Friday, December 28, 2012
Swollen Ankles
Thursday evening-
After work I came home to my sick husband. He seemed a little better but still not himself. We watched some shows on Netflix and I stopped by the store to get a few things for him. Then I played some Bop it and we talked for a little while. Then he slept out on the pull out bed in the living room and I went to bed in our bedroom.
Spencer seemed to sleep pretty good last night and is still sleeping so hopefully that means he is getting the rest his sick body needs. I got up and got excited once I realized this was my last full day at work for hopefully awhile! I got ready for work and went outside to see snow again on my car and this time it was still snowing. But it wasn’t too bad to clear off and I made it to work safely. I guess the weather is making up for not snowing days before Christmas. I don’t mind the snow though as long as I’m inside warm and it’s not making the roads too bad. Driving to work this morning I decided to have a conversation to Squirt. It seemed like he/she was moving around a little so we had a little chat. It felt weird talking out loud to someone that is probably not even listening to me but oh well. I have a feeling today might be the slowest day of work this week so who knows we may get to head home early but I won’t keep my hopes up.
After work I plan to RELAX! I don’t really have any plans tonight or tomorrow and I’m TOTALLY okay with that. We may sometime need to buy our New Year’s Eve treats and dinner stuff for Sunday also still haven’t made our treats for neighbors and friends yet…. We’ve been sick give us some slack.
Saturday no plans except maybe some cleaning here and there
Sunday is back to church and the in-laws are coming over until Tuesday morning I believe =]
Monday we don’t have work
Tuesday we don’t have work and it will be 2013 and I plan to post a blog of my year from 2012
Wednesday we find out Squirt’s sex!!! =]
Swollen ankles have arrived but my feet still look small so it looks funny. I have been busy at work, not standing but not having my feet probed up. Once my work schedule goes back to normal I usually have my feet probed up all the time so until then my ankles and I will suffer for a little while.
5 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
155 days until Squirt’s due date!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sick husband =[
Wednesday evening-
After work I came home and did the dishes. Then we made some dinner and watched Dirty jobs & a few other shows. Spencer cleaned the shower in the bathroom which was much needed. We played a little bit of the Bop it game then around 9:30pm I headed off to bed.
I woke up around 1am to find Spencer on the couch he was sick. When I went back to bed I don’t think I ever really went back to sleep because I knew Spencer wasn’t there and I was hoping I wasn’t going to get sick too. Not sure exactly what he has but the poor guy is at home sick today not with a cold. I hope he will be able to get some sleep and start feeling better soon. I got up around 6am and got ready for the day. I headed out the door to have a BIG pile of snow on the ground, good thing I wore my tennis shoes but some snow was so high it still got in my shoes. Then it took me a good 10 minutes maybe to scrap/brush off LOTS of snow on my car. The roads weren’t too bad but my windshield wipers weren’t doing very well so at times it was hard to see. But I made it to work safely and here is another full day. Yesterday went by pretty fast at work so hopefully today does too. I still have this cold and it’s starting to drive me nuts, it shouldn’t take this long to recover. So by my next appointment if I’m still sick I will talk to my doctor about it.
It’s just a snowing outside which I don’t mind but makes me wish it was a stay at home and not have to work kind of day. 9 more hours to go for work today.
I just feel like I’m getting bigger and bigger every day.
6 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
156 days until Squirt’s due date!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
17 Weeks- Onion/Christmas!
Friday evening-
After work I cleaned up the house and got ready for J. We had a sleepover! Once we got there we ate dinner and then he played some of our video games and kept busy. Then we watched the Muppet Movie and then read him a book before sending him to bed. A little while after sending him to bed he was OUT! Lol Then Spencer and I slowly got ready for bed too.
Week 17 for pregnancy! In the morning Jessica came to pick up J and Spencer and I waited for his family to stop by. They came by around 1230and we got a few things from them and then headed to Village in. There I finally ate a whole meal with no problem and it was an amazing feeling! They then headed out around 2pm and I headed to
Once I got home I think Spencer and I watched a Christmas movie but I’m not positive because I was bad about updating my journal since my week has just been all sorts of busy.
We got up and ready for church. I was super excited for this Sunday because I love when wards do a sacrament full of Christmas songs. But then I was disappointed. I love our ward very much but I didn’t really feel the spirit very much in this meeting. 1. We have talented singers but I felt like the whole time the people singing were competed and just showing off their talent instead of singing from their heart 2. I didn’t even know half of the songs they sang and some weren’t very churchy Christmas 3. They didn’t include the congregation ever so we sat there and watched everyone else’s talent and by the end I was bored out of my mind. It threw off my mood really fast and by the time I got to nursery I just didn’t feel like being there. But we were a little short on teachers so I stayed and just sanitized my hands as much as possible. Finally it was all over and Spencer and I headed home to pack for Tooele. Once we got to Tooele everyone else was pretty much there. We mostly sat around and didn’t do too much. Towards the end of the day Mallorie, Spencer, my mom, and I played a few games downstairs. After awhile I was too tired and sore to focus on anymore games.
Christmas Eve! It snowed today so part way through the day the boys went out to play. They built a snowman which I video taped with our new camcorder but didn’t bring it to post it just yet. Then later J for some reason loves destroying snowmen so that snowman didn’t last long. We received a few goodies from neighbors here and there and then dropped off a few goodies as well. Oh because I was sick there won’t be any pictures of Jade or me together since I wasn’t able to hold her because we didn’t want to get her sick. Mallorie took a small photo shoot of Jade though and those seemed to turn out pretty good. A little while after dinner we opened our presents from each other. I will list all the presents and hope I can remember them. I got more silverware since we run out fast when I don’t do dishes right away, bop it, a squirt stuffed animal, two calendars, jam, nail polish, candy, two willow figurines, Scentsy body wash and laundry detergent, and a m&m popcorn bowl for movie nights! We first let the boys open their toys so we could distract them and help them with their things. Then we opened all of ours. Afterwards we really didn’t do too much that I can remember.
