Friday, July 13, 2012

Sore Wrist

Thursday evening-
At work the last hour or so THREE guys came in for different reasons, having NOTHING to do with Sports. 1. Asked where the Utah Food Bank was apparently it used to be close by here. (I used Google and MapQuest to tell him where to go) 2. A gentleman came in asking where the Detox Center was. Which how am I supposed to know that, so I was going to Google an address but he said he thought he knew it and told me like 3 different address until he settled on one. (So I map quested it and gave him the directions) Later I used Google for the actual address and sadly the one he gave me was close but not the right address. 3. A gentleman came in asking for water. I told him he couldn’t come back to get water. (Just like our restrooms aren’t public so no one can use those either) He asked if I could get him some but I told him I wasn’t allowed to leave the desk. He swore at me and said it was hot outside. Now I feel bad that I couldn’t give him water but I was just following what I’m supposed to do. He didn’t need to swear at me, there are LOTS of other buildings he can try and ask. Honestly he scared me and people might think I’m crazy but I’m now afraid he will come back in and do something. After work though I was excited to clean the house and Skype with Suki. I cleaned the house and waited 3 hours and no text or Skype call…. I was really disappointed because I was looking forward to this for 2 weeks. I really have wanted to talk to someone especially because of what happened at work. So I sat at home and watched Netflix. I really wasn’t in the mood to watch anything I was watching though but there was nothing else to do. So around 8pm I went to pick up Spencer. Suki called and explained why she wasn’t able to Skype but honestly I was still really disappointed. Other than that I didn’t really do a whole lot last night.

I woke up and realized I have a sore right wrist. I think it’s because I’ve been using my right hand to blow dry my hair, straighten my hair and hold heavy things. It’s really sad but hopefully it will feel better soon. Then while watching a movie I mixed the ingredients together for Chicken Pot Pie. I’m making one for my and The Tanner’s tonight but if I make everything before hand then all I have to do is cook it when I get home which takes 30-45 minutes so it’s nice to prepare it before hand.
And Spencer always gets on Gmail Chat while we are both at work so we can chat on and off during the work day…. No he can’t do that anymore =[ it’s the one thing that usually keeps me going just to know I can type something to him even if he isn’t there at the moment. Oh well I knew it would eventually come to an end. Now just typing/ using Google to find addresses for 2,000 companies for a project at work.
On the bright side it is a cool day today and hopefully we will get some rain for those fires that are still going. But it is also Friday the 13th….
I also have a feeling that I might not get a call back from the job I applied for a little while ago. I was confident at first and now I’m not so sure anymore.
I can’t wait for my vacation in 47 days!! It will be much needed!

Good luck on this Friday the 13th day. Thank Heavens for the weekend!


19 days until something awesome!!!
27 days until Spencer is out of this semester
47 days until Chicago/Iowa!!!

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