Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Review of 2012

January- Our tradition for bringing in the New Year is quite simple just have our favorite treat, and sparkling strawberry cider. Then we mostly pick something to watch on TV to kill the time. And on a side note I didn’t do so great at my New Year resolutions but by the end I stopped using my credit card so that was one. Lol And around January 28th I started writing in a journal daily so I don’t have much written down before that.
I did write a poem
Help me Lord:

I feel a pressure I can’t explain
In my heart that’s full of rain
It builds up until it pours

Tears stream down my cheeks
For I cannot speak
My heart is heavy

As I lay on my side
I just wanted to hide
From the world around me

Then I got on my knees
To say “help me, Lord, please
Take these burdens from me”

As I finished my prayer
I thought that was all I could bare
When I struggled for air

The Lords I my rock
When I couldn’t talk
All I had to do was knock

Also I went to a dentist that I now LOVE, Almond Dental. I went to my kinesiology lady again and as always it is always an eye opening experience! I got my first Scentsy order from my sister Jessica.

February- I got pulled over by a motorcycle cop for apparently not stopping for 3 seconds at a stop sign. (I’m pretty sure I stopped for 3 seconds at least) Spencer and I got the computer game Roller Coaster Tycoon on our laptops! I bought about 100 books from a Charlotte a family friend, so that will keep me busy. Spencer had his 24 birthday. Whitney Houston passed away, that was kind of crazy. I locked my keys in my car…but was able to borrow Jessica’s car and get the spare key. We got more bookshelves and an ottoman for our living room. I went to Tooele with my sister & and mom to see the Food Nanny.

March- In March we have 3 birthdays so while we were together for those birthdays we took a Nielsen Family picture! We finally bought our own vacuum! For my 21stbirthday I got tickets to the Kelly Clarkson concert!!! I took my friend Channelle and we had a BLAST! We sang along to every single song and I didn’t ever want it to end! Best experience I’ve ever had. I went and saw the “Snake house” in Idaho and EW!!! One snake slithered past my feet and I screamed and ran to the car. At the end of March my jaw started hurting really bad and my jaw was always out of whack but didn’t start hurting until now. So I ended up going to see a jaw specialist and found out I have TMJ Disorder so they recommended me to do a few things and wear a jaw splint at night. It cost WAY too much money (but on a side note my jaw is a lot better but probably won’t ever be 100% better)

April- Spencer and I signed up for Disney Movie Rewards to grow our Disney movie collection! We got the opportunity one night to go clean the Salt Lake City Temple, it was a wonderful experience! Another old computer game we downloaded was Sims 3! On the 18th we went to Celtic Women concert that was amazing!

May- My best friend Suki got married in the Salt Lake Temple to Ryan and I was able to attend and help out, beautiful! I decided to join Twitter again. Spencer’s parents bought us a Disney puzzle and we finished it in 2 days, I love it! I started working out a little bit and actually liked doing it.

June- For our 1year anniversary we went to Park City for an extended weekend. We stayed at Silver King Hotel. Our room was double the size of our place. There was a hot tub in there & 2 bathrooms. We also had two TV’s and a washer and dryer. I wish we really lived there. Then we walked Main Street for awhile in and out of stores. We took a short dip in the swimming pool and tried out the sauna. Then we got mini blue bunny ice cream and watched some TV shows on our big TV! We then drove to Evanston Wyoming for a little trip and then headed back to Salt Lake. Spencer and I played Band hero together; he would play the guitar and I would sing the music. Our car battery died when we went to see a movie in the theaters that happens sometimes. I started watching Jessie, a show on Disney Channel and watched Suite life on Deck! I dyed my hair red! lol

July- On 4thof July we celebrated with family but never ended up seeing any Fireworks. I started watching a good show called Roswell. I took pictures for my friend Quincy’s wedding. I started doing my hair more and my make up every day. “Your clothes should be tight enough to show you’re a woman, but loose enough to show you’re a lady.” – Marilyn Monroe. I also worked out on and off again in the mornings. Our 2nd nephew Mason; on the Peacock side arrived on the 31st!

