Friday, August 3, 2012

Disney Concert

Thursday evening-
After work I went home and watched some TV while I ate dinner. Then afterwards I cleaned the house. Cleaning the house while playing music is really therapeutic it’s just getting me off my butt to do it! Music can make so many things a lot more fun to do. Then I was going to do the 40 minute stretch and I started it and then remembered how much I hate it! So I did maybe 5 minutes off it then stopped. Then I started watching some YouTube videos, mainly from the Ellen show. She is just hilarious with her games, dancing, and even the guests that come on the show. I would love to go to a taping of her show sometime in the future.
Then Spencer came home and we relaxed for a little while. Then I finished watching a few things and went to bed around 11pm.

I slept fairly well but had to make myself get up and workout. I needed to work out so I wouldn’t fall into another crack. I was going to do the 45 EZ Class but then before it started I was like no I’m going to do the 55 EZ Class. I did pretty darn good and I really like that one now. I don’t like that it takes 55 minutes but I really like the movements and the pace that it goes. Then I did a 10 minute stretch. My sister Stephanie is back in the hospital, she keeps throwing up again (she’s the one that’s pregnant). Hopefully they will be able to figure out why she keeps getting so sick and that all goes well.
Then I curled my hair, I love when my hair is curled it just takes about 30 minutes or so to make it this way. But I love it!!! =]
Not too much is happening at work but I am starting to get a headache and I’m feeling hungry so I’m going to eat some food and then watch some TV shows and read a little bit. I also plan on writing my friend Stephanie who is on a mission.
On a side note I am off birth control and we are going to try for a baby! =] Yesterday I watched this YouTube video called “The amazing Sperm race”, and it was incredibly well done. It was so interesting to see what all is happening and I learned so much. The body is incredible!
After work Spencer and I are going to Park City to see a Disney Concert, it’s the last one for his Music class at school. I’m really excited to go hear it.
Then Saturday we are going to Idaho to see baby Mason and the rest of the family and we will stay there until Sunday.
Then on Monday I have a work party at Lagoon so Spencer and I will be there. I probably won’t blog until Tuesday unless I have time.

Have a great weekend!! Time sure flies by


6 days until Spencer is out of this semester
26 days until Chicago/Iowa!!!
55 EZ Class (i've lost track of days)

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