Sunday, April 24, 2011

Painful Weekend

Saturday morning I woke up sick. One minute I felt like I needed to throw up and the next I was fine. I had to work at The Lion House though. It's weird how when my family leaves thats when I seem to get sick in some weird way. I got ready and and went off to work but just felt like crap. As the day went on I was getting pains in my chest. Jordan, who I was working with let me leave early to go home. I went to Spencers to relax for a few. The pain came a little more frequently and more painful so I decided to ask for a healing blessing. One I am very grateful to have a man my future husband in my life that can bless me in my time of need. It's been awhile since i've needed a sick blessing. In my head its usually to say what you need to do to get better and what you'll learn. But this one told me a lot more then I was ever expected.
* You will travel home safely, and get the things done that you need to. You will get a good nights sleep and relax tomorrow. You need to use the atonement in your life and let go of your burdens. You are living with your family to learn how to take care of a home/family. (like usually these weren't the exact words but it meant the same thing to me) As Spencer added he felt that my mother would help teach me how to take care of a home and cook and clean for a family.
Wow its crazy how my blessings are so much different now that I am engaged to be married instead of being single.
I did get home safely but the pain was getting to be too much. I went to Urgent Care and my doctor was confused to what it could be. Also whenever I burped my throat would burn some. I told him well I am an unsual person. So we decided on something for my esphougus. I couldnt get anything until tomorrow because all the perscription places were closed...LAME!
I went to bed at ten, and struggled to sleep well, I tossed and turned. I woke up around 3 in such agony of pain. I can't describe to you how I felt. It hurt so much and now it was going into my back. I knelt and pleaded to Heavenly Father to help take the pain away. I didn't know what else to do. Within a few moments the pain in my chest slowly went numb and I fell asleep for 2-3 more hours. I woke up in LOTS of pain but he comforted me in a time of stress/pain.
I went to get the medicine at 9am and took some, it doesn't seem to be helping much but as the day as gone on it comes and goes. I fell asleep on the floor and woke up and didn't have pain for awhile. I feel best when I curl up in a ball lol
I was talking to Spencer saying how I was still in pain and I didn't understand why. A blessing doesn't always cure the problem. The trials and pains we go through are to strengthen us in someway or another. Now I may not know why I am going through this pain and when it will completely go away. (I kind of think it might be my gallbladder, but I chugged 3 bottles of water, ate soup, and crackers and feel a little better)
It brings me to think of Easter which is today and what Christ suffered for us. He bleed out of EVERY pore for us: our sins, our pains, our afflictions, and more. The pain I feel is NOTHING compared to what he had to go through for us. I can only imagine, and even then thats difficult. Even though I was alone this Easter, I still knew that I was surrounded by loved ones: my mom texted and made sure I was okay, Suki did, Channelle did, Spencer did, and Sister Beagley even checked up on me. It gave me time to relax and see what I was grateful for.
Now am I glad that I went through this pain... right now not so much because it hurts and all I want his someone to hold me BUT I know there are times when people can't make it but that God is watching over me. He doesn't give us any trial we can't overcome. I will overcome this whatever it may be.
When I turned on the TV Sunday General Conference was on and the PERFECT talk came on that went with my situation By: Paul V. Johnson "More than conquerors through Him that loved us." Here are some quotes:
After time we see marvelous blessings on the heels of great trials.

Elder Orson F. Whitney said: "No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. . . . All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable. . . . It is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire."

Then I also heard this from Uchtdorf:"Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words." -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Oh sweet the joy this sentence gives, I know that My Redeemer Lives!" =]
I am thankful everyday for the atonement and the helping hand it gives us in our mistakes.
I love this gospel more than anything in the entire world. It gives me strength in knowing there is a reason we are here. There is a plan. I love God so very much and know he is there helping me through my pains and struggles if I just take His hand. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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