Merry Christmas! It sure came up fast and now it’s already over. We woke up and the kids got a present or two from Santa! So they were of course excited and played with them for awhile. Then we mostly kind of relaxed all day. We had our Christmas dinner of ham, yummy! I took pictures of everyone updated with there Letter to spell out Family. The boys played in the snow for a little while. Then Jon, Mallorie, & Cache headed off for home. Later Rick, Stephanie, & Jade headed home as well. And the rest of us kind of just hung out for awhile. I FINALLY got 100 on Bop it so I unlocked one more level. We finished up our laundry and folded it. Then had a Christmas drink (lime sherbet & red soda), looked pretty and tasted great! After dinner Spencer and I headed back home. We organized everything back into its place and watched a Christmas show on TV before I headed to bed a little earlier.
Not too much has happened this morning. I woke up around 6am to get ready for work all day today. I still have a stuffy nose but I’m surviving. I headed out to the car and realized it snowed last night so I had to clean off the car. There were some icy spots on the road so had to drive slower than usual. Now at work and just trying to catch up on my journals and thoughts during the holidays. Just wondering how busy it may or may not be today but hopefully I brought enough to entertain myself! =]
After work I plan on doing the dishes and relaxing!
Week 17- Squirt is the size of an onion. For the most part I’ve been doing pretty well. I’m still a little sick so that’s annoying but I’ve been sleeping pretty good and not been feeling too sick. I feel Squirt’s moments on and off. And sometimes like I’ve probably said before it feels like I’m being tickled on the inside. 7 more days before we know the gender and I’m DYING, I am so excited and can’t wait! I’ve gained about 5 pounds so far. I also get hot flashes, and randomly my face will get super hot and red for a little while then go away.
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my willow from my mother in law and Spencer got me the one with just the girl and her pregnant belly |
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the CUTE onesies |
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The AMAZING drawing Suki did of Squirt for Baby Squirt's room! |
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super fast drying nail polish i got from my mother in law |
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super cool hand warmers |
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my mom got a cool shirt to match my mother in laws it says something like my grandkids are the ginger & spice in mylife |
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the grandparents with the grandkids |
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Squirt! |
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7 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
157 days until Squirt’s due date!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Thursday evening-
After work we hurried to get our lemon bars made, which did turn out pretty yummy. Then we headed over to Acacia’s house and played a game with them & Cynthia & her husband. I got to hold and play with Nixon & Emerson and they were both pretty darn good for me =]
Then we talked for the evening which is nice since most of us don’t get to talk to many other people. Sadly the evening had to end since I had a long day tomorrow.
I did find out that Tate Stevens won the X Factor!!! I’m sad for Carly but she is young enough that either someone else will pick her up and do some album with her or she has plenty of time to get it going whenever since she is only 13! Tate is at the age where he needed this for his family and I’m very happy for them. Below I’m posting the link to where you can see the song the Top 13 sang for the elementary shooting, just beautiful! It was a great song they picked and it makes me tear up.
Oh I did finish Secret of the Wings Tinkerbell movie, and I loved it. I would probably watch it again!
Not too much has happened this morning because well I work all day and so I got bored and decided to write my blog now because I might forget later. So far so good. Having a cold is hard in the morning because you have to get your breathing back to normal and medicine in your system of SOME kind. It’s a lot colder in the morning so I bundled up to head out to work. I saw a cop car run a red light without turning on their lights to chase anyone so that was interesting. Today the world is supposed to end but besides wishing a few things here and there I don’t might dying now, don’t really regret anything or how my life is. Not that I want to die but if it happened I feel I’m pretty ready. “The end of the world” is a nice reminder to kind of see if you need to fix anything in your life.
Other than that I think it’s going to be a pretty boring day today so I’ve got my food, books, YouTube, and Hulu to keep me company. Since it is the day before the holiday’s we might be slow and get to head out an hour early. That would be nice because our house is a MESS and I need to put it back together.
Jerimiah is having a sleepover at our house which should be pretty fun! I think we will be having some pizza, soda and maybe watching a movie.
Saturday Spencer’s parents, Dianne, Jessica, and Mason will be stopping by on there way up to
Sunday we will go to church where I believe sacrament will be just music which is my favorite part of sacrament most of the time! Then have some fun in nursery. Then we will be getting ready and heading out to Tooele for Christmas time!!! We will be there until Tuesday night since I have to work all day Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday too!
Pretty sure I felt Squirt kick yesterday but it also can be hard to tell. I also feel like I’m growing by the minute and itching ALL over! I’m going to need more lotion soon I’m sure.
4 days until Christmas!
12 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
162 days until Squirt’s due date!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
13 more days!
Wednesday evening-
Yesterday after work we grabbed some food from Crown burger and hurried over to do a temple session. It was the first time we’ve done an actual session sense I’ve been pregnant. So that was a really neat experience and it was just very peaceful and calm. Then afterwards we went to the store to get some food and NO powder sugar that was the main thing we needed. I didn’t know you ever ran out. Then we came home and snacked and watched a Tinkerbell movie. And Spencer let me open one present, yay! It was the Secret of the Wings movie!!! =] Then we slowly headed off to bed.
I woke up like at 2am and just could tell I was getting sick. I had a stuffy, runny nose, my throat was sore, and I was coughing. So I had a hard time sleeping, around 6am I got up and just ate some food and sitting up helped with some symptoms. Then around 730 I went back to bed and was pretty much out until about 830 or 9 this morning. Then I got up and watched some clips from The x factor because I missed it last night. A lot of clips made me cry. So this is where I will post my X Factor things, and I didn’t see the whole episode and don’t know where to so it will be short. From what I can tell they did two songs.
At the beginning all of the Top 13 came together to sing a song for the kids that died at the elementary school shooting. That of course made me cry and it was just so beautifully done!
Carly Rose- She did a duet with LeAnn Rimes and it was pretty good but I personally think they are both better singers on their own. Then she did another song and it was just beautiful and tops all the others.
Tate- He did a song with little big town, and was pretty darn good. And of course did good on his other song
Fifth Harmony- They did a song with Demi Lovato, which it was great to hear her sing if only it was for a new single that should be coming out soon. Then they did another song that wasn’t too bad either.
Basically they are all doing well in my opinion but I kind of hope Carly Rose wins or maybe even Tate. Can’t they just all win and we go home happy for Christmas??
Then I slowly got ready for work and here I am with some paperwork to do and a stuffy nose… BUT I got some Christmas cookies! =] And I’m just trying to drink drink water, it’s hard when it taste so weird sometimes.
After work we are making lemon bars and playing some games with our friends! Can it be Friday yet?
