Friday, March 2, 2012

Needing an adventure

Last night I brought some dinner to the family in our ward that had twins. Their names are Brooke & Haley. They are SO adorable; I just wanted to hold them. Then later I went to the Institute Building for my Teaching from the living Prophets class. It wasn’t too bad. I remembered how hard it is for me to focus sometimes. There were like 10-15 people in the class. I learned a few things but off the top I can’t remember to add it here.

I slept in some this morning because I was tired and it was cold out so I didn’t want to leave the warmth of my bed. But sadly lots of people were out SCRAPPING their sidewalks and that was right by the bedroom window so that was annoying. The snow last night didn’t leave very much in my opinion. I hurried and got ready for work. I was really excited because IT”S FRIDAY and I was going to work on typing up all this stuff I wanted to get typed up. But I get to work and nothing I had hoped would be done was done. So that sets me back about an hour an a half. I will be folding LOTS of papers, which ends up getting me a knot in my shoulder which is very uncomfortable for the rest of the day. So I am a little upset because this has happened more than once lately.

But it’s Friday so soon it will be the weekend but sadly weekends never last long. I got to thinking how I always take off a day here or there to GO somewhere, for once I would actually like to take off a day to just be home weather its to relax and do nothing or to clean the house. That would be nice too sometimes. Or take a month long vacation somewhere would be great.

This weekend is fairly busy for us which isn’t surprising. We don’t usually have a weekend with no plans. It would be nice to just have a new view outside our window sometimes. I feel like I see the same thing over and over again. And I do almost the same thing over and over again. Just like I kind of want to dye my hair or trim it but no one would really see it.

I’m kind of being a bummer so I should stop blogging probably. Just need some more adventure in my life I guess. Hopefully you all have a fantastic weekend!

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