I am trying to find a way to lay out everything nicely without it being overwhelming and also hoping i don't forget anything. lol This is what happens when you don't blog everyday. I need to get better at that.
Yesterday morning I was listening to the radio on my way to work. They told a story about a 9 year old boy who saved his little sisters life. I want to say she was two, she was floating in the water. His Grandma was freaking out but he calmly took her and gave her CPR. It saved her life. God always says be like little children. I think we let all the crazy world stuff get to us and so we freak out. But we will be okay, things happen for a reason. Just stay calm and take charge of the situation with no freak outs. I am simply amazed at that little boy.
Lately at work we've been getting people in for interviews because we are hiring in three different postions. It's interesting to be the one on the other side of the glass "literally". To have a job and to see all the men's faces that come in to try to get a job. Who knows how long they've been without a job. They all come in with their best face on and talk to you and to show they can want to be a part of this business. I became said because it reminded me about how my dad had to go through this process LOTS of times, interview after interview. What courage it took him to put a face on and rememeber he was something. How many of these men have a family to raise, and feels terrible for not being able to support them. It breaks my heart when I see them come in and think they might not even get this job. I give them kudos for sticking with it and trying anyways. My dad is amazing and all those interviews got him to where his job is now. =] He is a wonderful father and I hope he knows I love him for all his faults and strengths!
My ankle still is hurting, joy! I was talking to my good old friend David and decided to go get it checked out. You can never be too sorry. I got an x ray and the doctor said it was just a deep bruise. It would take 4-5 weeks to heal. OH JOY, which means I have about 2 weeks left, it better be healed by then. I am tired of wearing sandels cuz I can't wear closed back shoes. I miss my converse.... BUT if we think about the positive my boss said that the last time someone got hit by the cart it cut her achilles tendion or something liek that and she had to have surgery. So a deep bruise really is nothing. But curse those stupid carts! lol
A few days ago I went to go retry on my wedding dress! They made a mistake that was an easy fix but man I love it more the second time, I am so excited!! My dear friend Bonnie came with me to keep me company. It was an adventure, and my sister Stephanie came to help and see it =] I have decided had if Bonnie ever marrys her now boyfriend that them and Spencer and I would be the couples that went on dates together, our kids were best friends, and just all that stuff. I could see us being the couples that hung out together. (Never told you that did I Bonnie lol)
As I've told you before I moved back in with my family. Which not a lot of people would be happy about but I am estatic! The past 1 1/2 year that i've been living on my own (but seeing my family every now and then) i've grown a deeper love for my family. I can't even describe it. But I love them SO much and would do anything I could for them. I never want to leave their sides honestly. So when they left me for Iowa I felt a little empty inside. I miss my family there as well and it hurts to know that some of my grandparents might past away soon and I won't get to see them before it happens. BUT on a positive note it means that I wont' see them at their worse, I will only remember them at their best =] I hope my family gets there and back safetly. I care very much for them!
Because I have a better routine and need to be home at a good time every night because of my long commute. I have been better at working out. TURBOFIRE!!! It is beating my butt a bit but I can honestly say I haven't eaten that much bad food, and if I have some its small doses. To be honest I can barely finish a whole meal sitting in front of me because my stomach has shrunk. It's nice and frustrating at the same time! Most the time I don't crave that many sweets either, makes me want to throw up when I think about them sometimes. I really want to be at my healthiest. I want my body to feel good. I want to drink 8 glasses of water, but I don't want to have to pee every 30 minutes.
The one bad thing about living far away from my job is the commute. I LOVE driving but I honestly did not think this was going to be so hard on my body. I am EXHAUSTED ALL the time now. I am hoping it will get easier but you never know. Just 105 days until I am married, but then we still live in Tooele for about 2 weeks more after that.. Were almost to the 100 mark =] Woot Woot!
I realized also that I love Suki more when I am not living with her. They really say don't live with your best friends =] Not that it was bad living together BUT I realized that I care more for her when I don't see her every single day then when I did. I can really listen to her and care more now. I had a great dinner with her tonight =] I sure will miss her in Peru, but she will do awesome!!
I feel different idk how to explain it just that I feel more grown up even though I live with my parents. They are not helping me pay fo rthing sjust the occasional wedding stuff. Its scary being up high like this but it also feels nice. I am half way in two categories. The awkard stage. Accordingly to paper work you're single but according to the ring on your left hand ring finger your engaged. You're almost married but your still kind of single in a way. It's hard but its a great experience.
Suki did our engagment pictures and they just look amazing. Let me post one of my favorites for you =]
Just amazing, shows the happiness =] And the fact that we almost fell over on Suki HAHA
I believe this is all I wanted to add for the moment. Can't wait for the future and to not be alone in this house...a week left. Come back parents of mine.
NEXT blog is going to be about the cell phones i've had through out the years, I thought it would be fun to see how they've changed.... I just have to remember all their names. lol
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