Sometimes I think I feel a flutter but then it’s gone so I can’t be sure. On a side note I’m sick and that’s like 10x worse being pregnant cuz you can only take so much to help the symptoms. But life will go on.
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cookies! |
5 days until Christmas!
13 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
163 days until Squirt’s due date!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Strawberry Citrus Slurpee
Tuesday evening-
After work I stopped at another 7 eleven and they had the strawberry citrus Slurpee flavor so I got it! Even though it was cold outside and it was pretty good. Then I was just really tired so I was just lying around and Spencer and I watched some Dirty Jobs. Later we made some puppy chow for his work and then played Phase 10 while watching Psych.
Today I got up and headed out to get my V belt changed on the car. It took maybe 45 minutes and the lame news was on. I don’t mind the news but the things they were talking about were really irritating me. One was about how gun laws are probably going to change. In my opinion there is always going to be bad people out there but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun to defend ourselves from those people. I don’t have a gun but I’m not too worried about it all. Also someone had made a comment about Where was God when the shooting happened with the kids. One person said that because we took God out of school that we didn’t allow him in to help. No! God is always there weather the school lets you say the word God in the pledge of allegiance or not. And bad things happen in the world but that isn’t God’s fault, things happen for a reason. And this was a sad moment in the world but you can’t have happiness without sadness. And I don’t know a whole bunch but I think it’s ridiculous what some people think and say. We have our choices to do what we want and God can’t tell bad people to stop doing things. I am probably wording this all wrong but it just made me angry.
Then I came home and watched an episode while slowly getting ready for the day.
At work I got a cute owl mug from my boss for Christmas. Love it! Then not too much going down as usual.
After work we plan to go to a temple session and then make some more treats for Christmas.
I did the baking soda test and it came out as girl results. On a side note my boobs itch like crazy! Which supposedly means they are growing…
6 days until Christmas!
14 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
164 days until Squirt’s due date!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Old Wives Tales
Monday evening-
After work I did the dishes before Spencer came home. Then we went to Smith’s to get a few groceries and some other things. Then I made some goulash for dinner and we watched Dirty Jobs. Then we started on a puzzle that we’ve had for awhile. Later we went out to see Trader Joe’s new store and to go to 7 eleven. There have been advertising about these two new slurpee flavors at 7 eleven and even though it was cold outside I wanted one. So we went to one of the 7 eleven’s close to us. On their machines there are the advertising for those flavors and guess what they don’t have either of those flavors. So I went up to one of the workers and asked when they will have those flavors and he goes whenever the manager decides to order some. Which okay I understand that but don’t advertise for something you don’t even have right now. I almost wanted to add I’m pregnant and it’s never good to not give pregnant women want they want. But he really didn’t seem to be in a caring mood. When we got home Spencer wrote a complaint about that store. Now if we ever pass other 7 eleven’s we might stop in to see if they have the flavor because I want one!
Then we just watched Psych on Netflix which always makes me laugh and then got ready for bed.
This morning I got up and ate my breakfast while watching some Bones episodes, which I’m now pretty much done watching. Then just killed some time before work. I should have taken a short nap before but oh well. At work we have a few more things to do but not too much. I’m just feeling kind of sleepy. Tomorrow I need to go to get our serpentine belt fixed in the car, now if I can drag myself out of bed to do so. Now we got most of our Christmas cards sent out so yay! And just eating some lunch at my desk while killing some time.
After work we will probably just make some Christmas treats for our neighbors. Besides that I don’t really have any plans for the day.
I had fun doing a few old wives’s tales on finding out the gender of our baby.
1. 7 out of 9 Chinese gender charts I found said I was having a girl
2. I like sweets more than sours which means I’m having a girl
3. We did the ring test and I think it was spinning from my point of view so that means we are having a girl
4. We did the drain o test and my urine didn’t change color so that means we are having a girl.
5. I’ve said this before but the v shaped vein in your eye; Mallorie said left eye meant boy but I read online left eye means girl
6. I’ve found the fetal heartbeat things and they all say boy even though everyone on Facebook says that bpm meant girl.
Now these could be all wrong and then I will be thinking it’s going to be a girl and then they will just throw me off by saying the opposite. I am totally fine with having either a boy or girl but it’s killing me because we are SOO close to finding out. I feel like being pregnant will be more real to me once we know the gender. It’s just kind of crazy!
7 days until Christmas!
15 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
165 days until Squirt’s due date!
Monday, December 17, 2012
16 Weeks- Avocado
Friday evening-
After work we went to the store to get ingredients for some treats and dinner. We got some movies from Redbox, People like us & October Baby. We watched People like us… it wasn’t bad but they could of done without a
It was a pretty good morning until I took a shower. (read in my pregnancy section). Basically I almost fainted and I did NOT like the feeling. Spencer cleaned the house while I slept a little and tried to feel better. We later went to Target to return an item. We watched October Baby, it was pretty darn good. A little cheesy in a few parts but for the most part it’s a really good story line. I wanted a burrito and had a few bites of Spencer’s and it tasted really good. But I wasn’t starving and the movie was so good but then I pulled myself off the couch and decided to make one of the last burritos. It looked SO good and I took one bite and had to go throw up because it had been so long since I ate. And I have to give myself time after I get sick or then I throw up what I ate all over ago. SO the burrito went to waste and it was SO sad. I should of eaten it earlier =[ TEAR!!! Then Spencer went to a movie with Andrew and I watched some Bones while I got a few Christmas cards ready to send out. Then I shaved my legs and painted my toe nails! =]
A pretty good morning but we were running late. We made it to church just in time. We found out Cheryl that I was in nursery with in the 1st ward has now been called to nursery in this ward with me too. Lol It will be nice to have someone else I know in there though. Off to nursery we went, there were maybe 12 kids today. They all were fairly good today. Little Theo pretty much followed me around today and wanted me to sit by him wherever he was. It was super cute. We had a few kids that had a rough time but they seemed to calm down after awhile. After church we then headed home to eat a little something. When we got to Jessica’s we wrote another blog post for OUR blog! Then Jerimiah just kind of played around and did some airplanes and things. He played by himself pretty well today. Then we had some yummy spaghetti for dinner and finished up our laundry. When we got home we watched some Christmas shows on Netflix while playing Uno & Yahtzee. Then before you know it it’s time for bed.
