Friday, December 28, 2012

Swollen Ankles

Thursday evening-
After work I came home to my sick husband. He seemed a little better but still not himself. We watched some shows on Netflix and I stopped by the store to get a few things for him. Then I played some Bop it and we talked for a little while. Then he slept out on the pull out bed in the living room and I went to bed in our bedroom.

Spencer seemed to sleep pretty good last night and is still sleeping so hopefully that means he is getting the rest his sick body needs. I got up and got excited once I realized this was my last full day at work for hopefully awhile! I got ready for work and went outside to see snow again on my car and this time it was still snowing. But it wasn’t too bad to clear off and I made it to work safely. I guess the weather is making up for not snowing days before Christmas. I don’t mind the snow though as long as I’m inside warm and it’s not making the roads too bad. Driving to work this morning I decided to have a conversation to Squirt. It seemed like he/she was moving around a little so we had a little chat. It felt weird talking out loud to someone that is probably not even listening to me but oh well. I have a feeling today might be the slowest day of work this week so who knows we may get to head home early but I won’t keep my hopes up.
After work I plan to RELAX! I don’t really have any plans tonight or tomorrow and I’m TOTALLY okay with that. We may sometime need to buy our New Year’s Eve treats and dinner stuff for Sunday also still haven’t made our treats for neighbors and friends yet…. We’ve been sick give us some slack.
Saturday no plans except maybe some cleaning here and there
Sunday is back to church and the in-laws are coming over until Tuesday morning I believe =]
Monday we don’t have work
Tuesday we don’t have work and it will be 2013 and I plan to post a blog of my year from 2012
Wednesday we find out Squirt’s sex!!! =]

Swollen ankles have arrived but my feet still look small so it looks funny. I have been busy at work, not standing but not having my feet probed up. Once my work schedule goes back to normal I usually have my feet probed up all the time so until then my ankles and I will suffer for a little while.


5 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
155 days until Squirt’s due date!

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