and a blizzard! I got this peanut butter chocolate kind. It wasn’t too bad but the peanut butter was over powering. We bought a DQ cake for my mom & Sisters for mother’s day. Then we headed home and I organized the really nice gifts I got from work. The baby shower went well I was just nervous so I was kind of hot while opening the gifts. But it was so sweet of them to throw me a shower. Then we watched back to the future 3. Later I did the dishes and we played Rummikub while watching AFV.
Week 37. We got up and ready and Spencer loaded up the car with some more boxes. Then we headed off to Tooele for the weekend. Jade, Rick & Stephanie were there. Us girls went to Sweet Pea and got a few cute outfits. Then we relaxed inside for a little bit. Later we all went bowling and I just walked around and played with Jade while they bowled. Then we all headed to Pizza Hut for dinner, and Jade just squealed away. When they left we went to the baby room and FINALLY organized most of it all. You can see the floor now. The clothes are separated into piles by size and not folded yet but that’s good enough until we move in. Then I took a short bath, it was nice. I never can get the water just right though it’s either too hot or warm and get cold too fast. And of course bath tubs are never deep enough to cover your whole body haha
Happy Mother’s Day to all the great mother’s out there I know especially my own dear mother. =]
We got up and ready to head out to church. There were some beautiful talks and wonderful musical numbers! I didn’t feel the best so I had a hard time focusing on most of the lessons but I made it through the day. We got home and put some food together. Jessica, J, Amber, and Bill came over and we all ate yummy food. Then went outside and took a few family photos for Jessica and J. They didn’t turn out too bad but I wished I would have thought to take shoots from more angles. Then I let J play with my camera, he took 222 photos haha then our cute little cat Charlie came over to hang out with us. I love that cat too bad it’s not really ours. It was a beautiful evening outside and around 730 or so we headed home. I sat on the floor and folded all the laundry and we watched a few AFV episodes. I’m a little sore from the weekend.
I didn’t sleep fantastic but it’s because it’s SOOO hot at night. I wish we had a/c in our place. We have fans and things like that and I wouldn’t mind opening a window but we don’t have screens to make sure bugs don’t come in so I don’t want to open them at night. In general it’s going to be a HOT day, I’m so glad I only have a few more weeks being pregnant in temperatures like this lol
I headed off to work and talked with a 401k guy about a few questions I had. Then I talked with my boss for a little bit and handed out the thank you cards. Now just going to watch some Ellen episodes and make it through another work day.
Later tonight we will probably do a few more things to practice for delivery and clean up a little bit.
Week 37 Isaac is the size of a leek and considered Full term. But once again I don’t think he will come any earlier than a week before his due date. But if he does we are prepared I’ve gotten everything done that I’ve needed to or promised people I would do. I’m up to 140 lbs, I’ve gained 22 and I’m 41 inches around. A few people have been saying I’ve dropped which is possible but I haven’t noticed it.
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This is Mr. Charlie, isn't he beautiful! |
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This is one of my favorites of Jess & J |
1 day until Demi’s Album comes out
11 days until my last day at work
19 days until Isaac’s due date!
36 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Friday, May 10, 2013
DQ blizzards =]
Thursday evening-
After work we ate some dinner and watched our game shows! =] A very nice relaxing evening which I always enjoy. We really didn’t do too much.
I don’t think anything crazy happened, hmm just another day.
This morning I woke up and took my time getting ready. This morning I decided to listen to music while getting ready today. I’m a little nervous today. At work they are throwing me a baby shower, which is so very sweet of them. So that will be happening around 1230. I just have a hard time being the center of attention so I’m just kind of nervous about it but also excited. It’s hard being pregnant because your normal emotions are stronger then usual and hard to control them. Lol
Anyways so other than that not too much happening today at work.
After work we are going to DQ for some yummy blizzards, and then we will watch the last Back to the Future movie.
Saturday to Sunday we are going out to Tooele for Mother’s Day and organize the entire baby room. That’s the plan anyways lol
He is pushing/stretching out for sure on and off lately. A work baby shower today, I’m slightly nervous, I have a hard time being the center of attention.
4 days until Demi’s Album comes out
14 days until my last day at work
22 days until Isaac’s due date!
39 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Passed Strep B
Wednesday evening-
After work we went to Denny’s for dinner. I called and talked with my Grandma for a little bit. She is such a sweet lady and has great memory. She told me my dad was a pretty calm baby and would sleep from 6pm-5am until he was 2. And she goes well thanks for calling tell Spencer hi and give the baby a tap for me. Lol =]
We ate our dinner and talked for a little while. Then we headed to get Capri Suns for me for when I’m at the hospital and rented the movie “So undercover”.
