I meant to write in my blog yesterday since that day was actually my birthday but oh well.
After work on Tuesday Spencer and I went and walked around City Creek. A very nice place but BIG, and most stores are expensive. But the place in general is beautiful looking. While we were gone Spencer asked Channelle to decorate the living room to surprise me.
When we got back I saw the stuff and I’m like who did this? I knew it wasn’t Spencer because I was with him the whole time. Pictures will be posted below. There were balloons all over the floor, a “cake” made out of strawberry shortcake Debbie snacks with the numbers 2 and 0 in it to celebrate my last day of being 20. And streamers taped to the ceiling with a Happy Birthday banner on the wall.
It was really sweet and exciting.
I was ready for bed.
I was able to take off work Wednesday for my birthday so I slept in a little bit. Then went to the laundry mat to do laundry. I cleaned the living room and got ready for the day. Then my mom came over and we chatted for a bit. Then off we went to
Artic Circle for lunch. Afterwards we went to City Creek again and later met up with Channelle there since neither of them had been before. I bought a few shirts, a sweater, and a skirt.
That was really fun and a nice day but EXHAUSTING. Especially since I did it two days in a row. But it was nice and we had a lot of fun. We ate at Kneaders for a treat. I had a pink pina colda but it tasted more like strawberry banana so I’m not sure. Then we looked around a little more and called it a day. My mom left and Channelle and I were going to watch a movie but I was exhausted and there wasn’t anything good at redbox. So we got taco bell for dinner then went to pick up Spencer from work. Channelle left and Spencer and I talked for a little bit.
When Spencer left for meetings I relaxed on the couch and watched some TV. I fell asleep for a little bit, which was much needed.
Then Spencer came home and soon we got ready for bed.
This morning I got up and went to my Jaw appointment, my jaw was worse than I thought.
When I fell and hit my chin when I was two it pulled my jaw ligament and when that happens at a young age it never heals completely. So my ligaments are stretched. That’s why when I open my mouth my jaw bone pops out of the ligament. My muscles are overworking to make up for the lack of ligament work. That’s why I have headaches, sores on my back and neck on my left side.
Apparently I grinded my teeth when I was younger because all the enamel is gone on the tops of my teeth. Now I am a clencher he says.
I have 10% bone loss in that jaw bone so it means I have to change birth control because there was a study that found out that certain birth control causes bone loss. So I need to schedule an appointment with my doctor which will be another bill, I might wait a little bit on that change.
I have a deep over bite (which I don’t think has always been that way)
Also apparently you’re only supposed to keep your teeth closed together when you’re eating but I always keep my teeth together. So now I have to learn to put my tongue at the roof of my mouth to keep a little opening between my teeth. (It’s uncomfortable)
Also it’s not good to sleep on your stomach because it puts pressure on your jaw.
So I have to get a jaw splint for a night (it’s like a retainer), take glucosamine, calcium & magnesium, fish oil capsules, and vitamin D pills TWICE a day (I’m not good with big pills), and come in to visit often to check on my progress.
That all will cost 1900 dollars. Yay!
We have to pay it up front first (or do a pay plan which we aren’t doing) and then ask the insurance and hope they pay at least 60% of the bill.
Man I kind of wish I never had gone into the jaw specialist. I mean it’s good I do it now better than later.
He gave me tips on what to do and a book on TMJ healing plan.
It gives me a headache just thinking about it. I always have the most bills. Who knew?
Well off to finish the rest of my day. Today I am finally going back to my institute class hopefully. We will be talking about preparing for conference.
On my birthday list I did:
Go to City Creek Center
Watch a movie
Take 21 pictures (kind of)
Go out to dinner
Spend time with my husband
Go to Tiffany's store
Go to the Disney store
Get stamps and send out letters
This is the Peacock compact mirror I got from my in-laws =] |
The streamers |
The balloon covered floor |
The happy birthday sign |
the strawberrys shortcake "Cake" for my last day of being 20, and a beautiful bear vase to hold lovely smelling flowers =] |
I've decided since I was pooped by 3 that I would do 21 things while i'm 21. So I have until March 28th 2013 to do the rest of my list.