Friday evening-
I’m really excited about doing Hypnobirthing but still trying to find support and people to agree with me. Because it’s hard to do something when no one believes in what you believe. But I’m working through that. Other than that Spencer and I played a few games and headed off to bed.
It started to snow this morning… brr!! We got ready for the day and cleaned up each room. Then my dad stopped by to take our Christmas picture before he headed back home. Then I headed off to DI to find some things for presents and found a cool game. When I got home Spencer and I played the trivia game and killed time before going to our ward Christmas party. There were beautiful performances and then we had a yummy ham dinner and good company. Then I met with the second counselor and got called to serve in the nursery again. Which is fine but was sad to not know a lot of women in relief society again. =[ Oh well
I had a fairly decent morning which I LOVE on Sunday’s. It was still snowing a little but we made the walk to church. This was my first Sunday back in as a nursery leader. Which I’m really sad I’m missing relief society again but I guess they put you where they need you. They have a nice little room and about 15 kids but there were only maybe 9 there. There is a couple, a leader, and me and maybe one other lady who wasn’t there. There are some really sweet kids and some crazy ones but you get that almost anywhere. I just hope I can still contribute enough even being pregnant. After church we headed out to
I took the day off work today which worked out since I got really sick in the morning/afternoon. Then once I got myself up and out the door I did a little grocery shopping. Then I filled up the car with gas. Then went to the laundry mat to do laundry. I then went home and put all the clothes away, cleaned up the house a little bit, and did the dishes. Then I made a yummy steak dinner. I was pretty proud of myself. Sadly my back hurt though with so much lifting and standing. Later I went visiting teaching for a little while and the lady and my companion seem pretty nice but man was it a chilly day.
I tried something a little different this morning eating wise and time wise. And I didn’t get sick! BAM, not sure if it really would have made a difference but I think it did. I just watched some Bones and downloaded a few cool songs on my iPod. Then I got ready for the day and headed off to work. Sense our accounts receivable guy left we now have to do a few things he usually did so we are a little busy up front here. I’m going to do it all one step at a time though. So we are just organizing a few things and catching up.
After work I plan on maybe doing a few dishes and then studying up on a few things.
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Isn't she just beautiful! |
15 weeks Squirt is the size of an apple/orange.
14 days until Christmas!
22 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
172 days until Squirt’s due date!
Like I said I don't know much about hypnobirthing so I can't really comment. All I know is that the more you know about the birthing process the better off you will be. If you can go to classes that's also helpful. The reality is that until you are actually in labor you have no idea what will work for you. There are so many factors....the baby's health, your health, how long you are in labor, etc etc. Even if you have everything planned out it may not go as you hoped....that doesn't mean you've failed. I don't think anyone is doubting the hypnobirth or any other method you might want to do they just want you to know that when labor begins anything can happen :)Everyone likes to share their opinions...take them for that & not that they aren't being supportive.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad whatever you did the other morning worked so you didn't get sick. From what I read about women who throw up alot during doesn't hurt the baby. Obviously its important to keep in contact with your Dr. because there may be times when you need some extra help so that you can stay healthy.
I know they mean well but one person was saying because I sometimes complain about my sinus headaches being painful that I could never stand the labor pain. But you can stand pain differently in different parts of your body. For example i've delt with LOTS of pain and issues around my stomach and other areas and I deal with them just fine. But headaches hurt to me. And i know they mean well but the whole point of hypnobirthing is to not think about the painful process people have gone through with childbirth and that's what everyone brings up to me. And I feel that I just need to stop talking about hypnobirthing to others because I really don't need their opinions since it's my choice. And i've seen labor i know it's painful to people but I always believe that it shouldn't have to been that painful and that in history women weren't in pain with labor and hypnobirthing explains how it became a painful thing when it reality it shouldn't be.
DeleteIt makes sense to me and i'm glad that people that heard me talk about it decided to do research on it because a lot of people don't research it and then give me their thoughts which okay but read into it before you judge my decision.
I guess I just want others to say that's interesting and I hope it works out for you. Just something simple like that would be nice. But i'm over it I just will now just blog about it to a point and then just keep it to myself. And we will be taking the classes in March.
Yup that's all you can do. The classes should be very interesting and helpful for both of you.
DeleteLooking back on it I really don't know how I had 3 totally natural births. That was the plain with you as well but sadly it didn't work out that way. Oh well you were healthy and that's all that mattered. I'm not sure I could do it again :P
I think the classes will be a good bonding experience in general for Spencer & I because it's something do to together.
DeleteFor some reason I always thought I was a natural birth too, oh well. lol
haha well you don't need to do it again! =]
On a side note when i'm done reading my hypnobirthing book you are welcome to read it if you are curious to know more. It would explain things better than I probably could
Yeah the book would be good.
DeleteAs for your birth...I had planned on a natural just like all the rest. The labor was not progressing & my water had already broken. They decided to give me petocin to induce the labor & which makes the contractions come faster & harder.....not gradual like they would if it was progressing on it's own. They gave me an epideral to dull the pain. Since my water had already broken & it had been almost 24 hours it was important to get you out soon because I was at risk of infection. When it came time to push I was so tired & with being numb from the epideral I couldn't really push efficiently so they had to use forceps to finish getting you out. End of story :)