It was a fairly cheesy movie but Miley Cyrus was in it so what do you expect. Then we watched an AFV episode and it was on giving parental advice lol it was a pretty helpful episode haha
On a side note a lot of people lately have been posting on facebook about all the mean or bad things Abercrombie and Fitch is doing. I understand and it is said but in my opinion it’s a business and they will keep doing the things they are doing because it’s making them money. If you don’t fit in their clothes then don’t shop there. If you have to fit this “perfect” image to work there then you shouldn’t want to work there. So yes it’s said but not every store has to make their clothes fit everyone. They can’t make every customer happy and they aren’t aiming to. They are aiming to fit what the media does and what sells, if they were going out of business then I’m sure they would change their ways. But you’re not going to change their minds if they are making money, its business. I know most of you aren’t going to agree with me and that’s just fine it’s not that big of a deal to get worked up over in my opinion.
This morning I woke up and got ready for my OBGYN appointment. All is looking well. I passed the test which I know isn’t a big deal if you don’t they will just give you antibiotics when in labor but I really just didn’t want to have to need that. And he says usually in first pregnancy you get 100% effaced first and then your start dilating. Of course everyone is different but I’m following that situation anyways. Which isn’t surprising because my body just seems to do things the normal way and the normal time frame.
Anyways so I got home and watched Rachael Ray and finished getting ready for work. It’s a nice day outside again, just hoping this day goes by fast.
I have my work baby shower tomorrow which I’m pretty excited for but kind of nervous on what they will be providing for lunch since they haven’t asked me what I would like. And they all know I’m a picky eater so I will just bring extra food to prepare myself just in case. I just have emotional issues with food lol
Nothing too exciting going on at work today so I will once again just try to keep myself busy.
After work as far as I know we don’t have any plans soooo that’s it.
I passed the Group B Strep Test, YES!! And just because I had him look at my progress down there. I am 70-80% effaced and cervix is still closed. He said I will probably have him pretty close to my due date which I expected anyways.
5 days until Demi’s Album comes out
15 days until my last day at work
23 days until Isaac’s due date!
40 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday evening-
After work I headed home and we watched Back to the Future 2 and ate dinner. Then we boxed up some kitchen things. It was kind of a rough night in my opinion. I just had a hard night. But you go to bed and you wake up to a new day and forget about yesterday.
This morning I woke up and got ready for the day. I headed to work an hour early today. It’s a fairly decent day outside so far. Not too many exciting things happening. It’s half way through the week! I will just plan to maybe do some word searches, watch some videos, and read a little bit.
After work I plan to call my Grandma, she hasn’t been doing so well and I keep meaning to call and talk with her. Other than that we don’t have too much planned except for maybe boxing up things, but we are kind of to the point where there isn’t much we can box up to be stored.
I keep forgetting to post this. 1. I’m becoming more forgetful especially if I don’t write something down right away. 2. I get round ligament pain at night when I need to roll over in bed, nothing extreme but you get that tugging feeling. Other than that the same old routine.
6 days until Demi’s Album comes out
16 days until my last day at work
24 days until Isaac’s due date!
41 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Monday evening-
AHHH Demi Lovato played a game and had us all Tweet the titles to her songs and unlock them early! So you can’t purchase them yet BUT we got to listen to them early! It is thee best album I’ve ever heard, there isn’t a single song I didn’t like. It’s a different type of style for almost every song like your listening to a different artist. She did an amazing job and there is so much emotion and a story in each one. My favorite song is Nightingale though “Can you be my nightingale, sing to me I know your there. You could be my sanity but bring me peace for me to sleep. Say you’ll be my nightingale.”
I’m just so proud of her; she has come so far in her career. Even though I don’t really know her she’s still amazing and i bet she will get a Grammy this next time around. She deserves it. And of course I preordered her CD!
After work I walked out to my car and this was the first time I actually got my belly HIT. I didn’t move far enough away from the car door when I shut it. Ouch!
Then I left to pick up Spencer and we headed to Target and got some needed baby items we haven’t yet received. And of course 3 cute little outfits, there were 2 others I wanted but I didn’t want to over do it even though Spencer seemed fine with it. We used all our gift cards, so it worked out nicely. Then we headed to Wendy’s for a quick dinner and then to Wal-Mart for groceries and a few other random things.
Then we headed home and put everything away and I did the dishes. Then we pretty much chilled until it was time for bed.
This morning I woke up and got a few things done that I needed to. Then I got ready and headed out for another day at work. Sigh we are so close. It’s cute because Spencer has said a few times he is ready for Isaac to come. =] But with our luck he will probably be just on time or later lol
Now just at working keeping myself busy once again. We are getting a new phone system here and I was secretly hoping it wouldn’t come until I left so I wouldn’t have to learn it. But it’s slowly coming up and working.
