Friday, June 28, 2013

New Mother's

No one every tells you the bad stuff about having a baby besides that you will lose sleep.
I'm here to say a few things on the matter. You are going to cry maybe not right away like I did and its going to take more then a few weeks to feel like you are okay
You will probably have.moments where you don't like your baby
And you won't want to leave them to just cry but sometimes you have to
Your going to feel like a terrible mother provably.more than once
This is all normal and it doesn't make you a bad mother, it makes you a normal mom but you just never hear moms talk about it.
I thought maybe I was doing a good job because people never told me how hard it would be even with a spouse
We have our good and our bad days.
It just takes time. Some people master it faster then others and thats okay, just take your time. And sleep is very important but so is getrig a few things done here ans there. It makes you feel like you did accomplished something and I know a clean space with no clutter made me feel better.
As long as you fed them, burped them, changed there diaper and cuddled or rocked them that's all you can do. But also know sometimes fussiness means something.
Some people will say babies are just fussy and yes but also sometimes it means they aren't feeling good which could be anything really. Listen to your gut, if some of these things aren't working for Isaac I'm going to make an appointment.
One thing that tells me I'm a good mom is that I get sad and upset when he is sad which tells me I care about him and want him to feel good.
Yeah I've gotten frustrated tons of times and felt like a terrible mother even though I didn't do anything wrong. You just love and comdort them the best you can but know its okay to give them to someone so you can take care of yourself. If you don't sleep, eat, or take a break then you aren't going to be 100% to take care of your baby. They sure so require a lot of attention.
Babies come out loving you 100% and they know you are doing the best you can since they can't always tell us what is wrong with them.
It took me a little while to ask for help and when I tried to find people I got a lot of no I can't today or right now and it didn't help my situation but don't give up "this too shall pass" or you will find someone it just takes time and patience.
I'm forever grateful for those who have helped and even if you were one that couldn't at that moment I know you would of if you could.
One thing I find funny and frustrating is that when I did give him to people to watch he never cried for them. I felt like no one believed me that he was a fussy baby. And was mad that I got all the screaming and crying and they got all the good moments.
If you have a spouse talk to them about your feelings. I haven't really said everything I've felt yet and I probably should. I know it will really help.
Also don't be a super mom, I always felt like I should be the one that gets up or stays up with him at night but you and your spouse are a team so you should take turns if you can. Just cuz I'm the mom doesn't mean I am the only one that needs to take care of him. And Spencer is pretty darn good at helping me and sometimes I feel bad cuz he has to go to work and he needs sleep to keep up at work.
Man this was a lot of babble but today I realized not many talk about the hard things. I've known a few new moms and haven't heard much about their hard times and I thought I was the only one that was having a hard time. But once I did say a few things other mothers said they had felt that way too.
We just had another hard day today and it took awhile to be okay. And I can't wait for my patents to be home tomorrow. Just knowing that others are here if I need them helps even if I don't ask them for help.

I have good times with my baby so please don't think it's all bad. I just know people don't always talk about the bad moment's in being a new mom. But sometime I will get around to posting all the happy things!

On a random happy note Kelly Clarkson is now following me on Twitter and is putting our wedding picture in her lyric video for her song "tie it up", can't wait until it comes out so everyone can see it! =]

Now some cute pictures of course!! He will be 4 weeks on Monday!!!! Hopefully should be getting the newborn pictures from Laura soon =]

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