Friday evening-
At around 1pm Spencer got to leave work because it was just snowing and snowing but we were stuck at work until 5 like any other day. When I left the roads were bad but not as much as the day before. We made tacos for dinner and watched some Netflix shows. Then we read our evening books and got ready for bed.
We had a pretty nice relaxing morning. I slowly got ready for a primary meeting and headed out in the snow covered ground to the church. I met a few new people and we watched part of a movie called “I am a Child of God”. My favorite thing I learned from that movie is that even though a kid knows a word doesn’t mean they know what it is or what it means. For example: You tell your kid don’t go to the corner of the street because it’s a very busy road and you don’t want him to get hurt. But the next day you see him running towards the corner so you run after him and tell him I told you not to go to the corner! And then he goes “Mom what’s a corner?” BAM hit me right in the heart, because you just don’t always realize you have to explain a lot of words and meanings. So I hope to always remember that and do that with Isaac.
Afterwards Spencer and I cleaned up the house a little bit here and there and were out of some cleaning products. I went to play my Bop it and realized that I’m back at the beginning and have to unlock the levels ALL over again! How that happened I’m not sure but I’m super upset about it. The instructions said that it only restarts over again when the batteries die and the batteries weren’t dead. UGH so I was really angry about that. We got 2 boxes in the mail from my sister in law Erin and inside were baby clothes, changing pad, floor mat/cart cover, floor mat, blankets, nursing cover, infant sleeping wedge, baby towel, bathrobe, milk storage bottles, and presents! She is the sweetest; it was the best gift in the mail!
Other then that we had a relaxing evening and played a few games.
“The more important your picture is to paint, the deeper the struggle to touch your brush to the canvas.” I just thought that was beautiful, I saw it on Debby Ryan’s page but not sure who it’s by. Spencer and I had to wake up early this morning to get ready to go to Tremonton. We were both a little silly while we were getting ready since we were still tired. We went up to Tremonton for Jade’s baby blessing. Since I’m not sick anymore I got to hold her and she sure is getting bigger. She looked adorable in her white dress and cute purple socks. We headed over to their ward for sacrament meeting. Afterwards we went to Rick’s sisters house (Lisa) and had some sandwiches for lunch. She has a pretty nice house and it was fun to see Jerimiah and Landon playing with Landon’s car’s and trucks. Mostly we just kind of sat around and some people talked about things here and there. There are a few things I wanted to say but never did because I don’t like to get into arguments over conversations like these so I just don’t say anything but this is my blog so weather these people read it or not these are just my opinions and you can do and believe whatever you want.
1. The subject of the guns at schools was brought up. My opinion is that if they have a guard of some kind for the school and maybe have a gun in the MAIN office or a person always guarding the school who knows how to use a gun and protect people then that’s good enough.
2. I think that no matter who our president may be weather he is a good president or not our children should know who the president is. He is our President none the less, and I may not like everything he does but he is the person that our children will be learning about in school or from there friends. So I feel its better they learn from us then hear something bad later on from someone else. Once again just my opinion
3. I know I’ve never been on a mission but when I hear stories about someone’s missions I’d prefer to hear the spiritual stories than other stories just because that’s why you go on a mission among a lot of other things. Once again just my opinion because I’ve never been on a mission
I wasn’t going to say anything but then I decided one it’s my blog, two it’s just my opinion and three I am not saying anything mean about anyone.
Later we headed back home to
This morning I watched the 2nd sisterhood of the traveling pants movie, Tibby is my favorite character and the actress that plays here is great sadly she isn’t in a lot of movies or TV shows. My friend Kaylee told me the author to the books wrote another book about the characters 10 years later, so I bought it and I’m super excited to read it! Other than that we are running low on a few food items so I headed to the groceries for a few things. Before I left the house I went to throw the garbage in our big dumpster. The top had LOTS of ice/snow on it so it was SUPER heavy to open and then throw garbage into but I managed, next time I will leave it for Spencer to do. At the store I forgot Spencer’s pin so I had to have the lady hold my groceries to wait to get the pin and then decided to just use my card instead. It was an adventure of a morning that’s for sure. At work it’s going to be a slow week because there are LOTS of people leaving for one of our conventions and Wednesday to Friday I will be working full days but glad to get the money.
After work Channelle and I are going to do laundry together at a laundry mat lol We wanted to hang out but we both needed to do laundry so we decided to have a laundry party. I’m pretty excited!
20 weeks, we are officially half way through this pregnancy. Go us! Isaac is the size of a banana or small cantaloupe. The newest thing to report is that this morning I was lying in bed and I definitely felt kicks! They weren’t hard enough to be felt through the skin but I know for sure there is a baby in there because it’s not just little squirm’s here and there. He still doesn’t kick all the time but they are harder then before so when I feel it I don’t like to move or else he might stop lol
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Cute baby Jade in her blessing outfit |
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"Squirt" cuddling with his new little blanket lol |
138 days until Squirt’s due date!
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