Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baby Lucas

Wednesday evening-
After work I watched some TV for a little bit then around 6:45pm I headed to Kelsey’s place (Suki’s old apartment) for the Jean party. I bought a maxi shirt, maxi things are just so comfortable and you can easily make them modest if they aren’t. Then I just relaxed and talked with Kelsey, Katlynn, and Christina. We had a pretty good conversation about marriage and the stages in our lives. It was nice to just sit and talk with girls that are in the same stage of their life as you. Then I was home around 9pm and Spencer and I watched some TV and talked for a little bit. We went to bed around 11 and I was exhausted!!
Lucas Miles Peacock born 8/8/12 @ 3:58pm weighing 8lbs 2 oz. and 19 ¾ inches long. He is a cute chubby baby and we welcome him (too bad we won’t see him until November)
We now have so many new baby names to remember.
Lucas Miles  (Nephew #5)
Mason Levi  (Nephew #4)
Emerson Paul (baby in our ward)
Nixon James (baby in our ward)
I now have to pause and think which baby boy i'm talking about so i dont get the name wrong lol

This morning I slept in a little bit and then headed off to my Jaw appointment. They say all is looking good and I probably won’t need to come back in until 6 more months. CRAZY!!! That will be in 2013 haha
Anyways so that was good news and then I came home and we figured out a few insurance issues. We should get about half of our money back from paying about 1700-1900 dollars for my jaw. Yay! Then I watched some TV shows while I slowly got ready for the day.
Not much is happening at work. After work its Spencer’s LAST day of classes for this semester!! Woot Woot and I will just clean the house, Skype with Suki, and go for a run before he gets home =]
It’s a HOT day today!

Everyone enjoy your Thursday… it’s almost the weekend again!



20 days until Chicago/Iowa!!!
104 days until Thanksgiving in California

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