We get some crazy movement on and off but nothing too interesting going on.
7 days until Demi’s Album comes out
17 days until my last day at work
25 days until Isaac’s due date!
42 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Monday, May 6, 2013
36 weeks-Coconut
Friday evening-
After work we came home and kept busy while we waited for Andrew & Maryanne to show up. Around 7:30 we all walked over to Trio for dinner. There was a 30 minute wait and even then it took awhile to get our food but it was delicious as always. This time we sat outside which was pretty nice. We all had some good conversations. Then we came home and I did the dishes and cleaned up the house a little. Then I painted my toe nails. He was pushing like crazy, more around the lower right side of my belly. It was kind of funny to watch.
We woke up and got ready for our day. Start of month 9 and week 36 of pregnancy! We loaded up the car with more boxes and headed to Tooele. Jessica, Jon, Mallorie, Cache, Rick, Stephanie, and Jade were there. (They all came at different times) We all hung out for a little bit and ate some lunch. Then we headed over to the church to set up for the Tooele Baby Shower. It all came together pretty nicely and we had about 19 people show up. We had some good laughs! And I got some great things! There were a few people that told me they were going to come and then didn’t so that was kind of sad but I should of expected not everyone who said they would come would come. We had some great games and thanks to my mom and siblings that helped put it together. Then we headed back and relaxed for a little while and everyone slowly left and Spencer and I stuck behind. We went through the clothes we got and sorted them by size/age. Then we went to Arby’s for dinner, yummy! Later we played two games with my parents and we laughed SO much! Poor Isaac probably had no idea what was going on because I was laughing so much, it’s hard to laugh with a baby in your belly. Then we headed home and folded laundry, and cleaned up a little bit. Man what an exhausted but great day!
Below I posted a video of Cache, we would tell him your screaming like a girl and we would try to show him how to scream like a boy. But he would scream like a girl still and then his laugh just made me laugh SO hard! So you can't really see it but you just need to hear it. lol
We got up and went to church to meet with the second counselor. I got released from Nursery! Which is funny because I never told him that’s why I had been calling him. They re did the whole nursery so we all got released. They did ask us to go to nursery to help out the new leaders for a little bit. Today wasn’t too bad with the kids and the one that usually attaches to me was okay with the two new leaders so I don’t feel so bad leaving her. After an hour or so I headed up to Relief Society. Now I don’t remember what the lesson was about because it was all over the place BUT it was nice to be there. I played with Emerson and we had this HUGE load bee in the relief society room. After church we walked home and watched Back to the Future and then I took a nap. Spencer went through and cleaned out our cupboards and did a few things in the kitchen. Then we watched AFV and played Rummikub. Then we mainly relaxed for the rest of the evening.
This morning I slept in a bit since I was waking up so much from cramping. I then got ready and piled clothes that are going to DI in the car. And took out the trash. Then I headed to DI and dropped off the bags which have been sitting in our back room FOREVER lol Then I headed to work, it’s going to be another hot day outside. I found out the guy at work who’s wife was due a few weeks earlier than me had their baby Saturday. They didn’t find out what the gender was so I’ve been waiting to know and the baby is here and they still haven’t told anyone. And his wife did Hypnobirthing so I’m waiting to hear how their experience went.
Today I just plan on going through a few things and just going about the day. We might do some small grocery shopping tonight and probably do some more packing.
Week 36 Isaac is the size of a coconut. I now weigh about 137; I’ve gained a total of 19 lbs. And I’m about 40 ½ inches around. He just kind of does his own thing, pushing here or there whenever he wants. Last night I woke up to period like cramps. When I stood up they were gone though so that was kind of interesting. I woke up a few times with cramping but nothing consistent or really really bad. It’s really just the waiting game right now. We have everything ready so whenever he decides to come. Technically you could say my belly button is out, but not popped out its more stretched out about as much as it can go. And my rings are still on and not too tight.
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Our Nielsen Girl's traditional baby shower picture |
8 days until Demi’s Album comes out
18 days until my last day at work
26 days until Isaac’s due date!