I slept in a little bit this morning and then got myself up. I didn’t look at the clock and watched some Bones episodes while looking up a few things on my phone. Then I got ready for the day. Not too bad of weather outside and then I headed off to work. I learned how to do some things for when Heather will be gone around Christmas, and I just hope I do it right when she isn’t here. Then I’m just keeping myself busy today and reading up on a few more things. 16 more days until we know if Squirt is a boy or girl, I’m SO excited!!!
After work we are going to get a few things from the store and then head home to make some more Christmas treats for friends of ours. And Andrew and his girlfriend are going to come over a little later and help us. Maybe we will play some games or something!
Week 16- Squirt is the size of an Avocado! Different pregnancy app’s say different things but one said that I could start feeling Squirt move soon and being that I am smallish I could feel it sooner than some people usually do. I can’t wait! I haven’t really gotten sick, I kind of did because I was so long in between of when I ate that it didn’t like when I did put food in my stomach. Saturday I ate some breakfast and then got in the shower and I ended up almost fainting and it was terrifying. I just started to feel really nauseous, and then when I would life my arms up to rinse out my hair they felt sooo heavy. Then everything started to seem kind of blurry so I hurried and got out of the shower quick to sit down on the couch. And the cold air on my wet skin kind of helped me slowly feel better. But I did not like that feeling at ALL. It took me a LONG time to start feeling better. I just felt so weak and I googled some things and it said that maybe my blood pressure just dropped for some reason. So I’m going to keep track and if it happens again then I will call my doctor. I’ve been taking my iron pills and sometimes taking my prenatal vitamins. I KNOW I need to take them but some days it’s really hard but my baby will be fine, I’m not that worried.
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A view of my belly from my angle 1. it looks bigger than it really is 2. it depends on the shirt i wear too |
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Helping J to fly his toy, he will make a great dad |
8 days until Christmas!
16 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!!!!
166 days until Squirt’s due date!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Top 3
Thursday evening-
After work I packed up some books from our bookshelf. I read a little bit and ate some dinner. I figured out how to upload a photo I've taken once a month to National Geographic magazine/website and people can vote for a winner! =] Then I watched The X FACTOR!!! Bridget Mendler & Bruno Mars performed, loved it! And the Top 3 finalists are Carly Rose, Tate, and Fifth Harmony. They didn’t put them in 1-3 order which makes me really upset because they ALWAYS do that! So Emblem3 got sent home oh well, I believe next week is the final shows for this season. And I don’t mind if Carly Rose OR Tate win and I guess it’s okay if Fifth Harmony won’t too. Then we got lots of Christmas cards in the mail and cookies, yummy! Then Spencer came home and did the dishes before I could get to them and I wrote in my journal. Then we watched Dirty Jobs, and I now have a FAVORITE episode, it was where they breed endangered animals so there were all these CUTE baby animals I just wanted to snuggle with. It was also just a funny episode!
Oh we got a new faucet it is pretty!!! =]
A pretty decent morning, just kept myself busy with a few things here and there. I signed up for birthing classes in March, nice to have that paid and out of the way. Once I got to work I heard about the elementary school shooting that is pretty sad. My hearts go out to the parents but I’m also just trying not to think about it too much or then we will be homeschooling our kids. Then we had our work party from about 12-2pm. I was excited this year and actually talked more with the people I worked with but once again I remembered why I had hated the elephant gift type thing we do. There were like 8 things of beer/wine gifts that pretty much everyone wanted. 1. I don’t think it should be allowed EVEN if you aren’t going to drink it during work hours 2. It’s annoying to those who don’t drink and then there aren’t as cool of items for us.
Basically I was just irritated and thankful for some of those we were a little irritated with me. We thought it might be funny if next year (weather I’m here or not) they should get beer bottles or wine bottles and fill them with apple juice or martinelle’s and throw them all off. I would LAUGH my head off if they really will do that.
There should be some kind of no alcoholic drinks as exchange but because everyone drinks there besides maybe 5 of us, we are going to be out numbered every time.
Now I’m back at my desk…. Not much going on today so far. I am ready for a nap; maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that turkey for lunch.
Spencer’s last day of the semester was yesterday so yay!!!
After work we might rent a redbox or too for this weekend.
I have no plans on Saturday besides maybe organizing a few things.
Sunday is nursery and that’s about it.
A sickless week, score!
11 days until Christmas!
19 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
169 days until Squirt’s due date!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday evening-
After work we slowly made some hamburgers for dinner. Then we watched the LAST pair of kings episode on Netflix… so sad! Then it was time for the X Factor!
Tate- 1. His first song was very different, more energetic and made you want to get together with friends and go to a bonfire 2. it was his 15th anniversary with his wife and he dedicated a song to her and they are always so beautiful and full of love.
Carly Rose- 1. Her first song was amazing as always and very well done 2. it was a risky song to do “Imagine” and she played the piano a little for the song. It was beautiful as always but it would have been better if she had just stayed at the piano and one word she did with a high note and I felt it didn’t need to be a high note but I still vote for her
Emblem 3- 1. A pretty good song, Demi said they worked the stage like she wanted them to but honestly I didn’t think they really worked the stage that much but their song wasn’t bad. 2. I think they did good with the Beatles song but I just don’t care for them much like I did at the beginning of the show
Fifth Harmony- 1. Shocking and totally different performance then their usually. It was weird but it got peoples attention and vocally they did amazing 2. They didn’t do any real performance and just re did a song they had already done and at this point in the competition they needed to do something new not the same old thing. They did change some of the words to Spanish but that’s just not enough.
For sure Carly Rose, and Tate will be in the Top 3 but I am almost positive one of the groups will be going home on Thursday. Afterwards Spencer and I played Rumikub for a little while. And before you know it, it’s bed time already!
This morning I was so tired and didn’t want to get out of bed. But I needed to get ready and take the car to get the oil changed. I was at the shop for maybe an hour which wasn’t too bad. A few things wrong with the car but nothing out of the ordinary. I just sent the list to my dad and he will let me know what is important and what is not. =] Dad’s are great for that!
Then I came home and finished up a few little things and watched an episode of Bones and tried to take a little nap. Our bathroom faucet is still dripping and still no call from the landlord about the plumber. Our sinks or piping just need to be majorly fixed or something. No hot water in the bathroom is not a big deal to me, it would be if there wasn’t ANY hot water but we still have hot water everywhere else.
