Monday, December 17, 2012

16 Weeks- Avocado

Friday evening-
After work we went to the store to get ingredients for some treats and dinner. We got some movies from Redbox, People like us & October Baby. We watched People like us… it wasn’t bad but they could of done without a LOT of the swearing.

It was a pretty good morning until I took a shower. (read in my pregnancy section). Basically I almost fainted and I did NOT like the feeling. Spencer cleaned the house while I slept a little and tried to feel better. We later went to Target to return an item. We watched October Baby, it was pretty darn good. A little cheesy in a few parts but for the most part it’s a really good story line. I wanted a burrito and had a few bites of Spencer’s and it tasted really good. But I wasn’t starving and the movie was so good but then I pulled myself off the couch and decided to make one of the last burritos. It looked SO good and I took one bite and had to go throw up because it had been so long since I ate. And I have to give myself time after I get sick or then I throw up what I ate all over ago. SO the burrito went to waste and it was SO sad. I should of eaten it earlier =[ TEAR!!! Then Spencer went to a movie with Andrew and I watched some Bones while I got a few Christmas cards ready to send out. Then I shaved my legs and painted my toe nails! =]

A pretty good morning but we were running late. We made it to church just in time. We found out Cheryl that I was in nursery with in the 1st ward has now been called to nursery in this ward with me too. Lol It will be nice to have someone else I know in there though. Off to nursery we went, there were maybe 12 kids today. They all were fairly good today. Little Theo pretty much followed me around today and wanted me to sit by him wherever he was. It was super cute. We had a few kids that had a rough time but they seemed to calm down after awhile. After church we then headed home to eat a little something. When we got to Jessica’s we wrote another blog post for OUR blog! Then Jerimiah just kind of played around and did some airplanes and things. He played by himself pretty well today. Then we had some yummy spaghetti for dinner and finished up our laundry. When we got home we watched some Christmas shows on Netflix while playing Uno & Yahtzee. Then before you know it it’s time for bed.

I slept in a little bit this morning and then got myself up. I didn’t look at the clock and watched some Bones episodes while looking up a few things on my phone. Then I got ready for the day. Not too bad of weather outside and then I headed off to work. I learned how to do some things for when Heather will be gone around Christmas, and I just hope I do it right when she isn’t here. Then I’m just keeping myself busy today and reading up on a few more things. 16 more days until we know if Squirt is a boy or girl, I’m SO excited!!!
After work we are going to get a few things from the store and then head home to make some more Christmas treats for friends of ours. And Andrew and his girlfriend are going to come over a little later and help us. Maybe we will play some games or something!

Week 16- Squirt is the size of an Avocado! Different pregnancy app’s say different things but one said that I could start feeling Squirt move soon and being that I am smallish I could feel it sooner than some people usually do. I can’t wait! I haven’t really gotten sick, I kind of did because I was so long in between of when I ate that it didn’t like when I did put food in my stomach. Saturday I ate some breakfast and then got in the shower and I ended up almost fainting and it was terrifying. I just started to feel really nauseous, and then when I would life my arms up to rinse out my hair they felt sooo heavy. Then everything started to seem kind of blurry so I hurried and got out of the shower quick to sit down on the couch. And the cold air on my wet skin kind of helped me slowly feel better. But I did not like that feeling at ALL. It took me a LONG time to start feeling better. I just felt so weak and I googled some things and it said that maybe my blood pressure just dropped for some reason. So I’m going to keep track and if it happens again then I will call my doctor. I’ve been taking my iron pills and sometimes taking my prenatal vitamins. I KNOW I need to take them but some days it’s really hard but my baby will be fine, I’m not that worried.

A view of my belly from my angle 1. it looks bigger than it really is 2. it depends on the shirt i wear too

Helping J to fly his toy, he will make a great dad 


8 days until Christmas!
16 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
166 days until Squirt’s due date!

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