Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Book Club

I’ve decided I love reading books! I used to before but then school became my life and I never had time. Well now I’ve been making time and remembering how much fun I have doing so. It’s like being lazy but your mind is working overtime to create all these images =]
I get SO into most of my books that I want to talk to people about them and discuss. I’ve decided that I want to have a book club =]
Any of you want to join me? I have the summer off from school so I’ll have a little bit more time to read.
My latest books that I’d love to discuss with some people:

After By: Amy Efaw
The five love languages By: Gary Chapman

I’ve read TONS of books in my life and you don’t have to buy the books we read, we can just check them out at the library. It would just be nice to have a little book club….
Let me know if any of you are interesting, or if you know someone that might be!
I sure hope this can work out =]

Yeah!! I am just so excited, I might even do a book club just myself if I need to.
ASAP text me or email me or facebook me

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