43 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday evening-
At work we met our price for work or something so we got bonus checks! Which is awesome because I wasn't expecting a bonus of any kind, not because i'm not a good worker I just didn't know we ever got a bonus. =] After work I came home quick to eat some dinner and then headed to
This morning I got up a little later than I meant to and hurried to get ready. I headed to Glen’s key place and it took them 30 seconds to a minute to copy my key and have me pay. Man I guess I should have gone there in the first place. Jeez so I had time and went to deposit a check, but not enough time to drop of clothes to DI, I plan to do that tomorrow morning or Monday. Then I came to work and its Friday! Nothing to crazy going on today so we are just going to keep ourselves busy. I found out from Ellen that today is cat hugging day… too bad I don’t have a cat to hug =[
After work we are going to TRIO to celebrate our friend’s engagement and to get in there one more time before we move to Tooele. I am SO excited because one I love their spaghetti and two it’s one meal I don’t have to think about preparing. =]
On Saturday we are moving more boxes out to Tooele and it’s my Tooele Baby Shower, I’m super excited for it! It means pretty much all my side of the family will be there besides Rick and Jerimiah. Then I guess we will just kind of hang out until everyone has to head back to their homes.
Sunday I plan to hopefully get a hold of someone to talk to the Bishop about being released from Nursery, it’s a lot harder to find someone to get released from a calling then you think.
Isaac and I are just chilling together until he is ready to come out.
1 day until the Tooele baby shower
11 days until Demi’s Album comes out
21 days until my last day at work
29 days until Isaac’s due date!
46 days until our 2nd Anniversary!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Head Down
Wednesday evening-
After work we had some dinner. Then we packed and packed. We are to the point where it’s a lot of random things that aren’t the easiest to pack. And we now ran out of tape AGAIN so Spencer will probably get some more here soon. None of the kitchen is packed but that’s kind of hard to do but there are a few things we have double of that we could pack up. Our bedroom isn’t fully backed but once again you can’t do much there. But most of the bathroom is, the back room pretty much is, and the living room besides the TV is pretty much all packed. It’s very empty and very messy at the same time lol
Then we watched some AFV and ate some ice cream before heading to bed. I go to bed sore, I wake up sore. A different kind of sore but sore none the less.
I woke up this morning and got ready for my OBGYN appointment. All is looking pretty good, but OUCH they sure jam their finger up there (TMI) but man they aren’t nice about it. We are getting close, which is a little scary but I’m also very ready. I have mostly everything done that I wanted done before he came.
I watched Rachael Ray this morning since I had some time to kill. I then headed off to work, just another day. I can’t believe it’s already almost Friday another week down.
After work today I will be going to get a copy of our car key if all goes well. Then get some food in before heading to Channelle’s one more time and this time we should have the gown done. Yay!
Mr. Isaac is in the head down position! I was a little worried he wasn’t going to be but he would of turned down when he was ready I’m sure. I’m measuring 36 which is really good and my cervix is softening but not opening just yet which is where I should be =] We will now have appointments weekly!
2 days until the Tooele baby shower
12 days until Demi’s Album comes out
22 days until my last day at work
30 days until Isaac’s due date!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Copy the Key
Tuesday evening-
After work I headed home quick and then left to go to
We would figure out one thing and then be totally lost on something else. But we decided to do some things our own way and we are pretty much close to being done. It is fairly simple and on Thursday we will finish it up! =] We had some good times though while we were figuring it all out lol
Then I came home and relaxed for a little bit before bed, MAN was it windy outside.
This morning I got up and slowly got ready for the day. Then since I had time I decided to adventure out and try to get a copy of our car key made. Easier said then done lol
I went to Home Depot and an employee (who I’m pretty sure was one of my old high school teachers) said it was a #41 key but they were out of them. So I went to Wal-mart and theirs didn’t work with my key. Then I went to Lowe’s and he said there are 2 different types of #41 and Wal-mart’s are kind of different. He was out of the #41 one I needed too! He said they get keys in every other day so if I check back tomorrow they better have one for me. Lol
Then I headed to work and not too much happening so I will probably watch a few YouTube videos and read a book.
After work we plan to finish boxing up pretty much everything we don’t need or can live without for a month. Then clean the house a little and hopefully put the car seat in the car or at least the bucket thing that the car seat latches into.
On a side note i've been feeling lately like I should ask to be released from my Nursery calling. I haven't had a bad pregnancy so for the most part nursery hasn't been too hard but lately it's been getting worse and nursery isn't going to be so easy. I know they would understand because next week I will be 9 months but I also just feel bad with asking that. So that's what i've been thinking about lately.
Pregnancy is starting to get uncomfortable for me. I now have pelvic/tailbone area pressure (which can be a sign he has dropped who knows) so it’s not fun to walk for very long or standing for long periods of time. And then just the normal back pain that comes and goes but its higher up on my back not low like people usually say. Also just the pain in my right rib area that is starting to get really annoying because nothing really helps it. But we are so close, we can make it.
3 days until the Tooele baby shower
13 days until Demi’s Album comes out
23 days until my last day at work
31 days until Isaac’s due date!
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