Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Old Wives Tales

Monday evening-
After work I did the dishes before Spencer came home. Then we went to Smith’s to get a few groceries and some other things. Then I made some goulash for dinner and we watched Dirty Jobs. Then we started on a puzzle that we’ve had for awhile. Later we went out to see Trader Joe’s new store and to go to 7 eleven. There have been advertising about these two new slurpee flavors at 7 eleven and even though it was cold outside I wanted one. So we went to one of the 7 eleven’s close to us. On their machines there are the advertising for those flavors and guess what they don’t have either of those flavors. So I went up to one of the workers and asked when they will have those flavors and he goes whenever the manager decides to order some. Which okay I understand that but don’t advertise for something you don’t even have right now. I almost wanted to add I’m pregnant and it’s never good to not give pregnant women want they want. But he really didn’t seem to be in a caring mood. When we got home Spencer wrote a complaint about that store. Now if we ever pass other 7 eleven’s we might stop in to see if they have the flavor because I want one!
Then we just watched Psych on Netflix which always makes me laugh and then got ready for bed.

This morning I got up and ate my breakfast while watching some Bones episodes, which I’m now pretty much done watching. Then just killed some time before work. I should have taken a short nap before but oh well. At work we have a few more things to do but not too much. I’m just feeling kind of sleepy. Tomorrow I need to go to get our serpentine belt fixed in the car, now if I can drag myself out of bed to do so. Now we got most of our Christmas cards sent out so yay! And just eating some lunch at my desk while killing some time.
After work we will probably just make some Christmas treats for our neighbors. Besides that I don’t really have any plans for the day.

I had fun doing a few old wives’s tales on finding out the gender of our baby.
1. 7 out of 9 Chinese gender charts I found said I was having a girl
2. I like sweets more than sours which means I’m having a girl
3. We did the ring test and I think it was spinning from my point of view so that means we are having a girl
4. We did the drain o test and my urine didn’t change color so that means we are having a girl.
5. I’ve said this before but the v shaped vein in your eye; Mallorie said left eye meant boy but I read online left eye means girl
6. I’ve found the fetal heartbeat things and they all say boy even though everyone on Facebook says that bpm meant girl.
Now these could be all wrong and then I will be thinking it’s going to be a girl and then they will just throw me off by saying the opposite. I am totally fine with having either a boy or girl but it’s killing me because we are SOO close to finding out. I feel like being pregnant will be more real to me once we know the gender. It’s just kind of crazy!


7 days until Christmas!
15 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
165 days until Squirt’s due date!

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