Now just at work killing some time here and there. Haven’t been watching a lot of shows because when I’m here for 4 days ALL day I am going to need something to watch lol
When I get home tonight I’m going to do the dishes and then get ready for the TOP 3 on The X Factor!!!
No sickness so far and I am totally okay with that! The new thing that’s been arising is now I’m starting to get more emotional. That just sucks especially when it starts to come on and I can’t stop it. I’ve pinned point some of the things that come up that make me emotional or want to breakdown and cry. Which is good because then I know what I need to avoid and most of the things are easy to avoid. I did hear once that when you are more emotional it’s because the baby is having a growth spurt =]
There are a few things I learn about pregnancy or things I’m going to try to do and I will post them here whether you agree or not is fine but keep that opinion to yourself unless you think it’s cool.
1. I learned that Obstetrics comes from the latin obstare, which means “to stand by”. That they are there in case something goes wrong but other than that it’s your birthing process.
2. I will be trying to use words other than what you normally here. I will post below the common words and what I will try to remember to use
Medicalized language Hypnobirthing language
Instead of: use:
Contraction Uterine surge or wave
Coach Birth companion
Catch the baby Receive the baby
Deliver/delivery Birth/birthing
Due date Birthing time/month
Pain or contractions Pressure/sensation/tightening
Water breaking/rupturing Membranes releasing
Birth canal Birth path
Pushing Birth breathing
Complications Special circumstances
Mucous plug Uterine seal
Bloody show Birth show
Transition Near completion/nearly complete
Effacing/dilating Thinning/opening
Fetus Pre-born/unborn baby
Primip/multip First/second time mom
Clients/patients Parents
Braxton-hicks Pre-labor warm-ups
Kegels Pelvic floor exercises
Neonate Newborn
False labor Practice labor
12 days until Christmas!
20 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
170 days until Squirt’s due date!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Birthing Classes
Tuesday evening-
After work I headed home and wrapped some presents, and watched a Jessie episode that was mashed together with Austin & Ally. Then I watched a Bones episode and read more on Hypnobirthing that I’ve decided to stop telling people about because it just brings sadness and depression so hopefully this birthing class will bring up my spirits. It was a rough night at home but we made it through and slowly got ready for bed.
This morning was a fairly good one. I slowly got up and ready for my OBGYN appointment which I explain more in the below area. On a happy note it was a different nurse today and that made my day! Then I got some information on a Hypnobirthing class I hope to take in March at LDS hospital. I think it’s a fairly good price for all that you get but I’m not expert. I think it would be a good bonding experience for Spencer and I and with the baby and would put me at some ease. Then realized our bathroom sink hot water was running at a steady small stream and wasn’t turning off. So I called my landlord and he will try to get a plumber sometime soon. I couldn’t turn off the valve because it was too tight so I got my one guy neighbor upstairs to come down and help me. Thanks’ for wonderful people like that. Then I watched a short show and headed over to work. We are stuffing folders with new updated papers and then not too much going on after that.
Tonight is The X Factor, yay!!
The doctor says I’m measuring about where I should be (uterus wise). And we talked for a little bit and heard the heartbeat so I recorded that. I’m going to try to put it on here but if it doesn’t work I can text or email it to you if you want it. 150 bmp but not going to post that info on Facebook because I don’t feel like hearing the gender based off that cuz it’s not true. Then I got some blood drawn which was slow because I was dehydrated but went fairly well and just have a little bruise. Next appointment is January 2nd @ 4:30pm and the gender should be revealed!
(The heartbeat is a mp3 type file so i don't seen any options to put one on, i should of done a video. Maybe I will do a video for the gender appointment!)
13 days until Christmas!
21 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
171 days until Squirt’s due date!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
15 weeks- Apple/Orange
Friday evening-
I’m really excited about doing Hypnobirthing but still trying to find support and people to agree with me. Because it’s hard to do something when no one believes in what you believe. But I’m working through that. Other than that Spencer and I played a few games and headed off to bed.
It started to snow this morning… brr!! We got ready for the day and cleaned up each room. Then my dad stopped by to take our Christmas picture before he headed back home. Then I headed off to DI to find some things for presents and found a cool game. When I got home Spencer and I played the trivia game and killed time before going to our ward Christmas party. There were beautiful performances and then we had a yummy ham dinner and good company. Then I met with the second counselor and got called to serve in the nursery again. Which is fine but was sad to not know a lot of women in relief society again. =[ Oh well
I had a fairly decent morning which I LOVE on Sunday’s. It was still snowing a little but we made the walk to church. This was my first Sunday back in as a nursery leader. Which I’m really sad I’m missing relief society again but I guess they put you where they need you. They have a nice little room and about 15 kids but there were only maybe 9 there. There is a couple, a leader, and me and maybe one other lady who wasn’t there. There are some really sweet kids and some crazy ones but you get that almost anywhere. I just hope I can still contribute enough even being pregnant. After church we headed out to
I took the day off work today which worked out since I got really sick in the morning/afternoon. Then once I got myself up and out the door I did a little grocery shopping. Then I filled up the car with gas. Then went to the laundry mat to do laundry. I then went home and put all the clothes away, cleaned up the house a little bit, and did the dishes. Then I made a yummy steak dinner. I was pretty proud of myself. Sadly my back hurt though with so much lifting and standing. Later I went visiting teaching for a little while and the lady and my companion seem pretty nice but man was it a chilly day.
I tried something a little different this morning eating wise and time wise. And I didn’t get sick! BAM, not sure if it really would have made a difference but I think it did. I just watched some Bones and downloaded a few cool songs on my iPod. Then I got ready for the day and headed off to work. Sense our accounts receivable guy left we now have to do a few things he usually did so we are a little busy up front here. I’m going to do it all one step at a time though. So we are just organizing a few things and catching up.
After work I plan on maybe doing a few dishes and then studying up on a few things.
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Isn't she just beautiful! |
15 weeks Squirt is the size of an apple/orange.
14 days until Christmas!
22 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
172 days until Squirt’s due date!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Jade Marie Whiteford; Top 4
Thursday evening-
After work I came home to enjoy some relaxing time. I wasn’t feeling the best so I didn’t end up doing cleaning and I’m kicking myself over it.
