Wednesday, December 16, 2015


I've never been huge into goal making, I don't have anything against them. I would write goals down but never break them up and really focus on them.
I figured to get far especially in fitness i'm going to need to really set my goals and break them down. So i'm a little early for posting my new years goals but that's ultimately what these are going to be.

First it will be my main goal and then broken in to pieces to help achieve those goals or what to do to make them happen.

Fitness: Keep working out 4-5 days a week

-Weights: Right now depending on the area i'm working out I can do 5-10 lbs of lifts for arms. I would like to work on my arms about 2 times a week at least and keeping pushing it and go up to 15lbs as my lightest weight if possible. Legs i'm not sure yet haven't worked those besides with cardio so I will think on it.

-Running: My main goal for this is to run a 5k eventually so work on slowly keeping my pace and adding more time or speeding up time to get to a 5k. Then in the spring I plan to run outside on occasions. Right now in 30 mins I can do about 2 miles give or take depending on the day.

Health: Make a meal plan for ALL my meals and snacks so I don't just pick random things to eat because i'm bored or don't know what to make myself, Make a meal prep day to help with the meal planning and food shopping list.

-Water: at least 4 of my big glasses and more after or during work out

-Food: More fruits and veggies and less treats, maybe at least 1 treat a day. Mostly I need to eat more food in sounds weird to those that like food but this one is going to be tough for me. But with a meal plan might make it a lot easier.

Spiritual: Try to really focus on the Spirit through out the day and help those in need. With scriptures and prayer I really need to get up at a certain time every day so maybe 6:30am or 7:00am (test both out) so I have time to do these things before the boys wake up.

-Scriptures: Read a chapter of the scriptures a day and ponder it.

-Prayer: Meaningful prayers morning and night not just quick prayers with not much thought to them.

Family: Be together as much as we can. Really focus on the best parts of them. And always be loving and caring towards them. We are doing great at scripture and prayer time in the evening together so we are going to keep on this and then work a little better at Family Home Evening together.

-Couple goals: Still want to keep up with at least 1 day night a month but be more understanding and caring and do better at making lunches for Spencer =]

-Children goals: Jackson moving in to Isaacs room and Isaac potty training

Financial: I want to open a savings account soon and add maybe at least $10-20 every month first and add more later. Be better at grocery's and what to buy when and what store will give me the best deal.

Cleaning: I need to set certain days to focus on certain cleaning tasks so that I don't keep pushing everything until Saturday because I didn't know when or what to do.

These are a lot of goals so right now I will probably work on a few until they become a better routine and then add more =]

NEVER GIVE UP! I'm going to post quotes around the house I think too.

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