Tuesday was making your own food for dinner. I was just really in the mood for Raman so that’s what I had. We caught up on Pretty Little Liars which ended up NOT being the episode where we figure out who A is… such a lie! Two more episodes to go, and then we watched Once upon a time. I also watched some Americans Funniest Home Videos… they are so funny to watch. Other than that we had a pretty relaxing evening. Not too much going on.
This morning I packed lunch for Spencer and then went back to sleep for a little bit. I watched some Rachel Ray, did the dishes, killed some ants in the bathroom, and got ready for the day. I cut up some apples and carrots and made a PB & J sandwich…. I cut my finger but nothing big. Then off to start the workday. It’s fairly nice outside not too cold. Not too much going on at work. Just keeping things simple today.
Spencer doesn’t have meetings again tonight. That gives him time to catch up on homework and I will clean the living room and bedroom really good today and possibly sweep at least in the kitchen and bathroom. Heck maybe I will clean the whole house.
I’m SUPER excited for this coming weekend. Friday night Spencer and I get to watch my nephew, Cache, over night and I’m really excited about that. It’s going to be super fun! (Hopefully) Then going to Tooele to celebrate March birthdays, Jerimiah’s, Stephanie’s, and mine. We are also including Leah in the birthday fun! Then I will stay the night on Saturday and go to church with my parents on Sunday. I haven’t been there in awhile so I thought I’d go this time. =]
Man I keep sneezing or needing to sneeze today! Hmm I wonder if I can do anything exciting for my 21st birthday coming up….
I mean one of the best presents (and early) ones I got was from Spencer: Kelly Clarkson concert on the 20th =]
It’s interesting to me how if you sleep a lot that your more tired throughout the day then if you sleep less or just like 7-8 hours.
Random but I realized I know A LOT of people that are pregnant all over the place except one place… work. For some reason I find that funny but really there are only 10 women that work here and they are divorced, single, or older in age. The youngest women here are the two receptionists Heather and I. We are both also newly married. But neither of us is going to have kids for a little while. Thinking about it I did know a guy that worked here that his wife was pregnant. She already had their twins though a little while ago.
Like I said random but felt like talking about it. Well hopefully everyone has a nice Wednesday I’m done blabbing for right now. Thanks for listening! =]
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