Friday evening-
After work I cleaned up the house and got ready for J. We had a sleepover! Once we got there we ate dinner and then he played some of our video games and kept busy. Then we watched the Muppet Movie and then read him a book before sending him to bed. A little while after sending him to bed he was OUT! Lol Then Spencer and I slowly got ready for bed too.
Week 17 for pregnancy! In the morning Jessica came to pick up J and Spencer and I waited for his family to stop by. They came by around 1230and we got a few things from them and then headed to Village in. There I finally ate a whole meal with no problem and it was an amazing feeling! They then headed out around 2pm and I headed to
Once I got home I think Spencer and I watched a Christmas movie but I’m not positive because I was bad about updating my journal since my week has just been all sorts of busy.
We got up and ready for church. I was super excited for this Sunday because I love when wards do a sacrament full of Christmas songs. But then I was disappointed. I love our ward very much but I didn’t really feel the spirit very much in this meeting. 1. We have talented singers but I felt like the whole time the people singing were competed and just showing off their talent instead of singing from their heart 2. I didn’t even know half of the songs they sang and some weren’t very churchy Christmas 3. They didn’t include the congregation ever so we sat there and watched everyone else’s talent and by the end I was bored out of my mind. It threw off my mood really fast and by the time I got to nursery I just didn’t feel like being there. But we were a little short on teachers so I stayed and just sanitized my hands as much as possible. Finally it was all over and Spencer and I headed home to pack for Tooele. Once we got to Tooele everyone else was pretty much there. We mostly sat around and didn’t do too much. Towards the end of the day Mallorie, Spencer, my mom, and I played a few games downstairs. After awhile I was too tired and sore to focus on anymore games.
Christmas Eve! It snowed today so part way through the day the boys went out to play. They built a snowman which I video taped with our new camcorder but didn’t bring it to post it just yet. Then later J for some reason loves destroying snowmen so that snowman didn’t last long. We received a few goodies from neighbors here and there and then dropped off a few goodies as well. Oh because I was sick there won’t be any pictures of Jade or me together since I wasn’t able to hold her because we didn’t want to get her sick. Mallorie took a small photo shoot of Jade though and those seemed to turn out pretty good. A little while after dinner we opened our presents from each other. I will list all the presents and hope I can remember them. I got more silverware since we run out fast when I don’t do dishes right away, bop it, a squirt stuffed animal, two calendars, jam, nail polish, candy, two willow figurines, Scentsy body wash and laundry detergent, and a m&m popcorn bowl for movie nights! We first let the boys open their toys so we could distract them and help them with their things. Then we opened all of ours. Afterwards we really didn’t do too much that I can remember.
Merry Christmas! It sure came up fast and now it’s already over. We woke up and the kids got a present or two from Santa! So they were of course excited and played with them for awhile. Then we mostly kind of relaxed all day. We had our Christmas dinner of ham, yummy! I took pictures of everyone updated with there Letter to spell out Family. The boys played in the snow for a little while. Then Jon, Mallorie, & Cache headed off for home. Later Rick, Stephanie, & Jade headed home as well. And the rest of us kind of just hung out for awhile. I FINALLY got 100 on Bop it so I unlocked one more level. We finished up our laundry and folded it. Then had a Christmas drink (lime sherbet & red soda), looked pretty and tasted great! After dinner Spencer and I headed back home. We organized everything back into its place and watched a Christmas show on TV before I headed to bed a little earlier.
Not too much has happened this morning. I woke up around 6am to get ready for work all day today. I still have a stuffy nose but I’m surviving. I headed out to the car and realized it snowed last night so I had to clean off the car. There were some icy spots on the road so had to drive slower than usual. Now at work and just trying to catch up on my journals and thoughts during the holidays. Just wondering how busy it may or may not be today but hopefully I brought enough to entertain myself! =]
After work I plan on doing the dishes and relaxing!
Week 17- Squirt is the size of an onion. For the most part I’ve been doing pretty well. I’m still a little sick so that’s annoying but I’ve been sleeping pretty good and not been feeling too sick. I feel Squirt’s moments on and off. And sometimes like I’ve probably said before it feels like I’m being tickled on the inside. 7 more days before we know the gender and I’m DYING, I am so excited and can’t wait! I’ve gained about 5 pounds so far. I also get hot flashes, and randomly my face will get super hot and red for a little while then go away.
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my willow from my mother in law and Spencer got me the one with just the girl and her pregnant belly |
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the CUTE onesies |
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The AMAZING drawing Suki did of Squirt for Baby Squirt's room! |
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super fast drying nail polish i got from my mother in law |
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super cool hand warmers |
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my mom got a cool shirt to match my mother in laws it says something like my grandkids are the ginger & spice in mylife |
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the grandparents with the grandkids |
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Squirt! |
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7 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
157 days until Squirt’s due date!
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