Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Don't Forget

Monday evening-
I worked a full day on Monday but it wasn’t too bad of a day. But when I got home I realized something. I’ve never said this before and it might not even make sense to anyone but it might make sense to others. There are times when I read a book, an article, or do research on someone that I get so into the story that I feel the way they feel. Not always and maybe that’s not normal but yesterday I read a story about someone who was anorexic for 7 years and hurt herself but she went to treatment and it’s now a daily battle in her life. I was just interested in the story and all that happened so I read up about it and watched a lot of her interviews. When I was driving home I felt very sad and not myself. I just seem to connect with people sometimes and I just need to know when to stop doing research and step away from stories.
I got home and took a shower and got into my PJ’s and took of my makeup. Then Spencer made dinner because I just didn’t feel like it.
During that evening I really wasn’t myself and I don’t care to feel that way again. It made me feel like I was 16 again and those weren’t always the greatest times in my life. I have no reason to feel that way because I have a great husband, great friends, and wonderful family. Anyways I just thought I’d share, it just happens sometimes.
Anyways Spencer and I watched a few shows yesterday and later he went to see The Uribe’s at Café Rio, I wasn’t up to visiting anyone but I feel bad I didn’t go. They brought cookies that my mother-in-law made! Yummy!
Then a little later we played a few games while watching a show. Then we headed to bed a little earlier than normal.

Happy 3rd Birthday Cache!
This morning I watched a few shows and cuddled in a blanket. It’s starting to get a little cold in our house so that means fall is just around the corner. I bought a few of Demi Lovato songs on iTunes. Than I got ready for the day and headed out to work. It’s a fairly slow day so far. This is a good and bad, good because it’s nice not to get lots of phone calls but bad because it’s too quite sometimes and then my mind just starts thinking way too much! I think I’m starting to get in a slum, I need another change again, so hit me with whatever you have planned for us.
I called this lady I know that teaches voice lessons; or I called her 5 days ago. She still hasn’t called me back; I really just want to know how much it is going to cost me. I would really love to be proud of my singing voice and know I’m singing the right way.
After work the only thing I have going on is Book Club this evening.

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
–Dale Carnegie


8 days until Chicago/Iowa!!!
92 days until Thanksgiving in California

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