Friday evening-
We received the last Eureka Season on DVD in the mail so we mainly watched
Week 22 for pregnancy this day! It was a foggy morning but we got ready and drove to the Draper temple to see Daniel & Kristen get married! It was a beautiful sealing and I almost cried. Then we all headed over to one of their family friend’s place to have some lunch and celebrate for a little while. Afterwards we congratulated them and headed home. I then went to Wal-Mart to get some needed groceries and then headed home. Then we hurried and ate some food and then headed to Cedar Hills to play some games with my friend Sharon & her husband. They have a cute little boy that had fun playing with us. Then we talked and played a few games and had some great snacks. We plan to maybe do this once a month and take turns at each other’s place. Then Spencer and I headed home to get ready for bed.
Spencer and I woke up and headed to church, it was BEAUTIFUL outside. The sun was out a little bit and you could see the blue sky and puffy clouds. It always was cold but not freezing cold. In nursery we had 5 kids and half way through had 4. Apparently there are 11 on our list but half of them none of us even know. So it’s been a pretty quite small class recently. I can’t remember all the little things but some nursery age kids say the funniest things sometimes. Afterwards I FINALLY got set apart as a nursery worker lol
Then we headed out of the building and it was raining/snowing. We hurried home and ate some lunch before heading to Jessica’s to do some laundry. We watched The Muppets (the new one) and I fell asleep through part of it because I was just exhausted of course. Then we had some yummy spaghetti dinner and then watched part of the treasure map muppet movie. By the time it was time for us to go there was LOTS of snow on the ground so Spencer had to shovel a pathway out to the road. We almost got stuck but we made it just barely. The roads were kind of slippery so we drove slowly on the way home. Once we got home we got stuck getting into our driveway area and all our neighbors were on the front porch so they came down and we let the one guy drive our car back to our spot. Apparently we had just missed a like 4 or 5 car accidents on our hill so they had all been out there watching and signing paper work of what happened. Basically I guess this plow got stuck or was sliding and one car tried to miss them but hit them which hit another car and another….
So I am very thankful we missed the accident and glad they were there to help us in our spot which was a little difficult. Lol
But it was cool to all hang out and watch as the guys got our car in its spot, they felt like friends in a way. I still haven’t told any of them I’m pregnant because we rarely see them now and I don’t want to just blurt it out. I was about to then but it never seemed like a thing to just blurt out randomly. So darn it! But we are planning to make them some cookies or treats to thank them. =]
Then Spencer and I stayed inside and watched some more
We got a lot of snow last night that’s for sure! I woke up this morning and slowly got ready thinking I had an OBGYN appointment but I wrote it wrong on my calendar but oh well. Our landlord came and actually salted and shoveled our sidewalks, thank heavens! Then I watched some Saved by the
The drive to work wasn’t too bad there were some roads I saw (but didn’t drive on) that weren’t plowed very well and some cars stuck but for the most part it was pretty good. I got to work and every parking spot was full except one that hadn’t been plowed and I didn’t want to park there because I know I would have gotten stuck. So I stopped for a second and thought of what to do. And this one guy I’m not sure his name and he doesn’t know me really either but he knows I usually park in the back most days (cuz all the spots are usually taken) and he parks there too. So he started to back out of his plowed spot and parked in the unplowed spot so I could have his spot. Now this pregnant woman almost cried cuz that was really sweet of him and he defiantly didn’t have to do that for me. But when I got out I thanked him.
Today apparently our senior staff is going skiing, which is so lame but they can do what they want. We did get a cool backpack and wifi Bluetooth speaker thing from when they had the convention. =]
Also today is my 2nd yearly review at work to see about getting a raise or not. I get excited for these and I also dread them…. The very first one I ever had was a BAD review (which wasn’t my entire fault) but it’s kind of scarred me of reviews even though the last one was good. I have a feeling this one will be good too but I still worry.
Besides that it seems kind of quite at work today so I’m not sure exactly how I will be passing the time just yet.
On a side note stamps are now 46 cents, ridiculous!
My friend Suki finds out if she is having a girl or boy today at 4, I’m SUPER excited!!
Week 22 Isaac is the size of a papaya or spaghetti squash. I did think my OBGYN appointment was today but got there and it’s actually tomorrow… blah oh well.
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Here is the cool bluetooth wireless speaker |
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And the huge backpack! =] |
7 days until my photography class starts
42 days until our birthing classes start
47 days until the slc baby shower (we will post an event later in February and invite people)
124 days until Squirt’s due date!
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