Then the X Factor came on and now we are down to the Top 4…. Ahh it’s crazy
1. Tate
2. Carly Rose
3. Emblem 3
4. Fifth Harmony
Cece & Diamond were sent home
I’m sad to see them go but it’s just going to happen that way some times. I think next week the bottom two will be emblem 3 & Fifth harmony. I don’t think it will be a double elimination but I could be wrong. Well hmm it still could be not sure. Kesha performed and she is weird.
Then not much happened at our home, boring nights.
I slept alright last night but around 4-730 I just wasn’t sleeping so I got up. And Stephanie had her baby. I now have a niece Jade Marie Whiteford.
Other then that exciting news I got sick again and not feeling so fantastic today but hoping I will make it through. Just wanting to cry sometimes because I hate food so much and it makes things really difficult.
I may go home if I don’t feel much better, but feel bad giving them last minute of me going home.
Not much is happening right now but hoping to prepare more for my hypnobirthing.
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Baby Jade; she is 20 inches long and weighs 6 lbs 10 oz! She arrived around 12:03pm |
Sick again… and getting headaches. I might call my OBGYN; my Wednesday appointment seems SO far away right now.
18 days until Christmas!
26 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
176 days until Squirt’s due date!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday evening-
After work we got some packing boxes from Spencer’s work and then headed home. I made Salmon patties and we watched some TV shows. Then the X Factor. Each of the 6 performed TWO songs. 1. unplugged 2. the audience picked for them. Oh and of course Simon & Demi fought ALL the time and sometimes it is so annoying but Demi is standing up to Simon and I think that’s good because not a lot of people do.
Cece- 1. She actually did fairly well unplugged I was quite surprised; she has come a long way. 2. It wasn’t a bad song choice but her vocals weren’t the best which seems to happen
Emblem3- 1. They are not good at singing solo, they do better always harmonizing. 2. Just not loving them as much as I could be, but this performance was better then the unplugged one.
Carly Rose- 1. I was worried at first with her doing the song she chose but AMAZING!!! I love the song even more because of her version “as long as you love me” by: Justin bieber 2. amazing as always, didn’t like the song people picked for her but she rocked it like always
Fifth Harmony- 1. Not their best performance, not bad but some pitchy notes. 2. it was risky doing a Demi Lovato song but the fans picked and they actually did GREAT and harmonized for once!
Diamond - 1. Oh boy what a great song pick for her, it was amazing! One of my favorites from Diamond. 2. A great song for her haha it was called Diamond but it was pretty good I thought.
Tate- 1. Not one of my favorite performances but not bad 2. Every time he sings it almost makes me cry, there is just so much emotion and love when he sings.
We had tithing settlements and got to know our Bishop a little better, then Spencer went to bed early and I did some TV watching before heading to bed.
Not too bad of a morning. I felt fairly well but then all of a sudden it all went south… I got sick twice. Sigh but oh well I will accept it and move on. Other than that I watched my Netflix shows and played my gnomevillage game. Then got ready for work and stopped by Smith’s to get me some juice… Welch’s passion fruit. Yummy
Now at work there isn’t much to say once again but man I can’t believe I’ve almost been here for two years already, and my life has changed a lot. 1. I was single and going to college 2. I got married 3. I finished college 4. Moved once or twice 5. Got pregnant and will soon have myself a little baby (then probably won’t go back to work).
It’s been a LONG two years but I’ve done it; it’s the longest I’ve ever been at a job. But just chilling at work keeping busy watching a few shows here and there.
After work it’s maybe cleaning if I feel okay and the Top 4 on The X Factor will be revealed… ahh that seem SO crazy!
Sick again, I ate breakfast a little differently so it could be that or that I didn’t get sick for two days so it was time to get sick again. Lol who knows!
19 days until Christmas!
27 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
177 days until Squirt’s due date!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Belly Buys
Tuesday evening-
After work I got some Taco Bell and watched Bones pretty much all evening. I then got some games on my phone and pretty much played for an hour or so. I caught up on my journal writing and then hung out with Spencer for a little while. Not too exciting of an evening.
This morning wasn’t too bad! I watched a few Netflix shows and ate my peanut butter toast and grapes. Today is a PERFECT day to pack up things into boxes. My work is moving buildings but probably not until April & we our moving around April but I’m reading to go now! Let’s pack up things. Anyways this morning was pretty good and I got ready and went out in the rain to get to work. Not too much going on like normal just trying to find some belly bands to order and maybe a body pillow as well. Some of these things are so expensive but I don’t want to buy them used…..
After work we have our tithing settlement and then The X Factor (which I might miss some of it but that’s okay).
=] I feel pregnant but I’m good and ready to go!
20 days until Christmas!
28 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
178 days until Squirt’s due date!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Monday evening-
Yesterday after work we went to Smith’s to get a new HDMI cable… yay!!! So now we can watch Netflix and movies again on our playstation. And we got our camcorder in the mail! Very exciting =] we played around with it and it’s pretty easy to use and it also takes pictures. I can’t wait to use it on something!
Then we watched some Dirty Jobs for a little bit and I did the dishes and we put our clothes away. Then we watched Pair of Kings while playing Phase 10 & War card games. A fairly relaxing evening.
I have to admit I haven’t written in my journal the past 4 days or so. I plan to go back today and write in the days I’ve missed. I just don’t feel like it in the morning or at night so then I keep pushing it off. This morning wasn’t too bad I felt a little sick but I realized if I drink even more and kind of keep eating I didn’t feel as sick but I’m not sure if that will always work or not. But I lucked out today and didn’t get sick. I watched Rachael Ray and Bones this morning while getting ready.
Now at work and just folding lots of papers… what fun!
Other than that I plan on reading more of my hypnobirthing book and watching the new Bones episode. And hopefully try not to feel sickish at work.
Then maybe I will take a walk when I get home from work and maybe clean up a little bit.
On a side note my friend Suki is doing a drawing of Squirt from Finding Nemo for Squirt’s room…. It looks AMAZING so far! I am super excited!
I forgot to mention this yesterday but on Sunday I had this cool sensation around my belly area but just one area. It felt cold on the inside so you couldn’t really warm it up. Not bad but just a weird feeling. Anyways didn’t get sick today! =]
21 days until Christmas!
29 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
179 days until Squirt’s due date!