August- Spencer& I went to this little Disney musical concert in Park City. I got off birth control this month and we started trying for a baby. At work we had a little Lagoon party but we didn’t stay to really ride any rides. Our 3rdnephew Lucas; on the Peacock side arrived on the 8th! Someone broke into our car, didn’t steal anything because well there isn’t anything worth stealing in our car but it was still a scary moment. We went to Jungle Jims with Jessica & J and I felt like a little kid, it was so much fun! I then became THE nursery leader for church. My dad retired from the Navy/Seabee on his birthday. I had my first breakdown over a stressful calling. We went on a plane to CHICAGO and rented a car to drive to Iowa to see the Nielsen& Tripp families. Then we came back to Chicago and I got a yeast infection.

September- I went to the ER in Chicago to get a prescription for my infection. Then luckily I felt better and we could finally do some sight seeing with Steve Salisbury! We learned how to ride a Segway, we saw the Willis Tower up high, went to a museum, and saw the cloud gate aka the bean. “Nobody has your eyes. They can look at the exact same thing & could never see what you see.” – Debby Ryan. Then I watched The X Factor show. We watched Cache for a weekend and had lots of fun with him. On the 24th I found out I was pregnant! For the weekend we went to Bryce Canyon to camp and hike with the in-laws. My grandpa Nielsen passed away.

October- Two new temples are coming in Arizona & Peru. And now guys can serve missions at age 18 and girls can serve at age 19. Our ward boundaries changed so we are now going to the 10th ward on Sunday’s. On the 17th we told everyone that we were expecting our first baby and that we were calling the baby Squirt until we knew the gender. And our Due Date is June 1st2013. I am in the nuMOM2b study for new mothers. I took Caidan’s engagement pictures this month.

November- I voted in the presidential election! Obama was re-elected as our President. We got a Neopet on a website. And my sister had her baby shower. I got second place in Cheri’s book contest and got a few books and things for Christmas! I heard Squirt’s little fast heartbeat this month. We went to the 100th year of magic for Disney on Ice concert! Hostess is going out of business! We found out our work building will be moving into a bigger building sometime next year. We went to California for Thanksgiving break and all the family was there except for Mike had to stay in Idaho for work. Mason, Lucas, & Logan were getting so big! I got sweet early Christmas gifts from family & my Hypnobirthing book to prepare myself. Spencer and I decided after the baby is born we will be moving in with my parents in Tooele for 6 months to a year to save up money for a home. Grandpa Peacock got married to Susan in the temple (this is both a second marriage for them).

December- We went to the zoo with some family (this is the 2nd or 3rd time we’ve gone this year). We bought our first camcorder! Our first niece Jade; on the Nielsen side was born on the 7th! I got put into Nursery again now in the 10th ward. I did a lot of Old Wives Tale’s on the sex of the baby just for fun. I started feeling Squirt move a little bit and kind of tickle my insides. Had a sleepover with my nephew Jerimiah at our house. Then caught up with my friend Suki who made a BEAUTIFUL drawing of the turtle Squirt from Finding Nemo for me. (if I didn’t mention before she is pregnant too, about 2 weeks behind me). We went to Tooele for Christmas and the whole family was there! We both got some pretty sweet gifts, one of my favorites is the game Bop it! I now have swollen ankles from my pregnancy =[ But so far it’s been a pretty adventurous 2012 and on the 2nd of January we will know if Squirt is a boy/girl and we are super excited! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Other- I’ve had a lot of my friends get married, and have babies and I would just like to congratulate everyone right here! Congrats! There are just too many to remember and I don’t want to forget anyone but I have listed a few specific people up above.

My New Year Resolutions for 2013-
1. Drink more water
2. Spend more time outside the house
3. Become a wonderful mother
4. Read more books
5. Meet new people
6. Keep up on our savings and do more couponing
7. Find new ways to show my love to Spencer & others
8. Keep up on reading my scriptures

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