After work I headed home. Then I cleaned the living room, watched an episode. Then I cleaned the bathroom/kitchen and watched a show. Other than that I didn’t do a whole bunch. I did watch some
This morning my mom came by and we went over to Acacia’s. I couldn’t find anyone to help out with Evia and my mom offered to. I am very thankful for her because Evia needs someone that can be there playing with her longer than an hour. But I am grateful for those who have been able to help their family. My mom is a sweetheart and I knew Evia would just love her to pieces. So I showed my mom the ropes a little bit and hopefully they are having fun. I hope I’m a great mom like her and my mother in law. What great examples I have including my sister-in-laws and my sister Jessica.
Then I got myself ready for work and got a few things done. I’m a little nervous about the wedding I’m shooting tomorrow but also very excited! I just really hope the weather is nice for us and I can take good pictures. =]
The computer has been kind of slow at work today but hopefully we will be able to fix it so I can do this HUGE project we’ve been given. Other than that it should be a relaxing evening. Just need to do the dishes and figure out what’s for dinner.
I can’t believe the weekend is pretty much already here.
Saturday Spencer plans to get a new phone, then I need to make dinner for someone, then possibly curling a friends hair, and then taking pictures for Quincy’s wedding!
Sunday is church, then laundry, and possibly catching up with a really good friend; if all goes well. =]
Enjoy your weekend!
26 days until something awesome!!!
34 days until Spencer is out of this semester
54 days until Chicago/Iowa!!!
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