Monday, December 3, 2012
14 weeks- lemon/nectarine
Friday evening-
After work I came home and looked through my journals to write down key things that happened for OUR blog. We will be posting almost every day this week for a monthly update at we missed in the past. That took up most of the day and we watched TV shows in the background. I think I also watched The Last Song.
We slowly got ready for the day. Around 11 my mom, dad, Jessica, and J came over and we waited for Mallorie, Jon, and Cache to get there. Then we headed out to Red Robin while Spencer went to hang out with Andrew. I slowly ate but once I got more food in my stomach I felt so much better but it takes me forever to eat something and I have to keep it up or then I feel terrible again. Then my mom, Jessica, Cache, J, and I went to the Zoo. It was a little chilly but not too bad outside. We saw lots of cool animals and had a pretty good time.
Once we were done they dropped me off at home and went on their way. Spencer and I decided that we might as well go to Tooele tonight until tomorrow night instead of just tomorrow. So we headed out to Tooele and did laundry and got to spend more time with Jon, Mallorie, and Cache. We had DQ cake for my mom’s birthday and she opened up presents. Cache is just a hoot sometimes. He did a robot dance for us and LOVED this glass like bird that he called Birdie Blue. I should have gotten a picture of him with it but I forgot.
Jon & Mallorie went to see Skyfall at 9:50 so Spencer and I stayed up with Cache until we put him to bed downstairs. We were sleeping upstairs and the WHOLE time I couldn’t really sleep because I was worried Cache would wake up and he would be downstairs by himself. Once I heard Jon & Mallorie come home I slowly fell asleep. Then around 3 maybe I heard Cache crying upstairs in the living room but I didn’t get up because I thought Jon or Mallorie was with him. But once I realized there was no one else there I ran out of the room and saw him standing in the living room holding a puzzle crying. It just broke my heart because he was probably scared because no one was in the living room. He must have woken up and just walked upstairs not knowing his parents were in the room next to him. So I carried him back downstairs to his parents and went back to bed. But that cry and him probably feeling so alone just broke my heart so much that I had a really hard time going back to sleep. Ugh it’s going to suck feeling like this ALL the time when I’m a mom. My heart feels broken just thinking about him crying all alone. =[
I eventually fell asleep and it was SO windy out that maybe around 430 or 5 there was LOUD clanking outside that was hard to sleep through. But eventually I fell back asleep and my alarm went off at 630….
To say the least I didn’t sleep so great but sometimes that happens. Spencer and I slowly got up and ready for church. We sadly sad our goodbyes to Cache, Jon, and Mallorie as we headed to church. My dad announced in his testimony that Spencer and I were having a baby so later after church a few people came up and talked with me. And we told people how we were planning on moving out to Tooele around April-June. The relief society lesson was beautiful and I will admit I almost cried which doesn’t happen a lot in lessons for me. After church Spencer and I went home to eat and watch Sparkle. Not too bad of a movie but I mostly just LOVED the ending. Then we finally decided to write a blog for March on OUR blog and so each day we will post one about a month or two that we never updated about. Then we had yummy pizza bread and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mother! Later we folded laundry and then watched the Christmas devotional. Then Spencer and I headed home to
I slept pretty darn well last night and woke up to eat some grapes. I watched some of Bones but then our HDMI cable did its weird thing again and I tried to fix it but I might have made it worse. So I can’t watch Netflix anymore until we get a new cable. So I watched some TV shows and slowly got ready. Of course when I was almost ready I threw up all my food…. Ugh! Once I was done I finished packing snacks and headed off to work. Here there once again isn’t anything going on so just updating my blog and going about my normal day…. Oops which reminds me I forgot to bring my books to read, oh well.
After work the dishes NEED to be done but there is a smell so hopefully Spencer will do it for me…. Unless I feel better. I left scentsy plug-in on so it wouldn’t smell when I got home. Can’t believe it’s already December, time sure is flying right by.
Still getting sick, and feeling more pregnancy symptoms now that I was supposed to feel in my first trimester. After my doctor’s appointment on the 12th if things aren’t better I might ask for a medicine even though I never wanted to have to ask that. So I’m thinking my second trimester won’t be the best trimester for me. Oh well such is life. According to the eye myth online I’m having a girl but Mallorie my sister-in-law heard it the other way so I’d be having a boy. I’m just ready for the 2nd of January to finally just know.
Not the best picture, our house doesn't have a lot of light but you can kind of see my bump. Start of Month 4 |
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Peacock at the Zoo |
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Elephant at the Zoo, could be an AMAZING picture but cords and fences are ALWAYS in the way |
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Cute picture of J, Cache, and Jess on the Rhino |
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Looking like he is in charge or on guard duty |
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This is called a Sandy Cat... I want one he looks SOOO cute. He looks like garfield |
22 days until Christmas!
30 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
180 days until Squirt’s due date!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Top 6
Thursday evening-
After work I watched some Bones episodes and got ready for The X Factor.
Paige Thomas got sent home right away which is sad because for once she did an AMAZING performance. Then it was between Vino & Diamond and I knew 2 people didn’t like Vino (out of the judges) so I was pretty sure he was going home. I feel terrible but I was super excited when he got sent home.
I am alright with how it all turned out. It’s getting pretty intense because I don’t HATE any of them really. So it’s hard to even have an opinion now because I will be sad if almost anyone goes home. Cece isn’t my favorite but that’s Demi’s last person and I would hate to see Demi have no one up there.
Alicia Key’s sang her song “Girl is on fire”, such a great song! And she did an amazing performance. Then Spencer came home and we watched Dirty Jobs while I wrote down a few things we can write into OUR blog once we get a chance.
Then I felt a little sick… ugh and slowly got ready for bed. Oh I got a blessing and I remember a few things but for once I can’t remember enough and I’m just too tired and blah to write about it. sorry
I didn’t feel really bad this morning but I drank a glass of water and 5 pieces maybe of cereal and threw it up an hour later. Then got ready for the day and before I needed to leave for work I got sick again. Sigh
I was tempting to call in because when I get sick twice sometimes I feel terrible through the whole day but I didn’t. Right now I’m just going to try to drink liquids and hope to keep them down and eventually eat some food as well. This just really sucks!
It’s Friday and not much at all is going on so I’m going to look in some past journals and do a few things. Then go home and write our blog entry finally and buy presents.
Saturday probably going to hang out with Jessica, my mom, cache, and J. Then go to a nickel arcade with Spencer, Andrew, and his girlfriend.
Sunday is my mom’s birthday so we will go out to Tooele for a little while.
Got sick twice this morning so I’m probably going to be sick more in my second trimester. I could be wrong but blah! I know Squirt is probably fine but I just worry that if I get sick a lot how much food is Squirt actually getting from me?
25 days until Christmas!
33 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
183 days until Squirt’s due date!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Cracked the code
Wednesday evening-
After work we came home and had some dinner. Then we watched some Dirty Jobs until The X Factor. Spencer did some homework and cleaned the kitchen while my show was on. So The X Factor was interesting, there was a premier of Britney & Will.I.Am’s new music video…. It was weird. Simon was SO rude to Demi like always, I love when she throws things back at him but sometimes I wish she would just hit him because he is such a jerk especially to Demi. Now for the updates on the performances
Paige: She went against Demi’s advice of just standing and singing. But Demi worked with her and they came up with an amazing performance. I don’t LOVE Paige but she did SO good and really showed who she is. She also didn’t mess up on any notes!
CeCe: She didn’t mess up on any notes either which gives her bumps up in my opinion. Only her performance was WAY over the top and that killed part of it for me.
Carly Rose: Beautifully sung as always, some notes were iffy she changed a BIG song but I think it turned out amazing
Diamond: She didn’t stick with a ballad which she is really good at. She did an up beat move around song… She didn’t do badly but when she does that she messes up on notes in my opinion. It’s too much to do at once for her.
Tate: He did more of an up beat song and he didn’t hit the notes amazing like with love country songs BUT he was energetic and loveable on stage like always. Simon didn’t like his dancing but I thought it was kind of fun
Vino: He sang good like usual in his own sort of way. The thing that Demi points out is that it’s the same thing every time. And he sings in the same position and the same stuff.
Emblem3: They do the same thing to, an upbeat song and are always singing together. So they threw out we can play instruments and we have our own songs. I think if they did that and Simon let them that they could have the audience fall even more in love with them. It would be more them and that’s how they won mine and Demi’s heart when they auditioned they sang an original song and it was great!
Fifth Harmony: One of the girl’s grandparent’s past away so they had a rough time but picked a good song for that moment. Stronger By: Kelly Clarkson, they did beautifully but once again they kind of all sing the melody instead of harmonizing and singing their own parts. And they just stand there and don’t really do too much of anything. So you are sitting there watching people just singing it’s awkward.
Then afterwards Spencer and I played War with the cards and ate some snacks while listening to some music.
This morning I felt a little sickish but once I slowly got food in my stomach and breathed I started feeling better. Also just praying because you need as much of God’s help as you can get some days. Then I got up and hurried to get ready for work. Our camcorder should arrive on Monday but hopefully by Saturday that would be AWESOME!
I finally cracked the security question for OUR blog so now we have a password I can remember lol That was driving me bonkers! That brightened my day some more!
Then just chilling at work nothing spectacular. There are some new shows on Hulu and a few other things I’m working on.
After work it’s another DOUBLE elimination for the X factor and at this point almost anyone could go home and I have no idea who it might be. There is one or two I want sent home but other than that it doesn’t mean
Other than that there really isn’t anything planned for me this evening.
My teeth are SUPER sensitive today which is weird. I know its part of pregnancy but I though by taking my medication toothpaste it wouldn’t be so bad. Cold really hurts and gummy things.
26 days until Christmas!
34 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
184 days until Squirt’s due date!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday evening-
After work we headed over to Subway to eat a quick dinner. Then we went to the
I had a dream that I got to meet Demi Lovato for the first time and that she was really nice and just sat and talked with me. We talked like we were old friends, too bad that will never happen in real life. Not too bad off a morning but I was struggling to put food in my stomach which was kind of unusual. I watched a few Bones episodes and figured out some more bill situations. I also watched some Rachael Ray on TV. Then I was getting ready and started not to feel so well and tada I got sick. Ugh
I was a little late for work but I made it and once again much isn’t happening. Supposably I sent out a certain piece of mail wrong but someone miscommunitcated to me so it really wasn’t my fault. But of course that person will always find someone else to blame but if they give me a bad review in January because of that I’m going to be very upset.
I just plan on watching some shows and reading a few things.
After work I plan on cleaning the house up a little and then watching the X Factor!!!
I got sick this morning… it has been about 3 weeks since I last got sick. It was just terrible and I now have red spots around my eyes (not on my eyes) so I might have burst some blood vessels but maybe not. Ugh but I do feel a little better now that it’s all over. But I was enjoying not getting sick. I’ve realized that I used to LOVE bread so much but now yuck it is gross to me even the smell. This is a very sad moment for me.
27 days until Christmas!
35 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
185 days until Squirt’s due date!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday evening-
What a LONG workday but not too much happened. Spencer and I plan on moving out to Tooele around April-June and staying with my parents for a little while until we find a house that we like. I’m super excited and hope everything works out. =] On my way home I stopped by Smith’s to get some lasagna for dinner. My phone was acting funny which was really frustrating. We watched some Dirty Job’s while we ate some dinner and had a relaxing evening. Later I watched The Blind Side, what a sweet movie and ate some food before heading off to bed.
I woke up this morning and watched some Bones episodes and later some Rachel Ray! I ate some breakfast and got ready for the day. It’s not too cold outside which is nice. Once I got to work there wasn’t too much going on. I did listen to some Taylor Swift songs while driving to work =]
After work Spencer and I are going to the temple for Grandpa Peacock’s wedding this evening! It will be really nice. Then we will be going to Costco to get a few things. Then maybe work on a few things.
So far I don’t really crave too much but what I have noticed is that I LOVE perfume smells, they smell sooo good and I’ve just fallen in love with almost every scent. Also I’m slowly not HATING food which is super nice because I would like to eat more food to keep my body full of energy and give nutrition to sweet little Squirt. It’s funny how much difference a day can make when you’re pregnant. And a bump is coming out. I will soon take a picture of the beginning of Month 4 so that you can see =] (I take pictures by month instead of weeks because that’s just too much for me even though I’d love to do that)
28 days until Christmas!
36 days until Squirt’s gender is reveled!
186 days until Squirt’s due date!
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